
One Piece: Rise of The Orokin

In a harsh world on the brink of civil war where pirates run amok and navy soldiers desperately try to subdue them. Comes a man not from that world but more familiar with it then others will ever know. Aided with a system that bestowed upon him knowledge from beyond the stars. Watch how one man will reshape a well known story to how he sees fit. This is a one piece fanfic with a warframe system. [you do not have to know anything about warframe to read this story] If You like this story please consider reading my origins novel Titled - UNUSUAL WORLD, and CURSED LIBERATOR.

Loyalscum · Tranh châm biếm
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43 Chs

Such A Sweetheart Part 2

Heavy rhythmic breaths escaped Greybeard's mouth. The wounds Greybeard received from Rico were incredibly painful. It reminded him of his days back when he was just starting out his carrier as a pirate. Those were tough times terrible actually since there was no end to the amount of look alike and copycat pirates doing the exact same thing as yourself. Making it nearly impossible to stand out amongst them. But all that changed when Greybeard found a strange fruit that gave him even stranger powers.

Since that day Greybeard gained respect all throughout the east blue and struck enough fear into the marines for them to award him with a bounty of 27 million berries. To suffer such humiliation right before he was about to enter the grand line was heart wrenching. With that pain Greybeard used it to drive him forward in order to make sure Rico gets to feel an even worse pain then what he has endured. Greybeard could tell Rico was strong, hell he was sure Rico was the strongest person he has ever faced. But just because his opponent was strong didn't mean Greybeard was going to back down from this fight.

While staring down Rico across from him Greybeard acted more carefully and began to use the full might of what he has achieved with his devil fruit so far. Large strands of Greybeard's hair flowed upwards into the air and spun around at a rapid speed forming a small tornado. The hair was spinning, so fast that it actually sucked in the dust in the air and some of the trash around it. The tornado didn't expand outwards instead it contracted inwards. As the hairnado got smaller it wrapped around Greybeard in an intricate fashion. The hair wove itself into a shiny silver armor that covered all weak spots with no exceptions. It didn't matter if it was Greybeard eyes, joints, or his tender and delicate neck there were no exploitable gaps on Greybeard's body. Greybeard's new appearance looked like a knights suit of armor but a lot less bulky and streamlined in every facet.

The technique Greybeard just used is what he calls the iron chariot. Its what he developed incase he ever met a tough opponent. Iron chariot provideds Greybeard superb near impenetrable defense while also significantly enhancing his power and speed. It is the perfect blend of both offense and defense and he was going to use it to crack Rico's skull before he did the same to Ulrick.

Greybeard could feel the power that his technique brought him with just a twitch of his fingers. Ready to pummel Rico, Greybeard took a single step forward before his entire body disappeared leaving only a sonic boom in his wake. Within less then a second Greybeard had appeared next to Rico. Everyone their could not accurately keep track of Greybeard's movements except for Rico and a decent majority of his followers. Relying on sight alone when opponents move at such high speeds typically does not work. Rico had to utilize his observation haki to keep track of Greybeard.

When Greybeard reappeared Rico saw Greybeard's left fist coming straight towards his chest. Ready for it Rico coated his arms in armorment haki and crossed his arms in front of his chest to tank the blow. Rico felt as though his soul left his body for a split movement when the punch landed. The force behind it produced shock waves and almost sent Rico flying away. If Rico hadn't firmly planted his foot down cracking the pavement in the process then he would have been sent flying just like he did to Greybeard.

After tanking Greybeard's punch Rico sent out a straight left punch of his own. Rico's fist came hurtling at Greybeard's face. As Rico's fist was about to connect Greybeard's head snapped to the right allowing him to avoid the blow completely. As Rico was being drawn forward by the momentum of his own fist Greybeard swung his hips and counter punched Rico. Greybeard relished the feeling of all five knuckles slaming into Rico's cheek. Rico coated his cheek with haki allowing him to endure the blow but he was still sent back a few feet. Rico's legs were like two iron pillars even after being forcibly dragged through concrete which formed a deep long trail they didn't buckle once under the pressure.

After stabilizing himself a faint smile graced Rico's face. He was impressed by Greybeard's punch and could see that he was a bit better then the usual common trash that the east blue produces but he was still trash none the less.

"Interesting you seem to have a decent grasp of that devil fruit power you got. Your reflex, power, and speed is now good enough to give me a light workout. So, if you don't mind come keep me entertained for a bit and show me what you got".

Rico sprinted forward and ran at Greybeard with a speed nearly equal to what Greybeard just displayed. Greybeard stood in place as Rico came rushing at him and made a simple but destructive movement towards Rico. Greybeard flipped his hand to his side and clawed the air. The air between Greybeard and Rico rumbled as five powerful slashes flew towards Rico. Rico feeling the ferocious power those slashes contained dodged without hesitation. The attack continued to travel until it struck a shop near by. Five long gashes appeared on the building splitting the shop into 5 pieces. Moments latter the entire building came crashing down kicking up a blanket of dust that covered the street.

A large vein popped on Rico's forehead after what Greybeard did. One of the ways the Simoni family makes money is by collecting a protection fee from the shop owners around town. If the Simoni family can't even do the one thing they extorted money for then the family's reputation will sour. Alexander Simoni is a man that doesn't like needles violence and destruction. He preferred to build a thriving network that sees constant growth and doesn't look much towards momentary gain like most other people. That's why he moved his family out of the chaotic waters of the west blue and settled down in the east. Rico my not lose any of his limbs for his fuck up since he's Alexander Simoni's son in law but that doesn't mean he won't have to suffer any consequences for what has happened here.

"You son of a bitch your hell bent on dying today aren't you". Rico uttered with unrestrained anger in his voice.

"Me!? Your clearly the one begin to die i'm just giving you a helping hand".

From Greybeard's hand large clumps of hair reformed themselves into a long one sided war axe. Greybeard held the long handle that was as tough as woven steel fibers with both hands and swung the axe horizontally towards Rico. Rico ducked down low to were his face was almost touching the ground allowing him to avoid the large wind blade that was flying at him to pass over his head.

With an ear splitting explosion Greybeard slash cut a building clean in half sending the upper portion into the sky were it blocked the suns rays as if a testament to Greybeard's might.

If you like my story and wish to see more write a review, comments on my story because I do read all comments and give me spirit stones. I am competing again 6 other one pieces stories and i swear My story is better yet I have a hard time getting only 100 spirit stones. Show me some love to guys don't you like my book. Also very important question in the gave warframe there exist things like health restore, shield restore, and ammo restore. Were do you guys stand on me incorporating these things into the story. No keep in mind that warframes are highly advanced machines with there own personality not living people. I will put a stress limit to make those items not op.

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