
One Piece - The Collector

Thrown into the world of One Piece. Follow the adventures of Telflaire Hunter. Watch him establish his family, power and how it affects the flow of events in the world of pirates. Just try it, First time writting a fanfic. People! Just don't be too harsh and btw English is not my first language.

TrumpetSoap · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

23 Gains and Creations



After the events of Skypiea and Birka, he took his people back to Upper Yard and made a settlement there.

Arthur plans to stay here for the time being as the sky island is a peaceful place, there are no pirates and marines here.

Perfect place to incubate his 'sons'. He also introduced the idea to Eve to become the Origin mother for these kids, to which Eve agreed.

The reason she agreed was because Arthur told him that he planned to bring back his children that we're brutally killed before by the World Government. For that, he went on a long journey to find the power to revive them.

This struck Eve's heart, she felt terrible for Arthur, to witness your family massacred was devastating.

Finally, she decided to help.

Although she didn't know how it would work. All she was told was that she would only give her blood and that is all.

She didn't need to carry them in her womb as they would be born out of experiment, in an incubation chamber.

She was skeptical because where would they make them as there are no facilities? Arthur reassured her that she didn't have to worry about the process.

Seeing his gains, he decided to start the gene draws. Most of them are just ordinary genes.

But, out of all of them. There are nine genes, that were the strongest.

He planned to start cultivating these genes. One function of the gene system was to incubate the gene and hasten the development of their bodies.

It means he can finally have his full otherworldly crew in a couple of years.

Of course, using the money for it to work.

While waiting for the gene to mature. He intends to train his newly acquired people. Some of them already knew Haki, they just called them differently.

Enel's people, He ranked them from the strongest to the weakest.

Ohm is number one, he uses milky dials called Eisen Dial which can generate a substance called 'Iron Cloud' It has the toughness of metal, but can move freely like a normal cloud as a weapon. He also has a little dog called 'Holy' which Arthur loved.

The dog got attached to Arthur as he was always feeding him, now he follows him everywhere.

Followed by Shura the lance wielder priest along with his flying pet Fuza.

Next to the list were Gedatsu, Satori, Yama, and his divine soldiers.

The five people, Eve and Ketter were given special training by Arthur, it was necessary because after there back to the Blue Sea they would face a lot of strong enemies.


Back to the present.

This day, he is to welcome his second offspring that came out from the system.

When this first happened Eve was curious as to how this was produced, but Arthur didn't explain to her, he just told her it was one of his Devil Fruit abilities.

Both of them didn't plan on telling them about Eve's role in their "Rebirth".

But, a year ago some significant things happened, first was the arrival of the firstborn.

The most important thing was, that Arthur and Eve developed a not-so-romantic relationship.

During their time together, Eve actually got the outrageous courage to ask Arthur to give her a child. She said it was compensation for her involvement in his children's rebirths.

Arthur was flabbergasted when he heard Eve's request at first, but after thinking about it. It wasn't that different.

There are two ways to produce offspring from the system.

First, he could use the system chambers to develop them which is more convenient as they could be born with a matured body from the get-go, in exchange for money of course.

Second, he could directly infuse the gene into a woman and develop them like a normal pregnancy.

So he granted Eve's request. He also thought that he hadn't really had sex since he arrived in this world.

Arthur didn't really develop romantic feelings for Eve, but for the time they were together, he also got attached to her, and he wouldn't let anything happen to her.




Now inside his room.

He took out the incubation chamber from his system.

Inside the large chamber, a woman who looked like 18 years old was floating with all kinds of cables attached to her.

Pressing the button, the chamber opened and all the liquid inside rushed out.

She opened her eyes and saw a man standing in front of her.

"Do you know who you are?" Arthur asked.

"Yes...Father" the woman looked around and replied with a low voice.

"From now on your name will be 'Natasha'." Arthur decided on this name since she came from the world of Ghost in the Shell, She has the gene of Motoko Kusanagi which in the movie was played by Scarlett Johansson.


In this version, she was not a cyborg. She is pure human.

She nodded and Arthur threw her some clothes.

"Get dressed and meet me outside"

"Yes, Father" She then started looking at her body and checking it.

After she got dressed up she went outside to Arthur.

"Have you adjusted to your body?"

He looked at Natasha who was very curious about where she was.

"Don't worry I'll answer your question later, but for now, let us go and meet your brother."

She just nodded and started following Arthur to the forest.

'So, she is a quiet one'




Deep inside this overgrown forest of the Upper Yard.

Loud rumbling of the ground could be heard.

There was some bashing, growls, and a path of destroyed trees.

"Rehahaha, come on beast! Fight, struggle, and despair!"

A muscular teen with long red hair was wearing a black tank top, olive pants, and combat boots. He was fighting a gigantic light blue snake, who is known in Sky Island as the 'Master of the Sky'.

They have been fighting for almost half a day.

He was the first offspring that Arthur developed.

They were right, third time's a charm. After drawing the third one, he was certainly got lucky as he had drawn the strongest character in his world.

He was none other than the strongest creature on Earth, on Bakis world that is. The battle maniac known as 'The Ogre' Yujiro Hanma.

Suddenly, he stopped attacking his opponent and stood still.

He talked out of nowhere "Father, is it true that there are far stronger opponents for me to fight in where you called blue sea?"

Then Arthur and Natasha came out behind a large tree.

"You've gotten pretty good using your Observation Haki."Arthur praised Yujiro, he was impressed as he just introduced Haki to him a month ago.

"And yes, there are more and far stronger opponents down there."

Yujiro smiled evilly and laughed loudly"I can't wait, Rehahaha!"

