
One piece: Sekai Saikyo (Strongest in the world)

Yukihara Sato, A young man living in a modern world, Died in his sleep. After Dying, He woke up in a familiar world in an unfamiliar body, A world he knew all too well. The One piece world, A world with many wonderful and wacky phenomenons, one where people and creatures exist that could wipe out entire cities within seconds, a cruel world filled with murderers and hypocrites. Now Transmigrated into the body of a child with all his memories and knowledge of the future intact, Will he survive? Will he ever get strong enough to stand atop this world? Will he live to experience happiness? This is his conquest, His Quest to be the Strongest. {Warning!!! The story is a bit dark and gruesome at the start, Stroud has a lot of Blood and Gore.}

Aces_BigDaddy · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Gray Justice

Erik, Corazon and Law finally arrived at the port town of Bisko, it was a beautiful town, the streets were bustling and people were walking around with smiles dawning their faces. If any place could be called peaceful, it would be this town.

"Let's go report to Sengoku-San first, I lost my DenDen mushi While invading the Barrel pirates." Rosinante said as he led law and Erik to the marine base of Bisko, the marine base was fairly large for a marine base, Covering one tenth of the actual island, it was situated on the western coast of the Island.

"You have worked undercover for most of your marine missions, Will they recognise you?" Erik asked, Corazon shook his head as he pulled out a cigarette he recently bought from the town, he was out of cigarettes for the trip from minion island to Bisco island. What an addict.

"They won't recognise me by my face but that's what IDs are for, They will look at my ID and make a call to HQ to verify it." Corazon said as he blew out a plume of smoke, Erik waved his hand to not inhale smoke. Erik asked a stupid question, of course they would have IDs.

"Here it is, Marine Branch 176." Rosinante said as they got closer to the gate of the base.

"State your purpose." The marines said as they pointed their gun's at Corazon, Corazon took a puff of smoke from his cigarette before taking out his marine ID.

"Commander Donquixote Rosinante, Marine 01746." Rosinante handed the ID to the Marine Guard, Who looked at it and went inside.

"Are we allowed to go inside?" Law asked, Corazon threw his cigarette away. Erik looked like he was wondering the same thing.

"You will be allowed, Don't cause trouble and you will be okay." Rosinante said. A few minutes passed as the same marine guard came running towards them and handed the ID to Rosinante.

"Commander Rosinante, Sir!" The marine saluted Rosinante who nodded in appreciation. They were allowed entry and arrived at the marine base.

"Commander Rosinante." The Captain of the base came to Rosinante, who was walking towards the main hall of the marine base.

"Sir!" Corazon saluted the captain. The ranks of marines start at Seaman Recruit, Chief petty officer, Junior commander, Commander, Captain and so on. Which means that Corazon is a Rank below the captain In front of him.

Rosinante then gave a detailed report on what happened in minion island, Hoe they entered the island, what they did there, How they left the island. Leaving out a few parts here and there, Small things such as the revelation of Law and Erik being part of Doffy's crew and D. Clan, He Didn't mention that Law ate the Ope Ope no mi either.

"I wish to talk to Fleet admiral Sengoku-San, Captain." Rosinante said as the captain brought a denden mushi. Rosinante quickly dialed the number of Sengoku and the captain of the Marine base left the room.

"Hello, Sengoku-San!" Rosinante said as he held the den den mushi in his hands, Lae and Erik were by his side listening to the conversation.

"Rosinante? You moron, Why did you lie to me?" Sengoku shouted through the Den Den mushi, Rosinante put his ear away from the Den Den Mushi as Sengoku shouted in his ear. Erik and law visibly flinched as Sengoku spoke in a loud voice.

"I am sorry. It was for Law, The White Lead disease had almost killed him." Rosinante said as the voice of someone sighing from the Den Den Mushi could be heard. Sengoku pinched the bridge of his nose on the other side of the phone.

"I understand what you are trying to say but You could have died. I received a report from Tsuru a few days ago, Why didn't you call me sooner. Diez would have given the Ope Ope no mi to Tsuru anyways and Law's Disease could have been cured." Sengoku told Rosinante.

"I lost my den den mushi while in a battle with a. Barell pirates Trying to get the Devil fruit, They were plotting to sell the Ope Ope no mi, They were Swayed by Doflamingo's offer." Rosinante said.

"That Moron! You shouldn't have rushed in without forethought." Sengoku said with anger present in his voice. Diez Barell was a secret member of the sword division that Sengoku operated, They were hand picked by Sengoku and had earned his complete trust.

"Don't fret Sengoku-San, I managed to safely escape with the fruit and gave it to law, The kid that delivered the report to Tsuru-San was the one to save me." Rosinante said with a smile as he looked at the kids on either sides of his.

"Then did Law cure his poisoning?" Sengoku asked.

"He Managed to cure himself with the help of the other kid, His name is William Erik, He is standing besides me with law." Rosinante said with a smile as he looked at law and Erik.

"Wonderful!! Hand the Den Den Mushi to the kid." Sengoku said with a cheerful voice.

"Hello, Sengoku-San." Erik spoke in the DenDen mushi.

"Are you William Erik?" Sengoku asked.

"I am Indeed." Erik replied.

"If that's the case then First I would Like to thank you For saving Rosinante, I raised him since he was Just a small kid, and Second, Did you hand Rosinante's report to Tsuru?" Sengoku thanked the boy and asked him a question.

"Yeah I Gave it to a commander on her ship." Erik said to Sengoku.

"Wahaha, Erik, You amaze me. I could only wish there were younglings in the marines just like you. Do you have any dreams kid?" Sengoku asked.

"My dream? I have one. To be the strongest, So that I Never have to suffer again." Erik answered with a serious voice, The pressure in the area seemed to increase as he talked about his dream.

"An admirable Dream, What justice do you believe in?" Sengoku asked Erik, Erik thought for a few seconds before answering.

"My justice? Gray Justice. There is never Black and white in this world, there is only gray, Everyone has a sense of what they define as justice but for me, There is only justice to those who have suffered injustice." Erik said to Sengoku.

"Gray Justice... You uphold a unique form of justice." Sengoku said with a smile as he continued.

"Erik and also Law, Would you like to join the marines? You can accomplish your dreams with us..."


Guys, Suprise suprise, Its a cliff hanger. Will Erik join the marines or not?

And also, Some guys were saying Erik is too strong to be able to defeat Vergo, Well I believe, Vergo at this point is around the Cheif petty officer Rank in the marines and his strength is at the level of a Rare admiral. Kt wouldn't be a far stretch for Erik to be able to defeat him since Vergo has not even reached the strength he had in punk hazard. Erik also caught Vergo off guard too, It wouldn't be a far stretch for Erik to defeat Vergo with ease.