
One Piece: Reckless Obsession

On an uneventful day, a seventeen year old youth tired of the unfair and world gets hit by a truck and dies. He meets a god and gains a couple of abilities that came at a small cost. This is the journey of a man who begins to develop a dangerous lust for battle. -Haven’t decided if I’ll follow canon yet or go my own way, if y’all got any ideas leave them in the comment section to reviews, doesn’t matter to me, for now I’ll just be winging it and don’t expect all events from canon to line up -Will only be updated when I have free time or when I’m bored, so don’t expect too much -lastly, cover phot doesn’t belong to me; all credits to the person who made it -one piece does not belong to me either

Gang_Capone · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 2-Abduction

Yami just stood there and watched as the marine hero tried to peer into the depths of his soul. His breath quickened even though he desperately tried to slow it down. The gentle breeze caressed his hair that now seemed to defy gravity.

He was nervous. Who wouldn't be?

When the first thing you get to see upon your transmigration is a behemoth of a man, and one of the worlds pivotal character, you have every right to be nervous.

'But wait, if he's here... then...'

Completely ignoring Garps question, Yami decided to ask one of his own, "Where am I?"

Of course, he had looked around earlier, but it was only now did he see a long road that seemed to stretch for miles heading north. Far off in the distance he could make out the shape of a couple of buildings.

"You know, I don't take too kindly to being ignored. And it just so happens you caught me in a bad mood kid. So If I were you I would choose my next actions carefully. Understand?" Garp said.

Simultaneously, an invisible force descended onto the poor boy. It wasn't strong enough to force him into the ground, but it was enough for him to know that pisssing off Garp wasn't the sane option.

"Ha...hahahaha," Yami laughed despite being under the pressure and the serious atmosphere. "I haven't felt so alive In years. Man, this is great!"

Garp narrowed his eyes even further. This wasn't the reaction he expected at all. In fact, at this point he had started to consider that the young man in front of him wasn't in his right state of mind. "What is so funny?"

"Nothing." Yami wiped a tear from his eye, a refreshed smile vibrantly showcased on his face. "Nothing at all."

"I see... what's your name?" Garp suddenly asked, his intrigue for the mysterious boy piqued.

"Yami Matsumoto, male, height: 6'2, weight: 170, age 17...probably, and birthday is the 19th of January," He replied with a silly expression much to Garps annoyance.

'He adapted rather fast.'

"I see... next question then. How did you do that? You know, pop out from nowhere." Seeing Yami's raised eyebrow, Garp decided to elaborate. "As I was sitting on this large rock, a ray of light suddenly came from the sky and slowly brought your body down until you hit the ground. Since I saw you were still alive, I decided to leave you be until you woke up. So tell me, how did you do that?"

Yami put on his usual thinking expression and gazed into the sky, "God dropped me off here."

Garps eye twitched slightly as he suddenly disappeared from his seat and brought down his famous iron fist of love onto Yami's head.

"Arghhhh!" Yami rolled around in the grass to distract him from the pain, while Garp stood with his arms crossed.

"Do you think I have time to play games with you kid? If you don't answer truthfully, then the next one won't be so nice."

In response to the pain, Yami had completely forgotten who he was dealing with and unintentionally blurted out his thoughts, "Damn old man."


"Respect your elders!"

This process continued several minutes due to Yami's stubbornness. But even then, he had a limit to the amount of pain he could take... or so he thought.

With each punch Garp landed, he seemed to adapt and it began to hurt less and less. What was the cause of this?

'Heh. Regeneration really is useful. But I'll stop here, I don't want to go through this more times than necessary.'

Garp didn't show it on his face, but he had noticed as well. Although Yami's acting was top notch, in his eyes anyway, Garp was able to easily see through the facade.

'Hmmm, He adapted that quickly? Maybe....'

Garp raised him by the collar of his shirt. He ran his hand through the white half of his hair that seemed to stretch for a few inches, and noticed something...

"There's no bump."

Yami couldn't help but gulp out of nervousness. Despite Garp being a more of a fists over brains type of person, by no means was he stupid.

"...interesting." Garp finally set him down to the ground. He showcased his legendary smile as he looked at Yami as if he had found a gold mine. "Fine, since it looks like you don't want to talk about your weird origins I'll let you be. And from what I can see, your not a horrible person either."

Garp was a great judge of someone's character. At first glance, he could tell that Yami was a bit rough around the edges, but nothing that showed that he was a blood thirsty pirate, otherwise he would have struck him down as soon as he saw him.

"So..." Garps figure loomed over Yami like a mountain. And with a smile on his face Garp rained his fist on Yami's head once again, this time knocking him out cold.

-Sometime later-

"Welcome back, Garp-San!" A young man enthusiastically said. If Yami was awake, he would instantly recognize this pink haired marine as koby.

Next to him was another young marine similar to him in height, with his yellow hair in a broad ponytail and odd-looking black visor over his head, one wouldn't be able to recognize him as a former fallen captains son-Helmeppo.

Both looked quite curious from the deck of the ship as Garp carried over a young man over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Who is that?" Helmeppo asked, unable to contain his curiosity.

Garp tended to do whatever he wanted, but it was the first time he had brought a living body onboard the ship.

Garp smiled and said, "The newest addition to the Marine forces-Yami Matsumoto! He will also be training under me with both of you, so treat him well hahahaaha."

With that over with, Garp threw Yami to them and went to relax. Helmeppo got him settled in one of the extra rooms they had on the ship and soon after returned to the deck where Garp and Koby were having a brief conversation.

"Are we leaving?"

"Yeah." Garp gazed into the horizon, that sun had begun to set, making the waters from afar look like as if they were on fire. "I've done what I needed to do."

Seeing the eerily calm and almost sad expression on the marine hero's face, Koby could tell that he may not have been welcomed to foosha village by a few people. He figured Garp knew that this couldn't be avoided, and decided to face it like a man. He chose his job over his family, and in return, a person whom he and many people regarded as a close family member was killed.

He shook his head. 'Truly, it isn't easy being a marine.'


Pah! Pah! Pah!

The sound of gloves hitting mitts reverberated throughout the gym. Darkness covered the outside, making the lights illuminating the ring that much more dazzling.

Beads of sweat continued to fly all over the ring as a twelve year old Yami punched away at his trainer. Gradually he continued to punch harder. Each strike held more frustration than the last.

"Jab, jab, duck, uppercut, hook, jab." His trainer continued to repeat these words like a mantra.

Yami's eyes held the gaze of a predator. The silence of the gym boosted his focus as all he could hear were the words of his trainer-Daisuke.

"Alright, that's enough." Daisuke said, as he decided that the session had gone on long enough.

Yami was in his own mind space and didn't hear his teachers words. As he threw another jab at Daisuke's face, he was countered with one that held way more force and speed than his could ever muster. The mitt stopped right before his nose.

"S-sorry about that." Yami scratched the back of his head. "I didn't mean too."

Daisuke ruffled his hair and said, "Don't worry about it. I didn't take any offense." He then looked at the windows located at the top of the right and left side walls. He whistled, "It's almost midnight, we've been here longer than I thought we would be. Let's pack up, you need a ride home?"

Yami nodded at his question and followed behind him to the locker room with a downcast face. Daisuke intentionally slowed his walking pace because he was a rather tall man with long legs, while Yami was a child who had yet to reach puberty.

"What's wrong?" Daisuke asked as they were changing.


"You sure?"

Yami seemed to be deep into thought. He turned to Daisuke and locked eyes. "Why...don't I have talent?"

For a while the two just stared at each other, until Daisuke broke eye contact and went back to tying his shoe. "Everybody has talent. There's not one person without even a little bit of talent. Let me guess, your wondering how Renji-Kun has only been doing this for a couple of months, but is already better than you. Despite you having done this for a few years."

Yami hurriedly nodded his head making Daisuke chuckle.

"Well... that guy has a lot of talent, and even more than that, his genetics are top tier. But don't worry." Daisuke finished gathering his belongings, and once again ruffled Yami's fuzzy hair. "If you work hard enough, you'll eventually be able to beat him again. So put in blood, sweat, and tears into this passion of yours. And eventually, you'll reach the top."

"...Is that so?" Yami replied, with a new found hope in his being.


-Flashback end-

Yami jerked wide awake. He calmly surveyed his surroundings. A chair, bed, desk, as well as a small circular window where he could see the calm waters and starless night sky.

"...it's just like that day."

As he was just laying in bed, a sudden painful headache overtook him.

"Keuhk! Arghh!" The world around seemed to spin just for a moment, until eventually, the headache went away. But something was wrong. "Why's everything so big?"

The door snapped open and koby rushed in, "Yami... San? Where did he go, and where did this cat come from?"