
One Piece: Path to Power

Choices. Crossroads. Opportunities. Plunged into a broken world ruled by the strong, Damien must decide how his newfound life will proceed. Navigating through conflicts and alliances, his journey intertwines with the fates of powerful figures and kingdoms, challenging the very fabric of the hellish world. Set against the backdrop of the legendary One Piece universe, this tale reimagines familiar characters and lore, weaving a narrative that explores themes of power, redemption, and the indomitable spirit of adventure.  Damien's quest is not just for treasure or glory but a deeper pursuit of a truth that could change the course of history. As the tides of the Grand Line shift and churn, Damien confronts the harsh realities of the pirate world, facing challenges that test his limits and forge his legacy.  In this saga of the high seas, only the bold dare to dream, and only the strong survive. Will Damien rise to become a legend among pirates, or will the unforgiving waters claim yet another soul?  The journey to discover 'One Piece' is as perilous as it is wondrous, and for Damien, every choice and battle is a step closer to his ultimate destiny. Join him as he goes against all odds in the world of Pirates, Marines, and Revolutionaries, sailing on the Path to Power! ---------------------------------------------- Further fanfic information, QnAs and a trove of images are found here: https://discord.gg/aJHHHPvb6q Average Chapter Word Count: ~2600 words This story will be posted on RoyalRoad, ScribbleHub, Fanfiction.net, and AO3.

Paradox_ · Tranh châm biếm
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151 Chs

[106] The Clash of Kings

[2720 words]



Glint Island visibly shook as nearly 24,000 pirates rushed forward to exterminate the 4,000 or so rebellious ones. The warring cries of adrenaline and excitement mixed in with the yells of greed and yearning created quite the festival.

The air shuddered as hundreds of swords waved around and the bangs of bullets erupted from rifles, blood slowly pouring out and forming rivers. 

Sol's forces deemed these 3,800 unfit to stand against their Overlord and were rather enjoying the one-sided battle—it was not a fight but rather an extermination.

Alas, even in the mass of pirates being massacred, quite a few had big names and just as big of bounties.

"Gugu-gaga! My Baby Pirates, kill them all!"

"Lero-Lero! Cut them to pieces!"

"Ree-hee-hee! I can sniff out the treasure of Superbia!" 

Boss Baby Victor.

Jack the Ripper.

Scubee the Doer.

Bounties of 194 million, 201 million and 224 million, respectively!


[At the Outskirts of the Plaza]

The battle waged on as pirates fell by the hundreds on both sides; the rebellious few were intent on winning.

Of course, if 99% of these pirates were fighting, there were a few who would rather keep a distance of ten islands between themselves and the fight.

"Drop the sails. Quick! We need to leave before they turn their attention to us," a man with an animalistic face called out to his panicked crew.

Yet amid the retreat, a voice called out. "Hmm? The ever-bold Tony 'the Tiger' of the Striped Pirates is turning tail and scurrying away. Urufufu, how unsightly~!"

The man in question, the captain of the Striped Pirates, turned his eyes to where the voice originated from. "You are… Cupid the Lust!" 

The woman winked and slowly yet seductively walked towards the man on the ship. 

"Now… why don't you all just stop what you are doing and help out this pure maiden?" she asked in a soft voice.

At first glance, Cupid seemed like a damsel in distress.

Tony, alongside his crew, already had the slivers of lust flowing in his eyes even before her sultry call, yet now, his very being was calling out to quench that thirst.

One by one, his trusty crewmates' eyes whitened and they slowly lost control of their body.

"As you command… Lady Cupid!"

Tony, a man worth 126 million berries, could only quake in despair as he recalled the woman's power—the Lust-Lust Fruit!

It allowed the user to control the bodies of their victims via lust. Cupid was quite the rare beauty that, added to the small number of women on the ship, caused the Striped Pirates to fall in her grasp.

"Now… why don't you help me kill all those scary people over there?" Cupid called out, her words laced with emotion.

"Yes!" they all roared out in deep fervour.

"Very go–"

Cupid could not finish her words as she suddenly felt something coming…

*Vvoooo!* It sounded like the winds were howling and whirling from an incoming missile. Cupid looked up in time to see nothing but a shadow streaking toward her.


The shadow slammed onto the Striped Pirates' ship, sending giant cracks through its hull and deck. The crumpling wood was followed by a deep voice, "WORORORO! Did I step on something?"

The sight of the Hundred-Beast was alone enough to send pirates out of their lust-stricken state. 

Then came a spanning shadow on the horizon, sailing through the cold waters of Superbia and entirely blocking the view of the skies—it was a titan of a ship.

The words printed on the sails read, "R O C K S" with a flaming skull for the "O"—an omen of dread and despair.


The ship finally came to a halt, only meters away from the shore, its shadow brought nighttime to the nearby docks.

The giant ramp slowly creaked as the gears and pulleys activated, slamming to the ground with a dull tremor.

A handful of people walked out amongst the dust cloud, bringing the gravest fears of the living alongside them.

"T-The Rocks Pirates… those monsters really came here too!" a man gulped out.

His companion could only nod in apprehension. "Edward Newgate… he killed the former Overlord Esso Borealis and now they have come here!"

"Don't forget Thaddeus Enigma, the man who gave endless troubles to the World Government was also taken down by a Rocks Crew Member… The Sin Incarnate!" 

Many suppressed whispers went on as the newly arrived stood tall upon the shore.


Kaido walked to the back, his massive frame slightly less than Charlotte Linlin who cackled with her Homies floating about, begging to be used.

Silver Axe in his shiny armour in front beside the drinking pirate, Captain John.

Shiki had both his swords ready as they glinted in the morning sun, he grinned past the two cigars in his mouth.

Whitebeard stood tall with his beloved Murakumogiri in hand, his glorious hair flying in the wind as he heard the cries of war.

Damien, who was simply spanning his Observation, picked on the powerful presences nearby and welcomed the coming turbulence.

Yet even with the harrowing sight of the Titans, there was another fear-inducing sight.

It was accompanied by the groaning of the earth with every step the man took—the Abyssal Sin, Rocks D. Xebec!

Like the beast he was, Rocks took a deep whiff of the bloody smell flowing around the island, then came the screams of the world around him, blooming a savage grin. 

He cracked his neck and let out some animalistic grunts. "Xahaha… this is more like it." His eyes glowed in frenzy, filled with malice, "Kill them all."

Rocks' words out, the ones behind him disappeared and went to their own parts of the island, wreaking havoc and cutting everyone in their path.

Sol, who had once again returned to the raised platform, simply stood there with a confident smile, even after sensing the arrival of the Rocks Pirates. 

The numbers had already lessened: the original 3,800 or so fighting had dropped to 1,300 while Sol's forces at Glint Island were still 20,000 strong. 

Yet such numbers were nothing overly difficult to deal with in the eyes of the Rocks Commanders…


Whitebeard, who wasn't overly fond of using his Haki to knock out the extras, preferred to use his mighty glaive as a substitute. 

This was 'Murakimogiri' of the 12, now 13, Supreme Blades!

*Grrrrrr* The ground crumbled in the way of the human giant as Whitebeard slashed the ground in an upward slash. 

Cracks formed across the air as the tremors were unleashed all over!

BOOOOM *Rumble* He was a walking natural disaster as all those rushing at him were utterly destroyed.

Shiki the Golden Lion was a wild force of doom. 

With the power of the Float-Float fruit, he was practically undefeatable!

Before him stood 4,000 pirates, high on the excitement of pleasing the Overlord, with swords drawn and guns ready. 

"Jihahahaha! You pathetic pirates are greedy for treasure and flock around like sheep."

Shiki gave out a frightening smirk as his right hand slammed below. The ground began shaking in excitement like a child wanting to impress its parents.

"W-What is that!?" 

The pirates who were ready to cut down the Golden Lion paused ominously. A shadow stretched over the thousands of men. 


"Lion Majesty: Earth Coiling!"


Shiki started laughing with great zeal as a giant piece of earth sprang out of the ground.

He used his powers to break open the ground and fashion the debris into the shape of a lion's head! The raging lion blasted forward into the sea of pirates as they were enveloped by its majesty with Shiki's laughter echoing over their miserable screams.

Kaido and Big Mom were in the same region, wantonly attacking a horde of five thousand or so enemies.

The Hundred-Beast brought down his club, wreaking havoc under the cries of his victims, each attack left dozens of men into nothing but meat paste, their flesh decorating the ravaged lands below.

Blood flowed like rivers as the Kaido couldn't be happier.

Big Mom was no different, she used Mars, her flintlock, and shot Haki-infused bullets while Napoleon was used to cleave and level everything.

At another region of Glint Island was a shocking sight. One that warped the mellow morning into dark red.

The encroaching doom moved alongside a figure, each step bringing down ten or so pirates. It was a rhythmic sound like a drum, oppressing everyone in its wake.

"Sol truly brought some decent people to his Festival," the young figure spoke past the gloomy land.

"You have a huge bounty, Sin Incarnate!" a man roared. "Killing you will bring me endless glory!"

The bold man was known as Phane of the Mirage, worth 490 million!


"Shards of the Past!"


The veins near his eyes and forehead popped, sending a streak of energy onto the sole enemy threat. "Heh, this ought to bring out the demons that haunt you!"

*Vooooo!* The cold wind blew through as the pirates saw the Sin Incarnate stop in his tracks.

Phane's relief lasted all but a moment, "Enigma's illusions were much more immersive than yours, are you sure it worked?"

The illusionist retreated, stammering, "I-It didn't work, how!?"

Damien shrugged, "You should have worked on your Haki more, that fruit is wasted on you."

Phane's vision then turned bright red, born from the blazing beams thundering through his dome and planting him to the ground.

[Back to the Shore]

Silver Axe and Captain John cut down their list of enemies while they sensed the earth below seemed to shake.

In the distance of the lands was a large cloud of dust, as if an army rushed ahead in a war. And an army it was, six thousand strong!

"Captain John of 439 million and Silver Axe of 934 million. We have come for your heads!" a few shouted as the rest roared in agreement.

The drunken John just laughed, "Johohoho! You would have been better fightin' Newgate or Shiki than to come here!"

Silver Axe twirled his axe as it slammed on the ground, "I concur… by marching here, you have but only sealed your fate."

"..." A few moments passed as the 6,000 men howled in laughter in a boisterous fit, not taking their prey's words seriously. However… All the noise seized at once.


Every living being near the Titanic suddenly felt death's cold embrace around them. Kicking their instincts in.



[An Hour Later]

Time trickled on as the noise settled down. 

Sol's forces had been greatly reduced as smaller skirmishes continued, reaching below ten thousand!

A few big names slowly arrived at the platform where the Overlord rested, his Six Capital Vices by his side. It was a summit of champions—a day that would decide the fate of the New World for years to come!


Pryde D. Sol remained as casual and lax as always, seeing the world to be under his boot, credit to his great pride.

"As expected," Sol began, "the pirates of the Grand Line failed to amount to anything worth more than fodder. Hmph, truly a pathetic bunch."

"Did you gather them for this Festival just to kill them all?" a curious voice interrupted.

The Overlord glared at the muscular swordsman with his thick mustache, the Captain of the Roger Pirates.

"I've been on this sea for decades, seeing crews rise and fall." Sol looked to the grinning Roger with narrowed eyes, "Alas, nothing has changed. Pirates remain blinded with greed, congregating around the temporary powerhouses."

Silvers Rayleigh stood by his captain's side, grasping the blade at his hip. Beside him was Scopper Gaban; the long-haired Gaban pointed out his twin axes, "Just what are you after, Sol?"

A frown arrived on the man's face, "I hoped the death of Borealis and Enigma would bring something new to these seas but two years later, I was disappointed all the same."

Then came a grin on the scarred Overlord's face, harbouring traces of insanity, "Someone has to liberate this world of its suffering! I will build a new order from the ashes of this Rising Generation—your deaths will be my foundation!"

Roger sighed, pinching his signature 'stache. "You've lost your marbles a long time back, Sol. The keys to the New World aren't meant to be held by a single person."

Another voice joined, "Hoho, exciting words, Roger."

The man gently landed on the ground, he had a refined appearance and an umbrella in hand. "It's nice of you to join us, Patrick Redfield," the Overlord welcomed.

However, at that instance, an ominous feeling descended everywhere. A black flash landed near the Overlord and the other pirates.

There was only one man to arrive amongst the gathering of champions so dauntlessly.

His wild hair stood erratically as his open chest exposed the many scars he had accumulated in his life so far.

*Szzzz* The Inferno Blade Mokushiroku kept in its sheath as it vibrated in impatience and bloodthirst, leaking a grinding miasma.

"Xahaha! I've had my fun with your little toys, Sol," the evil pirate said with a grin. "I would bring you under my flag but you're too free-spirited." He spared Roger a look, "The Will of D really moulds some unruly pirates."


The remaining Division Commanders had also arrived, standing in an arc around their Captain.

"Jihahaha! I've seen enough pirates with the middle initial D up to no good," the Golden Lion laughed, turning to Damien.

A few other curious eyes also landed on the youngest of the D present, mixed with curiosity and intrigue.

Sol's fiery words broke their speculation, "Rocks D. Xebec, I welcome your turbulence… let this war be the spark to ignite a new age!"

The declaration came with a blinding light. It shone from the Overlord's garb and grey skin, creeping through the terrain like dawn over a dark land.

The man in question just cackled, "Hehe, I visited your scarred home of Moraino, I hope it forged more strength than just this!"

Xebec's pupils churned like whirlpools, showing nothing but darkness inside. The ground shook like no tomorrow; the clouds above began to whirl around as powerful winds picked up and raged throughout the sea.

Roger grinned as his famed blade was unsheathed, "Wahahaha! I can't just watch from the side with all this going off!" The adventurous man burst with his esoteric strength—a true master of Haki.

"It seems this day will cause quite the storm," Redfield thought out loud.

Alongside his cheery words was another burst of the Will of Kings as the Aloof Red showed his strength. Naturally, with all these Kings having unleashed their will, others soon followed.


Rayleigh, who stood ready by his captain's side, erupted into a silver hue of Haki, his sword drawn.

Shiki's hair flowed in the chaotic winds and his golden Haki pulsed everywhere.

The future World's Strongest Man smashed the foot of his glaive into the ground as ripples of quakes went off, added with his own green Haki.

Linlin licked her lips under the mayhem, the only woman who was crazy enough to be here, let alone while pregnant once more. Her pink-coloured Haki roared out, craving the misery of the world.

Kaido's eyes boiled in thick, black mist as sparks of purple lightning coiled around his club with his Will ready to crush everything in its path. 

Damien felt the tingling over his skin and naturally unleashed his own. Ryushi in his hand shook incessantly while Four Supreme Weapons were now present on this single island!


*Rumble* The sky was thundering with black clouds under the combined will of ten Supreme Kings!

The flat plains quivered with a drumming beat, sending corpses and dust into the air. The winds alone were enough to uproot century-old trees and birth tempestuous tides at the shores.

The Sea Kings oh-so-many kilometers below passed out and even the hundreds of thousands of citizens at the Helios Capital fell to the ground, unconscious.

Such a collection of Haki was unprecedented and unseen; Sol and his Capital Vices, Rocks and his Titans and Tragedies, Roger and his Commanders alongside the aloof Red.

The Clash of Kings that would decide the coming era had begun!

To Be Continued…


Author's Corner.

Slowly approaching the catch-up point from the original version. 

Images are available on Discord alongside other niche details: https://discord.gg/aJHHHPvb6q