
One Piece King Gravity

I'm writing fan fiction for the first time on an English-language site, I'm Russian myself, so don't judge strictly This story will be about a boy who overcame gravity and learned how to use it Follow the adventures of Shiki and his team in this vast universe, because after the ocean, space awaits them I don't own One piece and edens zero

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Chapter 7 Barrati

East Blue

After going to sea, our heroes are now

Shiki - "Going-Merry is incredible," Shiki said, looking back and forth again

Usopp: "Of course, Merry did a wonderful job "

Nami - " This caravel is able to withstand many storms that I have encountered before in my travels, it only needs the right navigator "

Shiki- "That's why we have you, the best navigator in East Blue No in the whole world," he said to the girl with a genuine smile.

Nami blushed again, but she didn't reject Shiki's words

Nami in her mind-Sorry, Shiki, but I can't be your navigator, she thought sadly.

Shiki noticed that something was wrong and wanted to say something, but then

Usopp - " Can then make a pirate flag"

Shiki and Nami looked at Usopp, knowing that he was right.

Shiki- "Then give it to me now, everything will be fine," Shiki said, taking out a black cloth and buckets of paint.

After 2 failed attempts

Usopp - " These flags can really kill because of the lack of air in the lekih after laughing"

Usopp and Nami laughed at Shiki's attempts to draw a flag a skull and a straw hat on his head Shiki huddled in a corner with his legs crossed while Zoro slept next to him

Usopp- "You see how necessary it is, I have no equal in such matters," he said, and drew an idiotic flag in front of everyone on the ship

Shiki - " This is exactly what I wanted now, the same symbol on the sails"

After that, a black flag with the Straw Hat symbol was installed on the mast, as well as on board the boat


Shiki: "Who's there ?"

Zoro recognized the voice it was Joni and Yosaku his junior partners

after the 2 guys were pulled out, it turned out that Yosaku was sick, his body was completely numb, and his teeth were pulled out

Nami " So it's just a lack of vitamin C in the sea-a common disease that is easily treatable, Shiki Usopp bring lemon and orange juice "

The two guys ran to korobl's kitchen and returned with a barrel of juice, which they gave to yesak, after which he immediately came to his senses, and then introduced himself

Joni is a guy with short black hair 180 cm with 1 sword on his belt on the right side of his arm

Yosaku-a guy with a shaved head and a mask covering his forehead, with a sword in his left hand

They were Zoro's former bounty hunting partners

Nami "Nice to see you meet and all, but you don't know where Doleko is, there's an island here, my maps say the nearest island is very far to the west, but we need some supplies" [Because Shiki ate everything again without thinking about the others] thought Nami

Usopp "Then we need a cook who will keep an eye on our food supplies and prepare food for all of us"

Joni - "That's how then I have an idea that you will get rid of two problems at once here not far to the southwest there is a floating restaurant Barrati there you can find a cook and supplies for your ship"

Shiki - "Then head for Barachi Restaurant," he shouted from the bow of the ship.

As they headed for the Restaurant, Zoro decided to break the silence.

Zoro - " Shiki, maybe I came earlier, but could you tell me what kind of power you're using ?"

Nami and Uslpp are also very interested in this, so they started listening, and Joni and Yosaku were looking at the sea

Shiki - " I had this power when I was 5 years old, and then I was seriously scared, but my grandfather told me that it was the Force of Gravity, after which I started trying a lot of different things with this force I can get heavier, I can make myself weightless, and with objects around me to attract or repel, that's all I can do with this force," Shiki told them.

Shiki - " However, there is something strange about this seemingly simple power, I do not know what it is, but I am sure that when I find out, something incredible will happen to me or to this power"

Zoro ... "Then try to describe at least a little"

Shiki - " It's like I'm moaning harder inside, but it's also easier, if something happens, I'll fall 𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖔 𝖉𝖆𝖗k 𝖌𝖗𝖆𝖛𝖎𝖙y , k-k-u, what did I just say ? "

Zoro Nami and Usopa flinched at the last sentence

Zoro - " Okay, we'll deal with your problems in the future when the time comes.""

Shiki stood up from the railing

Shiki - "Yes, I think you're right, whatever it is, I can handle it," Shiki said, smiling

When they got to Barati's restaurant The Straw Hat crew decided to go into the restaurant leaving Joni and Yosaka to guard the ship when they entered the restaurant they saw an amazing picture of a Marine lieutenant being beaten by a guy in a black suit with blond hair and a curved eyebrow and a cigarette in his mouth 180 cm tall

? "Even if you are a Marine lieutenant, you should be aware of the value of food, no matter who you are "

The chef - " Sanji, stop, you'll get in trouble again in our restaurant Zef san bedet pour-grabbed his hands from behind

Sanji - "Let me go, I haven't punished him enough yet," he growled, looking at the almost dead body of the infantryman.

Shiki and the team were already sitting at the table that was offered to them, still looking at the chef named Sanji

Shiki: "This Sanji is something, I think he will make a great cook on our ship"

Usopp: "As far as I'm concerned, it's more like a crazy chef ready to send you straight to hell.""

Shiki - "This is what a cook on a pirate ship should be like," Shiki said, noticing that Sanji was walking towards their table.

Sanji: "Welcome to our restaurant, what would you like to order?" "What is it?" he asked them kindly, looking at Nami in particular

Shiki "The best thing you have"

Zoro " I want to drink and meat"

Usopp "And me, too, that and Shiki"

Sanji "Then if all the hillbillies have chosen what you want today for all of you, for my bill, my lady," he bowed in front of Nami

Nami - "Well, if you insist, then I have the most exquisite wine you have, as well as the best dish from the chef," she said, not knowing the measure.

Sanji: "Your wish is my law right now, and I will return on the wings of love," he said, walking towards the kitchen with a strange gait.

Zoro- "I can see that arrogance is your middle name," he said to Nami, who was now savoring the champagne that was on the table

Nami -"And you just noticed," she smiled.

Shiki "I'm going to check something out," he said, and went straight to the kitchen.

Usopp: "Where is he going ?"

Zoro " Wherever he goes, there are adventures waiting for him.""

The waiter said to Shiki, " Hey, customers can't go into the kitchen."

Zoro" And trouble, " he added.

Shiki: "Come on, can't you just let me through for 10 minutes?" "What is it?" he asked, holding up the bag of gold under his jacket

Nami " Hey, this is my technique"

The waiter" Well, 10 minutes is quite acceptable " took this bag and let Shiki pass

Nami - "Seriously," she shouted.

With Shiki

Shiki went into the kitchen and was surprised at how well everyone worked here, someone did not touch him, because trusted people can enter the kitchen, which Shiki became for a bag of gold

After going further down the corridor and going up to the 3rd floor he noticed only a large door that says Zef when he opened it he found a sleeping cook of about 40 years old

Thinking it was barati's head chef, he started to speak, but was interrupted by a punch to the man's face, which threw him to the side

Zeph "I thought I gave instructions not to let anyone in," he said grimly.

Shiki stood up, rubbing his right hand, marveling at the strength of this old man.

Shiki - "I didn't come for problems, I came with a request," he said, looking into Zef's eyes.

Zef "And what is this request ?"

Shiki "I want Sanji to be the cook on my ship"

Zef stared at Shiki for 1 minute and then spoke

Zeph: "Who are you, brat ?"

Shiki stood up and smiled

Shiki " My name is Monkey D Shiki the one who will become the Pirate King"

Zef: "Wow, it's been a long time since I've seen someone with such ambition"

Zef looked at Shiki once more, as if remembering someone, and then returned to the topic of conversation.

Zef - "This is not a request you should make to me, but to Sanji"

Shiki ... "But aren't you his boss ?"

Zeph "That's right, but you know, sometimes I wish he'd get out of here and go meet his dream, I always chased him when he was 15, but he still thinks he owes me a favor, listen boy, if you can convince Sanji to join your team, I'll let him go, damn it, how do you like this offer"

Shiki " Great"

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