
One Piece King Gravity

I'm writing fan fiction for the first time on an English-language site, I'm Russian myself, so don't judge strictly This story will be about a boy who overcame gravity and learned how to use it Follow the adventures of Shiki and his team in this vast universe, because after the ocean, space awaits them I don't own One piece and edens zero

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Chapter 8 The strongest swordsman

After the conversation, Shiki returned to his team, noticing that Nami had gone somewhere, Zoro was almost asleep, and Usopp was drawing his new weapon.

Looking around, Shiki didn't notice the cook asking, but there was a lot of noise and a marine lying down with a wound

Shiki: "Hey, Usopp, what happened here ?" Shiki asked his friend curiously

Usopp "Some pirate shot an infantryman right in the restaurant, wanting to eat, and now he was thrown on the deck"

Shiki: "Where's Sanji ?"

Usopp "He escorted this pirate out"

Shiki immediately went to the deck of the restaurant ship and there he saw Sanji feeding the pirate who was eating his food with tears in his eyes after which Sanji started talking about the value of food whatever it is food is food

"Do you really know the value of such things, Sanji?" Shiki asked from the top railing, followed by Sanji and the pirate.

Sanji "You're the cretin who didn't eat your dish when I served it," he said threateningly.

Shiki: "No, I've already eaten every last crumb, I've never tasted anything so delicious in my life."

Sanji - "Of course," he snorted, puffing out smoke from his cigar.

Shiki - "Then, if you are the best chef here, then join my team and become our chef," Shiki said with a smile.

Sanji " I'm sorry, but I can't leave this place, I haven't paid my debt yet, maybe when I pay my debt, I'll become a pirate and go to the Grand Line, but it's not time yet"

Shiki "Are you saying that you refuse ? "

Sanji " Yes"

Shiki " Then I refuse your refusal"

Sanji "Hmm you me quite not listened to your opinion the not plays not what meaning"

Pirate: "Sorry, kid, are you going to the Grand Line?" he asked, looking at Shiki in shock.

Shiki: "Who are you ?"

Gin " My name is Gin, and I come straight from the Grand Line, and I can safely say that it's too early for you to go to this dangerous sea, you need to grow up for another 5 years, and then you can already think about it"

Shiki: "Did you experience something terrible there?"

Jin "To put it mildly, I was in a fleet of 50 ships, but our fleet crashed on the 5th day of our stay in this damned ocean"

Sanji " 50 ships and who beat you up so much"

Jin " The world's Strongest Swordsman Hawkeye"

Zoro "So he's still on the Grand Line," Zoro said from behind, appearing on the deck.

Shiki " Wow, Zoro, I thought you were asleep."

Zoro " I had a good night's sleep, but now I'm excited about the excitement and what's waiting for us on the Grand Line"

Gin "You're both sumoshedshie"

Then Joni and Yosaku burst in

Joni " Aniki, we missed her"

Yosaku " I'm sorry, aniki"

Zoro:" What are you two talking about, " he described

Joni and Yosaku "Nami stole your ship and everything on board, we couldn't stop her", they bowed to them

Zoro "Here is knew same that from it will problems" swore he and ran to the other parts of koroblya despite udolyayuschuyusya figure Gowing Merry

Usop "Shiki, you can take off and fly after her and stop her" everyone paid attention to Shiki

Shiki stared at the ship for 1 minute

Shiki: "No, I won't do that"

Zoro " What, she stole our ship"

Shiki " She's still part of the team so I believe her whatever she's up to this action has no malice against us call it a hunch whatever you want but it's okay Usopp and Yosaku and Joni follow her and track her route and then report to kokoi island she sat down"

Joni "In the direction she sailed, only Koyakashi Island and the Marine headquarters

Shiki "Then go ahead and follow her, and Zoro, Sanji, and I will stay here.""

Sanji "You are not my captain to command me," he retorted.

Zoro: "Why are we going to be here ?"

Shiki: "I can feel the vibrations in the air, someone very strong is approaching us"

"Oh, shit," he said, startled.

Zoro: "Hmm, do you know something ?" he asked Joni

Joni: "If I'm right, it's probably our Captain.

Then the barati restaurant shuddered, and everyone saw a huge Ship on the left side of the Floating Restaurant

Gene: "Yes, this is our Captain Don Krieg, the strongest pirate in East Blue, the one you felt"

Shiki " What no, it's not like I feel a little further away, but I'm coming here fast"

Joni: "You've got to be kidding"

Then a large man, 230 cm tall, in a red raincoat, jumped down to the stern of the ship's restaurant.

Don-Krieg "Me and my 100-man crew need food that we haven't eaten in 5 days, if you have food, I'll pay you for it," he told the chefs, who had already climbed onto the deck of their ship with Chef Zef

Zef: "I heard about you, Don-Krieg, I thought you were on THE BIG LINE right now," he told the pirate.

Don-Krieg " To hell with this sea of hell, I'd rather be the king of East Blue, so it'll be easier, so will you give my team food or what?" Don-Krieg asked back.

Paty cook " No, we won't feed you and your crew, who knows what will happen if you regain your strength, Hey, call the marine patrol, such an opportunity doesn't happen every day"

Everyone in the restaurant, from the chefs to the patrons, agreed with Paty's opinion, but he was knocked out by a blow to the face with a black foot

Sanji "Step back, can't you see he's hungry," he said, punching him in the face and knocking him out, then walking over to Jin and his captain

Sanji"Here, eat it before it gets cold," he said to Don-krieg, and Don-krieg began to eat it up with both cheeks, uttering words of gratitude

Sanji headed for the kitchen

Cook 1 " Hey, Sanji, where are you going ?"

Sanji " In the kitchen to cook for 100 people"

The cooks gathered around Sanji and pointed their weapons at him

Cook 1 " Enough of Sanji, if you take his entire team, we will definitely not be able to get him to work.""

Cook 2 " It's good that you can appreciate food, but everything has its limits, as does our patience"

Sanji: "Well, what are you waiting for, if you want to stop me, why haven't you been shot yet, when I feed people, I prefer not to think about the consequences," he spread his hands.

Sanji "I'm a cook, if someone needs food, I just cook for them, what's wrong with that"

Pati stood up and knocked Sanji out with a punch

Paty "I'm sick of this, I'll defend this restaurant unlike you, asshole, HEY, KRIEG, I see you've had your lunch, now it's time for dessert," he said, pulling out a huge cannon and firing at Krieg.

Don-Krieg "You're kidding", and he was covered with a shell, everyone already thought he was dead, but they saw the unharmed figure of Krieg, who threw off the red coat and everyone saw the golden armor

Don-Krieg "The dessert was just disgusting, now eat THIS," he shouted, and his armor opened up and fired a lot of projectiles at everyone from chefs to customers.

All the bullets and shells stopped in the air like a falling tree, and Shiki stood in front of Krieg with his hand raised

Don-Krieg "What the hell did you eat the devil fruit for" everyone in the restaurant looked at Shiki, and Sanji had already woken up from the impact

Shiki: "No, I didn't eat anything like that, it's just my own strength," he said, and pointed all the bullets at Don Krieg.

"M-5" shouted Don-Krieg, and a shield with a skull appeared, feigning an attack, but it was thrown into the wall, leaving cracks there

Zeph" Stop ruining MY RESTAURANT, " he shouted, and threw a large bag of food directly at Don Krieg.

Zef " Take this, there's enough food for 100 people, and get out of here"

Don-Krieg " I remembered that you are red-legged Zeff, the one who stayed on the GRAND LINE for a year"

Zeff "So what"

Don-Krieg " Hehe, that means you probably have a logbook that you kept while you were there, am I right?" he asked with interest

Zeff "Even so, what does it matter"

Don-Krieg: "Ha, come on, you give me this magazine and I'll be the Pirate King when I get One Piece and if you don't give it back, I'll take it by force, if you do, I'll leave, and when I come back, you better prepare the magazine for me or this restaurant and everyone in it will go down," he said threateningly and left with a bag of food.

Paty "IZA YOU, WE HAVE SANJI AGAIN, ONLY NOW EVEN MORE THAN USUAL," he said in a hoarse voice, and he was supported by the rest of the chefs, except for Zeff, who looked at Sanji and shook his head

Zeff "Don't yell at him like that just because he knows something you don't know, but let's not think about the past, we need to prepare for the fight" all the cooks took out pitchforks and knives with pistols, but then Shiki showed up

Shiki: "I'm sorry, but I would like to fight this scumbag myself." Everyone looked at him as if he had lost his mind, but this is already a familiar thing for him

Cook 1 " Crazy, he'll kill you, maybe you stopped the bullets"

Party ", but he still has 100 pirates who will definitely kill you"

Shiki lowered his head, clenched his fists, and replied in a serious tone:

Shiki "This man said that he will become the king of pirates after such words, he must understand what tests he can expect on this path if he is unable to understand it I will kill him personally no one can say these words if he is not ready for death" Clenching his right fist in front of him, he replied from which everyone in the restaurants was amazed not only by his zayevlenie but also by the pressure of pressure on them not physical on mental

Zoro grinned, thinking that he had chosen the right person to follow him, but Sanji was amazed at how seriously this person took his dream

Zeff smiled again, wondering how many surprises this guy in the straw hat could hide

Zeff-Well, we're not going to act, we're going to watch you, " he said to Shiki and Zoro, who smiled back at him.

Shiki: "Hey, Jin, you better get out of here, don't risk your life for someone who can't understand what they're saying."

Jin " Yes, I will leave, but I will still follow Krieg, I have my princes"

Shiki-Then I won't regret seeing you again, " he said to Jin as he rode the boat back to his crew's ship.

After a while, Don-Krieg appeared and his perfectly healthy crew swam to the restaurant, on the deck of which stood all the chefs and in front of them 2 people Shiki and Zoro

Don-Krieg shouted from the side of his ship: "So, Zeff, are you ready to give me your diary"

Zeff, no, " he said pompously.

Don Krieg "Then die"

"Shiki," he said, and the ship of the Krieg Galleon was cut in two.

Absolutely everything "EEEEHHHH"

"Here it is," Zoro said with a maniac's smile, looking at the figure who sat on the boat with a pretentious air, as if oblivious to the world around him

Don Krieg " Damn it, he chased us right up to this place, Mihawk Hawkeye"

Zoro almost jumped up to challenge him to a fight, but Shiki took him by the shoulder.

"I know how you feel, but you can't beat him right now," he said with concern.

Zoro: "I told you not to get in my way or I'll kill you," He took his wrist and squeezed, but Shiki also pressed harder on his shoulder.

Shiki looked at Zoro again and decided to let him go

Shiki "Do as you like" he took his hand away, realizing that he was just insulting his friend's feelings and ambitions right now

Zoro "Thank you," he said, and jumped onto the raft, where Mihok was already standing, looking at Don-Krieg.

Zoro "Mihok is the strongest swordsman in the world, I Roronoa Zoro challenge you to a duel," Zoro said, drawing his swords.

Mihok 'How stupid, if you were stronger, you wouldn't have done it right after you realized our difference in strength like your captain did,' he said, looking Zoro up and down and looking at Shiki.

Mihok-Interesting and intriguing, " he said, looking at Shiki, then took out the knife from the cross on his chest.

Zoro-Hey, are you insulting me? Zoro asked angrily.

Mihok " I'm not a stupid predator who uses all his strength to catch a rabbit, you may be the strongest swordsman in East Blue, but this sea is the weakest of all the 4 seas"

Zoro-Stop insulting me, " he said, and walked towards Mihok.

Zoro 'ONI GIRI! Zoro shouted, but all three of his swords were stopped by Mihuk's dagger.

Mihok 'Let me show you how big this world is,' he said, freezing Zoro's swords.

Zoro "Damn it, it's impossible with one kenjal AHH," he shouted, and once again began a hail of attacks on Mihuk after a series of his attacks, Mihuk pierced Zoro's chest with the kenjal, but stopped 1 cm from his heart

Sanji-Hey, can you help him? He asked Shiki.

Shiki-Just stand there and watch, " he replied seriously.

Sanji only continued to watch as the dagger was still sticking out of Zoro's chest

Mihok: "You want me to pierce your heart, why don't you back off ?"

Zoro - If I take a step back, I will break my promise to my friend as a child and insult my captain, " Zoro said in all seriousness.

Sanji was as determined as anyone who heard him

Mihok " Child, tell me your name"

"Roronoa Zoro," he said as he prepared the bar.

Mihok "I will remember this for a long time, I have never met such a power as a tribute to you, I will make you the strongest sword in this world!"

Zoro {𝙎𝘼𝙉-𝙕𝙀𝙉 𝙎𝙀𝙆𝘼𝙄} Zoro screamed and attacked, but

All the swords were broken and only Vodou Itomoji was left unharmed the wounds were all over Zoro's torso

Shiki didn't say anything, but continued to watch calmly, even though he was ready to attack Mihok.

Zoro [this is the power of the greatest swordsman in the world], he thought as he closed the Wado itomoji

Mihok turned to finish Zoro off from behind, but saw that Zoro had his arms outstretched, waiting for him to attack

Mihok: "What are you doing ?"

Zoro-A wound in the back is a shame for a swordsman, " he said, smiling without a shadow of doubt.

Mihok-Great, " he said, and unleashed an attack on Zoro that pierced him from the left shoulder to the lower abdomen on the right side.

Sanji " Idiot"

Zoro fell right into the sea, and Sanji decided to pull him out, when suddenly

A blow came down on Mihok from above, which he parried with the back of his sword, but the attack continued, only getting heavier, it was Shiki looking at Mihok with pure hatred, the resonance between their defense and the blow created a wave that threw both the barrati restaurant and the remnants of Don kgrig's lodge, but then Shiki heard, .

Sanji: "HE'S ALIVE!!" he shouted, drawing everyone's attention.

Shiki, hearing his voice, stopped pushing and flew away from Mihuk, floating in the air

Mihuk "My name is Dracul Mihuk know yourself know the world around you become stronger than Roronoa and as the greatest swordsman in the world I will know you so become stronger than my blade and surpass me Roranoa," he shouted to Zoro.

Mihok turned to Shiki and looked at the poryashy young man

Mihuk: "Young man, what are you aiming for?" he asked Shiki

Shiki" Become the pirate king " immediately responded

Mihok " It looks like you inherited Roger's will"

Shiki "Who ?" "What is it?" he asked curiously

Mihok: "It doesn't matter yet, but your path will be the most dangerous"

Shiki: "I don't care as long as I'm still going for my dream until the very end"

Shiki " Sanji, how is Zoro?" he asked for the cook, but saw a sword raised in the sky

Zoro " Sh-Shiki, can you hear me ?"

Shiki: "Of course I can hear it," he immediately replied to him.

Zoro: "I'm sorry to disappoint you, but if I don't become the strongest swordsman, I'll break you even more, right ? Kha, " he said weakly, spitting out blood.

Sanji " Shut up, you idiot"


Zoro: "Do you have any objections to the future pirate king ?"

Shiki smiled, " There aren't any"

Mihok " Excellent team"

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