
On The Wind Of Love

[Mature content / No rape. R18] In a world where supernatural beings and humans have no trust for one another. Divided is how they stand...or is it? Crown, a headstrong, spirited and adventurous woman has always found herself embroiled in trouble from a young age despite her good intentions. Her misadventures and recklessness often time leads to unexpected mishaps that one time threatens the feigned and very fragile peace of her people. There are many words to describe the werewolf Prince Zaccai of the House of Zeror. Enigmatic, devilishly handsome, kind but with a guarded exterior are but a few. He cannot believe his luck when three fated encounters with a human changes the trajectory of his life and the destiny of his bloodline forever. World's collide in the strangest of ways in this series that is a tale of romance, love, sacrifice and acceptance as Crown and Zaccai embark on a journey to unravel the mysteries of their intertwined destinies, all while discovering what it means to truly love another. ___ DISCLAIMER All characters are fictitious and any resemblance to a real life person or place is completely a coincidence. Cover photo was designed by Me Source - Pinterest & Personal Photos of Me. UPDATES: Daily.

withlovetale · Kỳ huyễn
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59 Chs

calmed the beast


Adin found himself locked up at the torture room beneath the city's main prison. He accepted his fate, letting the only heir to the throne leave their land to the land of humans was really wrong of him. But that wasn't all he was being punished for, he had failed three times before and this was long overdue, that much he knew.

The wounds on his body healed as more was inflicted with the thorn belt that was used on him. Hundred strokes, that was easy. What wasn't easy was once you showed any sign of pain, the number was reset to zero and he just winced.

"We start again, sir Adin." The warden announced almost sadly.

Adin simply nodded as he squeezed his eyes shut ready to take on what was coming.


Zaccai stepped into the bath water that was prepared for him and settled into it. A part of him worried about Adin and felt sorry for the man, the other thought about Crown.

There had been a part of her that was okay being a part of his world, she had no fear, saved them the judgements and saw past the differences. But that little girl had grown into a woman who wanted nothing to do with them and most likely hated them, and if that was completely true, she didn't remember anything at all from their past. That raised suspicions about Ashford in his heart, there had to be more to them that meets the eye.

Next he questioned his insanity in trying to save her from a useless man for a future husband, wasn't it a better fate to be married to a man who will most likely treat her poorly than one who might end up killing her? He cursed under his breath as more warm water was poured into his bath along with peppermint oil for a soothing effect.

Maybe he truly had been looking to save her in his own misguided way or just being plain stupid. Whichever one it truly was, he knew what was certain, he was going to marry her in the end. It was only right they did, after all their paths had crossed so often that it only seemed like the perfect end to a story that was missing so many chapters. in-between. And now he could most likely get the answers to the questions he asked in a secret place in his heart.

Why is there a part of her in his werewolf side?

How are they so connected that hurting her could also hurt him?

What was it about her words that calmed the beast? Could it work on others like him?

Overriding all the thoughts that flooded his mind was the fact that deep down he was actually happy he was going to be marrying her and not a complete stranger.

"Your bath is done your highness." The servant announced.

"Hmm. Leave me, I'd like to stay here for a while."


"You can wait outside if the thought of leaving me alone by myself scares you." He commanded.

The servants took a gentle bow before filing out one after the other.

He gazed out the window. "Crown Zeror, hmm, fitting..." He made a sound of satisfaction as he slowly buried himself under the water that felt cold to his skin.


"My darling, you are back." Yara stood up to greet Crown who silently walked in through the back door of their home along with her brother.

"Hello mother." Crown greeted. "Hello father." She turned to Honey and said nothing.

"It's imperative that we talk about this." Yara said.

"I don't want to." Crown cried.

"We have to, child. Darius came by too." Her father said not looking in her direction.

"Darius? Oh." She felt guilty at how much she keeps forgetting about him or how he could possibly be feeling about the matter.

Her mother frowned. "Don't tell me you haven't seen him yet?" Yara looked from Crown to Tiran.

"Our paths never crossed mother, don't give her trouble for it." Tiran defended. He walked past them both to go to the kitchen to find food.

Crown took a seat making it clear she didn't want to sit beside her sister.

"You can run away, leave Ashford any day before the wedding, at night time just an hour shy after midnight. No one will know until it's late." Her father blurted.

"What! Father—"

"Ashford is not entirely the only land humans occupy, I hear little town's are now being formed much closer to the mountains. You can find one of them and dwell there. I rather know I can't see you again but you are safe and sound than possibly hurt."

"Was this the conclusion you all came to?" She asked in bewilderment. When no one answered she scuffed. "That's absurdity!"

"I agree." Tiran said coming out with a plate filled with yellow boiled yams and oil.

"What will the town's people say? Everyone is already in agreement that they will accept whatever comes from Tahu and be ready to give their daughter out to the royal house. What will they say about us if we chose to disobey?" Crown said in a soft voice.

"Who cares what they say! They have said so much about you, about us in the past and none of us have lost a single strand of hair over it. I'm sure those dastardly Dayton's mentioned you to them and turned their hearts your way!" Kish said in a hard voice.

"Father I don't think I can—" her voice broke.

"Father all you are doing is putting Crown in a difficult position than she is in already. I thought this was already settled earlier in the day. She gave them her word, as did you I believe."

"We owe no loyalty to their king or his heir. We are not their people." Kish argued, his stubbornness mirrored that of his daughter earlier.

"She is now!" Tiran shouted before realising his mistake. "I'm sorry father, I didn't mean to raise my voice—" he bowed his head. "Forgive my mistake, it will never happen again." But his words brought a new realization to Crown. She was theirs now, she now belong in Tahu and will be for as long as she lives.

"Pay no mind to your brother's words. You will always have a place here, you belong here more than you ever will in Tahu," Yara consoled after studying her face.

"I have to go to bed now, I need to rest." Crown spoke faster than she wished.

"Okay child, go to your room then. Honey go with her."

"No. I don't need you. I don't need anyone right now. Thank you, family." She rose up. "Good night."

As she mounted up the stairs in a steady pace, she didn't fail to note that the topic of Darius had only been a light conversation. Her family wasn't concerned about him and she was even concerned less. That troubled her. Had she really been ready to marry a man she had no feelings for whatsoever. And was her family desperate to marry her off that they had blindly supported the union? Was this new union destiny's intervention indeed like Miss Neoma had inferred?

She closed the door to her room quietly and collapsed behind it, burying her face in her hands.

"All will be okay, Crown Lod. All will be fine," she whispered tiredly as she laid down on the cold floor. She found the strength to cry lacking, so she shut her eyes tight as she sought calm amidst all that has been.