
One Piece: Reckless Obsession

On an uneventful day, a seventeen year old youth tired of the unfair and world gets hit by a truck and dies. He meets a god and gains a couple of abilities that came at a small cost. This is the journey of a man who begins to develop a dangerous lust for battle. -Haven’t decided if I’ll follow canon yet or go my own way, if y’all got any ideas leave them in the comment section to reviews, doesn’t matter to me, for now I’ll just be winging it and don’t expect all events from canon to line up -Will only be updated when I have free time or when I’m bored, so don’t expect too much -lastly, cover phot doesn’t belong to me; all credits to the person who made it -one piece does not belong to me either

Gang_Capone · Tranh châm biếm
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7 Chs

Chapter 3-Monster?

"...a cat?"

Koby curiously advanced towards the small creature. It was the size of a lion cub with weird red markings at the top of its head that stood out because of its completely black fur.

Yami was so caught up in the experience that he completely ignored Kobys presence. The room walls, lights, posters, and many more things were gigantic to him. Oddly enough, he felt faster and more agile in this form.

As he gazed at the couple of shadows in the room, he felt a some sort connection and a feeling in his mind inched him towards them. That's when he remembered a crucial piece of information.

'Shadow is my element...huh? I wonder if...'

He touched the shadow with his paw, finding it quickly sinking in. 'Weird...' Then he took a gamble and directly went through the shadows. Briefly finding himself in a colorless dimension, It wasn't long before he appeared directly behind the startled Koby.

"Ah!" Koby jumped in the air and then breathed a sigh of relief. He bent down and attempted to pet the mysterious cat but was rudely denied. "Oh, sorry... how'd you do that?"

Yami, appalled by the situation, once again sunk through the shadows; this time imagining himself appearing under the large bed, to which he did. Despite the darkness, he was able to see relatively well, almost as if the sun was still out.

'This is...amazing.' Instinctively, he also knew how to turn back to his human form. But for now he wouldn't do that, he needed to find out more about what his current form could do. And that's exactly what he did for the next hour or so, after koby had left his room to report to Garp about his "disappearance".

Now seated in his human form as he stared out the window, he reviewed the capabilities of his demon cat form.

In addition with a bit more speed, that form also held about a third of his full strength. There was nothing more he could do with the shadows besides 'teleporting', but a feeling told him that there was more to be uncovered. In a way, he had acquired an ability akin to a devil fruit power.

With his current skill set, he would be the perfect spy, that is if those with observation haki weren't able to discover him.

With all of his thoughts gathered, he left his cabin.

-Moments later-

*Huff* *Huff* *Huff*

Out on the deck of the not so heavily guarded marine ship, were three people in a face off. Garp leisurely stood in place, his coat fluttering to the slight wind. koby and Helmeppo were covered in sweat from head to toe and circled around him. There were signs of bruises on their face.

Yami walked out to this sight. He stood comfortably by the large crowd of marines who didn't seem to mind his presence. They were far enough to where they wouldn't get caught up in the beating garp was exercising.

"Oho, you finally decided to come out of hiding Yami-kun . Why don't you come join the little party we have going on?" Garp said, not looking over his back, as he blocked two attacks simultaneously from both sides. Weapons weren't allowed in the 'spar' in order to make it harder for his underlings, not that he minded either way.

Yami stayed rooted next to the wall as he observed the fight. "No thanks." He didn't have an intention to join the spar...for now.

Seeing their attacks not work, Koby and Helmeppo backed off again. As if speaking telepathically, they both nodded at each other and rushed again. Helmeppo took the lead this time as he was the first to throw a jab to Garps face.

Easily dodging the strike, Garp picked up another presence looming above his head. He bent his head forward as the air pressure generated by Kobys kick pushed his hair forward.

Helmeppo took the chance to send a kick of his own right at Garps sacred bells.

"Tsk." Garp clicked his tongue in disapproval, caught Helmeppos leg, and threw him into Koby. "I thought I taught you better than that. That's how those cursed pirates would fight."

This time, Garp did not stand idly and wait for them to attack, he took the initiative. With his big size, many would think Garp wouldn't be as fast as he was.

The duo braced themselves for impact as they crossed their hands out in front of them.

Garp didn't use half of his full strength, but it was still enough force to send the two flying, despite using one arm for one person.

"Kughh!" They both gasped for air. Garps fist had gotten just a bit past their defenses, and it momentarily knocked the wind out of them.

"Good, good." Garp readied himself again. "Here I come children. Soru."

Yami made sure to pay extra attention to Garps next movement. At the moment, all of his senses were engaged on studying the battle in front of him against his will. He was in complete focus.

Garp disappeared like a phantom from his spot. It seemed like he teleported behind Helmeppo and Koby, as he kicked both of them into the crowd of soldiers, knocking over a few of them in the process.

He stood in the middle and picked his nose with his left pinky as he waited for the duo to come out of the crowd. "Come on, I know that's not nearly enough to put you both out."

"Itetetete," Koby and helmeppo said rubbing their behinds. Their legs shook slightly, but they still managed to compose themselves.

Just like Garp, they both used Soru, albeit a lot more sloppy. Garp anticipated their movements and used Tekkai. He stood still, as he let their attacks strike, however, they were the ones to jump back hurt by the brief confrontation.

The desperately shook their wrists and blew on them as if they were on fire.

"Bwahahaaha, if this is all you have you'll have hard time surviving out here!" Garp once again readied his stance, and a heavy aura descended upon the two marines.

Simultaneously, one word went through their heads. 'Shit!'


"Hoho... so you've finally decided to join the fight, eh? Little chick." Garp said, as he defended against a strike that came from his left.

Yami backed off clicking his tongue. He hadn't expected his attack to work, but seeing absolutely zero effect was almost disheartening. It was like a slap in the face, he was too far from the strongest people in the world, and Garp hadn't even used his haki. Just pure muscle and strength.

Garp narrowed his eyes, "But... where did you learn soru? It's not a technique you can just get your hands on."

Helmeppo and Koby also looked at him suspiciously. And for the first time in a while, doubted Garps choice in bringing him along.

Noticing all eyes on him, Yami smirked and said, "I learned it from you guys... just now."

The revelation was like a slap in the face to Koby and helmeppo who trained for three months and only got to their current level.

"Impossible! Your lying!" Helmeppo screamed. He didn't buy a single word of what Yami said. "There's no way... that's just, not possible."

Koby stayed silent, and Garp gazed at the eye of the storm. After a while, a silly smile blossomed on his face. He was over the moon! 'That old man sengoku is going to be so jealous.'

"He's not lying," Garp said. "...we've got quite the monster on our hands."

Koby stayed silent, Helmeppo dropped lifelessly to the floor in bewilderment, and the marines mouth hung so wide you could fit a basketball.

To learn any of the rokushiki techniques, you had to have a decent status. In addition to that, you also required a highly trained body in order to utilize them effectively. To be able to learn one of the techniques just from watching it a couple of times, and pull it off like it was nothing... it was just impossible.

To be able to do all of this, with barely any effort, Yami could thank his legendary combat technique comprehension. It seemed the "legendary" in its name wasn't for nothing.

Of course, Yami's legs also took a bit of a toll. He could slight aches and little cramps in his calves. The pain lessened by the second, but he concluded if he used soru at least two more times, than his legs would completely give out. 'That's fine, I wanted to try out the other technique anyway.'

"Hey, get up," Yami said to helmeppo. He then pointed his thumb at Garp. "You think I'll be able to take this guy, alone?"

Helmeppo nodded, still in disbelief. Koby also gave them a nod, and all three started to circle Garp.

"Bwahaha, come on then."

Yami narrowed his eyes and tightened his fists. "Let's get this dance started then."
