
One Piece: Rise of The Orokin

In a harsh world on the brink of civil war where pirates run amok and navy soldiers desperately try to subdue them. Comes a man not from that world but more familiar with it then others will ever know. Aided with a system that bestowed upon him knowledge from beyond the stars. Watch how one man will reshape a well known story to how he sees fit. This is a one piece fanfic with a warframe system. [you do not have to know anything about warframe to read this story] If You like this story please consider reading my origins novel Titled - UNUSUAL WORLD, and CURSED LIBERATOR.

Loyalscum · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Such A Sweetheart Part 3

High in the sky the severed building that blocked the sun above came crashing down. Once it did large piles of rubble wrecked the street below. Large pits formed, buildings cracked and collapsed, but through it all neither side stopped fighting. Near the center of the battle the air shook with ever blow exchange between Rico and Greybeard. Each of their attacks were as swift as the wind and had the power of a raging fire. Their bodies appeared to be meer phantoms to all on lookers who where only able to use the meters of dispersing dust to keep track of their movements.

Ulrick looked on at this scene with complex emotions. He was one of the people that knew most of the secrets of the world but he was also new to it all as well. This fight before him and everything that lead up to it was a much needed wake up call to the incredibly dangerous reality before him.

"Monsters, their both simply inhuman monsters. Their attacks can create shockwaves basically every time. Even an once of that strength is enough to rip a human apart but their bodies and organs can take that much punishment repeatedly, yet stit still receive more. These people don't deserve to be call humans its simply ill fitting and the worst part is that there are even worse people on the grand line and the new world".

Watching something and experiencing it in person are two different things. Ulrick use to always call a character a pussy ass bitch whenever they gave up after only getting thrown through one wall until he got thrown through a wall himself. That is also why Ulrick now never takes off his sci-fi suit unless he absolutely has to. He has worn that suit under all his clothes since he got there. This experience has heavily lead Ulrick to curb his all knowing arrogant thoughts and attitude. Especially his thoughts about the east blue because while the east blue was the weakes sea that declaration was made from the views of the strong and holds little truth.

Up on a roof top a decent distance away from the fight Ulrick watched on from a safe distance. Knowing full well that he was TO WEAK to get involved. Rico and Greybeard were blurrs in Ulrick's eyes any attempt to help would get him killed and since Greybeard is wrapped in a freakishly strong armor anything short of an anti-tank rifle an item of which he doesn't have would most likely prove ineffective. In light of this Ulrick observed while two monsters fought to the death before him.

All kinds of ruble was strewn all over the floor. Large pieces of debris laid all over but Greybeard bulldozed thought everything as though it didn't exist. The explosive power Greybeard had was incredible. The floor beneath him cracked with each step and was pulverizerd into pebbles. With his long axe made of his hair Greybeard swung it around like a whirlwind. After images were left behind after every swing but Rico dodged everyone. Greybeard's devil fruit ability made him a tad faster then Rico but Rico could still keep up and because of Rico's observation haki Greybeard had the misconception that Rico was somehow faster then him. The fluid way Rico dodge and counterattacked made no sence to Greybeard it was unthinkable simply impossible, but the impossible was happening right before him, so it must be true.

With all his might Greybeard attempt to severe this truth by bringing the axe straight down on Rico. Rico didn't dodge out of the way this time instead he caught Greybeard's axe head in his bare left hand coated in haki. The axe head cracked under Rico's strong grip and shattered when Rico used the axe head as his own weapon and slammed it into Greybeard's face.

Greybeard staggered but what knocked the wind out of him was the blow that he received to his chin. That punch disoriented him a bit which was long enough for Rico to follow up with an upper cut to his chin. Greybeard was knocked off his feet and forced up into the air but before Greybeard could travel to far Rico jumped up to greet him with a punch the sent him crashing into the ground.

When Greybeard hit the ground he coughed up some blood and struggled to breath with every breath. His iron chariot armor was cracked up in a few parts but it was all being repaired fairly quickly. Moving hurts for Greybeard and Rico kneeing him in the stomach after falling down from the sky didn't help that. Rico was really pissed off because of Greybeard's wreckles destruction since he was gonna have to suffer the consequences. Wanting to minimize the damage Rico ignored his own safety to kill Greybeard quickly.

After kneeing Greybeard on the ground Rico spun around behind him and grappled Greybeard on the floor. Greybeard not expecting this struggled hard in Rico's grasp. Greybeard hardened and lengthened his hair all over his body stabbing Rico everywhere. Rico expected this would happen, so he already had his most important organs and body parts covered in haki while ignoring the rest. Full body armorment was an advanced technique that not many people in the world could do and that's including Rico. That's why Rico went for the other option.

Rico's body was littered with bloody wholes but those injuries were insignificant for someone with a physique like Rico. Blood poored out of Rico's body, yet Rico's hold on Greybeard only got tighter. Greybeard's hairs squirmed vigorously it moved around and entered Rico's ears, eye lids, even the gap between Rico's teeth. Greybeard was desperately trying to do anything to get Rico off of him because he soon found it impossible to breath as Rico firmly held onto him like a vice grip.

Greybeard's suit swelled up as he tightened and compressed the hair all around him to further increase his strength. Despite Greybeard's finnest efforts Rico's strength still somehow surpassed his own. The only world Greybeard ever knew had begun to get dark and soon after even the sound started to fade. But before it did completely a loud snap became the last thing Greybeard heared till everything faded into darkness.

Rico who was still wrapped around Greybeard look directly into Greybeard's lifeless eyes with a bit of a scowl on his face. Greybeard's head was was completely turned 180 degrees behind him. His grey-silverish hair parted like a streaming waterfall. Rico satisfied with his work pulled some of Greybeard's hair out of different parts of his body. Rico secretly wanted to hurl each time he did it because he had just realized how disgusting Greybeard's devil fruit ability was.

"Its shit like this that makes me hate devil fruit users. They always have some stupid ability that turns out to be amazing, an amazing ability that their to stupid to properly use, or just weird disgusting shit like this one".

Rico cursed the heavens and everything in between as he pulled out 50 different long strands of hair from his nose, mouth, ears and other places. After the battle was settled Rico looked around at the mess Greybeard cased and then called his goons over that were near by to give his orders.

"Search around assist any injured that were affected by the battle and tell everyone that all the damages will be covered by the Simoni Family. Oh, I almost forgot don't forgot to kill those idiots that work under this guy".

"We already did ,sir".

Immediately after that was said a few dozen dead bodies were dragged and dropped in front of Rico. Rico looked indifferent to the common trash stacked in front of him and shifted his gaze down the street because there he could see a swarm of navy soldiers rushing over. Leading the navy soldiers was a tall muscular man with messy brown hair and brown eyes. He wore an iconic white coat with blue and gold sholder straps that had the word justice printed in large kanji on the back. That man was Head Captain Miro he was in charge of the navy fort stationed on this island.

When Captain Miro showed up he walked straight to Rico and said, "what the hells going on here Rico? Did you Simoni shit stains finally get tired of pretending your benevolent to everyone and now your showing your true colors?".

"Calm your ass down Miro this is all because a few pirates thought that they were bigger shit then they actually were and as you see you I have done your job for you again, so now you can take this guys corps and turn him over to your superiors for however much credit he is worth".

Rico spoke in a low voice when he said the last part to Miro and that just reminded Miro of all messed up shit he had to do to keep the Oykot Kingdom safe. Miro was a good marine but a single good marine wasn't what the Oykot Kingdom needed. When Miro was first stationed here the Oykot Kingdom was hopeless it was a shit hole to the very end. But the surviving heir to the throne of the kingdom still wanted it rebuilt and the land reclaimed.

The navy and the world government provided aid but it wasn't enough. Pirates came every single day without end. Dampening moral as they left death in their path until they eventually turned the Oykot Kingdom into a pirate paradise. This situation continued until the Simoni family arrived and turned a pirate paradise into a thriving kingdom once more.

It was the Simoni family who saved the kingdom, controlled the pirates, brought prosperous trade though out it, and protects it in the shadows to this day. Their presence also keeps the amount of danger that the navy has been facing in the sea near the Kingdom to a minimum.

To keep the grater evil at bay Miro could only side with the lesser and avert his gaze when told.Captain Miro pretended to be unfazed by Rico words though his greatest shame pained him greatly.

"So, your trying to tell me some random pirate beat you up to such an absurd degree".

"I'm not all that injured his devil fruit just pricked my skin is all. But I will admit he did have a strong devil fruit and he developed its abilities skillfully which made the battle a bit of a pain. If he actually made it out of the east he would probably be worth 100 mill in my option".

"This guy was that strong who was he?".

"bastard said it was Greybeard".

"That scoundrel he's one of the top 4 highest bounties in the east blue and you killed him. I really shouldn't be surprised after all these years but you guys really are strong".

"Ya, whatever just hurry and get going my body is a bit sore ofter getting stabbed by hundreds of tinny needles and don't worry about the damages were covering that its our civil duty after all".

Miro didn't like like it when someone like Rico talked about civil duty but he held his tongue and got to work helping those who suffered from the conflict. While everyone was working Rico was stretching his body and looking for something near by to clean up all the blood on him when suddenly he senced something coming towards him at a decent speed. Rico focused a bit and noticed that it was a person. Intrigued Rico waited until the person he sensed jumped from a building and landed in front of him.

Unrick stood in front of Rico calm and collected as he adjusted his fancy suit. Rico remembered Ulrick because it was because of him that the fight started in the first place.

"Your that shop owner that killed that pirate right?".

"That is correct my name is Ulrick Von Yeager and i'm deeply thankful for your assistance. If not for your timely intervention I do not know what would have happened to me".

"just from judging by the way you leaped across those buildings I think you would be all right. Beside its not like you should fear any pirates around here anyway. This town especially all the shops are protected by the Simoni Family. If a pirate ever starts trouble in your shop don't hesitate to do what you did before. We will protect you so long as you keep paying the protection fee".

"Protection fee how much is that?".

"It differs from shop to shop but there is a standard. Were not monsters we don't seek to bankrupt small business".

"Well then I guess that I should start paying what's due since I'm new on the streets and I do believe a small gift is in order for your protection".

"Typically yes it would be but because of the damages collection is suspended in this area. So, there is no need to pay anything".

"If payment isn't what you want then I must implore you to accept my gift instead and please don't refuse I can not live with myself if my benefactor is walking around with such inferior weaponry".

"Inferior weaponry?".

"You'll see what I mean when you follow me to my shop".

Rico not having anything better to do at the moment went with the flow and followed Ulrick to his shop. Ulrick's shop was a mess Greybeard and Rico's battle destroyed the windows along with almost all the glass in the building, cracked the floor, walls, and thought a bunch of things randomly on the ground.

Ulrick didn't care about the destruction of his shop what bothered him was the money lost and all the time that went into designing the shop. While Rico walked through the messy shop with Ulrick he could tell how beautiful the place must have been before he wrecked it.

While looking Rico asked," were did you get weapons such as these I've never seen anything like them before?".

Ulrick replied, "I made every single one. I may not look it to you but i'm a highly skilled software and mechanical engineer. I also minored in chemistry but that's not important. I've built all kinds of things, weapons, boats, planes, generators, rockets. You name it I've most likely built it but despite everything I've made it never made me bored it just made me craving more. I want to improve everything there is I want to build more complex machinery and that contraption you have attached to your hip is an insult to my craft.

Ulrick pinted at the gun on Ulrick's hip and then pulled out a gold plated desert eagle and handed it over. While Rico was inspecting the gun Ulrick placed 10 large crates filled with various different weaponry on the counter in front of Rico.

"These here are free samples of what proper weaponry looks like and if you find yourself admiring a true war smiths art call this number I'm ready to do business whenever".

Yes this chapter sucked I know. But besides that I need to address a miss understanding. My mc will never be as strong physically as a yanko without his warframe. He will only be 40% as strong as a Yanko or admiral without his warframe equiped. A vice admiral can kick his ass. This is a warframe x one piece fan fic. Another thing yes my mc will go after bounties but not for what u think. Bounties are chump change that muscle head idiots go for. It is not a smart approach to run out into the sea and fight everyone you see. I know what I am doing and everything that I've done is within logical reason I did the research.

Loyalscumcreators' thoughts