
One Piece - The Collector

Thrown into the world of One Piece. Follow the adventures of Telflaire Hunter. Watch him establish his family, power and how it affects the flow of events in the world of pirates. Just try it, First time writting a fanfic. People! Just don't be too harsh and btw English is not my first language.

TrumpetSoap · Tranh châm biếm
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24 Chs

22 Skypiea

2 Year's have passed since they left Jaya.

They were now living at the edge of the Upper Yard, When Arthur arrived here, he was already prepared to fight Enel, but it didn't happen as no Enel was found in here.

He wanted to immediately leave for Birka, but he didn't know where it was located.

When they arrived they were immediately attacked by the Shandians. They saw us from afar and were prepared to ambush our group.

Wyper was the leader of the group that attacked them, but they were beaten one-sidedly. And then they were all taken as hostages by Arthur.

If they weren't strong, Arthur and others would be certainly defeated.

The Shandians are a very strong group of warriors, you could say that they were born to be on a battlefield.

Origins said that the Shandians came from the moon and somehow ended up in Jaya.

Now they reside in Skypiea, they didn't choose to be here though, but their island was blasted by a humongous knocked-up stream a powerful pressurized water stream that shoots upwards to the sky.

It was a ridiculous natural phenomenon that sent half of Jaya to be flown up to the sky.

Arthur interrogated them and released some of them to inform their chief that for them to be released. They would have to trade all the gold that the city had.

Arthur knew about their ongoing war against the people of Skypeia. But he didn't care about all of that.

All that he wanted was just the city of gold. He didn't plan to interfere at all.

He understood why they were fighting, the war for the Upper Yard, where Vearth is located, because it was their ancestral land, but can't they just share it? The Upper yard was so large that you could build multiple cities in it.

When the Chief heard of what happened to Wyper's group, he was livid and sent multiple groups to rescue them. But It only resulted in a devastating defeat.

This attempt really pissed Arthur off. Losing his patience he decided to end it immediately. He located, invaded, and destroyed the home of the Shandians.

Although the captured soldiers are conscious, they can't do anything as all of them are paralyzed by Arthur's potent poison.

The Shandians were all sad and angry about their home being destroyed, but they just somehow felt lucky, they also wondered and were thankful that not one of them was killed.

After the forced "negotiation" was done, Arthur and others were brought to the city of gold.

Seeing the majestic city personally, it was surreal that anyone could gather this a lot of gold and make a city out of it.

This is a lot, especially since it was not touched by Enel.

Eve and Ketter, since they got here, they were always in awe. They couldn't believe that there was an island way above the sea.

The sky island, the people, their weapons, and most of all the unbelievable city of gold.

Now they know why Arthur wanted to come here. They were also shocked at how Arthur seemed to know a lot about this place.

Arthur then ordered the Shandians to extract all the gold and gather it for him.

As it will take a lot of manpower he also invaded the Skypians.

Arthur promised them that after he got what he wanted he would leave this island.

For weeks, them, being enslaved by Arthur made some of them revolt and ambush Arthur but they were unsuccessful.

They were badly beaten and some of them almost died. Although he could, he just thought that they weren't bad people. Technically I'm the bad person here. Because of that, not killing them was the least he could do for them in exchange for their gold and labor.

While all of this was happening, the people of Shandia and Skypians temporarily worked together, the tension between them was still there but as they had a common enemy they didn't have a lot of choice.

They didn't know that the difficult situation they were currently in would lead to the peaceful unification of the people of Sky Island.


One month had passed since they started extracting the gold.

Every day they have been putting the gold in a temporary warehouse, what baffles them is that every time they return all the gold is missing as if they have been eaten.

Arthur was very satisfied with the gold that he currently has now. He can buy whatever he wants.

After completing the collection of gold and getting the location of Birka, which is located in the southeast of Here. He finally decided to leave and the people can now heave the sigh of relief.




Birka is the birthplace of God Enel and his followers.

This place, currently is different from what he had imagined.

Standing from a distance he can hear screams, gunshots, and clashes of swords. There are fires all over the place.

It looked like it was having a civil war.

The current ruler of the Birka vs the rebels, Enel and his followers. He also noticed that Enel is not using his devil fruit power which means he hasn't eaten it yet.

Arthur already knew how would this turn out. Enel is gonna blast through the palace, kills the king, and eventually gains the rumble fruit.

Leaving Eve and Ketter, he proceeded to move ahead of Enel's group.

He knocked out all the people inside with his poison. He noticed one unique box and inside was the thing that he was looking for, arguably the most destructive Devil Fruit, the Rumble-Rumble Fruit.

Hearing the loud explosion outside he decided to stick around and wait for Enel to arrive.

When Enel got near the palace he noticed that the gates were wide open and the guards and even the king were all knocked out.

Seeing the only awake person was sitting on the throne. Tapping the throne with his fingers, he looked bored.

They both engaged in a battle. Although Enel was physically strong along with his mantra, that all pales in comparison to Arthur's strength.

He then dragged Enel to the Center Square and threw him creating a large explosion.

Enel's followers were shocked and bewildered to see that their leader was lying down, bloodied, his body was full of bruises and looked defeated.

Enel's followers were hesitant about what to do, eventually, they attacked but they were badly beaten, some of the weaker ones died terribly

Arthur looked at the people around him. He grabbed Enel by the hair and gave them a choice "Submit or Die". He thought that he could use more people, especially Enel's officers, the more useful cannon fodders.

As they were taking a long time to decide, They were shocked that Arthur decapitated Enel all of a sudden. They all widened their eyes, gulped their saliva, and felt terrified.

Arthur thought he could also take Enel but decided not to. Although he had a lot of potential, he didn't like Enel's character overall, a narcissistic man with a god complex doesn't sit well with him.

Now as it stands he has more than a hundred people and a boatload of money.
