
On The Wind Of Love

[Mature content / No rape. R18] In a world where supernatural beings and humans have no trust for one another. Divided is how they stand...or is it? Crown, a headstrong, spirited and adventurous woman has always found herself embroiled in trouble from a young age despite her good intentions. Her misadventures and recklessness often time leads to unexpected mishaps that one time threatens the feigned and very fragile peace of her people. There are many words to describe the werewolf Prince Zaccai of the House of Zeror. Enigmatic, devilishly handsome, kind but with a guarded exterior are but a few. He cannot believe his luck when three fated encounters with a human changes the trajectory of his life and the destiny of his bloodline forever. World's collide in the strangest of ways in this series that is a tale of romance, love, sacrifice and acceptance as Crown and Zaccai embark on a journey to unravel the mysteries of their intertwined destinies, all while discovering what it means to truly love another. ___ DISCLAIMER All characters are fictitious and any resemblance to a real life person or place is completely a coincidence. Cover photo was designed by Me Source - Pinterest & Personal Photos of Me. UPDATES: Daily.

withlovetale · Fantasy
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59 Chs

gentle kiss

Say what you have to say Tiran, no need for the suspence." Crown said to her brother who was quietly seated beside her by the stream. They had been silent for a long while now, and while she appreciated the silence, it was now becoming deafening.

"I have no comforting words to offer, Crown. Yes, we are family and share the same blood but I know I can never feel what you feel nor can I understand the turmoil your heart's currently in." He picked up a stone to throw in the stream. "I don't know what I would do if I was chosen to marry some princess from Tahu—"

"Poor princess, she will suffer if she gets to marry you." She teased.

Tiran smiled as he turned to look at her, then his face got serious. "They say this marriage is meant to bring unity among our people to fight a common enemy that is soon to come. I do not know how true this is, no one does. But the high chief says it's an evil worse than anything we can imagine. The village is all in agreement with this union and is, for the first time in a long time, behind you. Although you did give them a fright earlier. But I get it. I get it."

"Am I bait then?"

"No sister, you are our saviour. And anyone who has something else to say about you will get to answer to me."

"Aren't you afraid of what might be done to me over there?"

"There's a curse on them, they can't hurt you." Tiran said with assurance.

"We all know of the curse, I read about it but something tells me there's more to it." She replied.

"Let's not worry about it. They need this union to work so I'm sure they won't trouble you. Besides you are marrying into the royal house. I'm sure you will be protected all the time, by them." He explained what he hoped was the truth.

"I don't want to talk about it anymore." Crown pleaded. "Let's not talk about it anymore. My mind is truly scattered and... and I think I'm hungry too, I only had little wheat bread this morning. My stomach is rumbling and I'm starting to feel faint." She half smiled as she touched a hand to her stomach and the other to her forehead.

Tiran looked at her surprised before laughing. His laughter bubbling up from deep within. It was an honest, hearty laugh. Crown, delighted by her brothers' genuine reaction, couldn't help but join in, their laughter blending harmoniously, but soon hers turned to a cry.

Tiran drew her into a hug. "Don't worry, everything will be alright. All will be alright," he repeated.

Crown melted into her brothers arms as she nodded against his shoulder praying those words come true.


Zaccai wanted to get a glimpse of Crown before leaving but found her to be nowhere in sight, he couldn't catch her scent either. He didn't like the feeling her absence brought.

"It's time to go your highness. All has been settled." Vax informed him quietly as they left Kish and his wife in their home with all the information needed to make the forth coming celebration a success.

Hawthorne had informed Dayton that they were allowed to keep all that was brought for the introduction as a peace offering for the change in plans and they were happy to receive the news.

They felt rich with all the gold and items that had been given to them. "Dara, my daughter, you've done well. You are the reason for this wealth, you've done well." Her father praised her that night.

Zaccai rode in the carriage along with the others. He took off his helmet now to allow himself some air.

"Your highness, forgive me but may I ask why you chose to marry miss Crown, she seems to be a handful," Elara asked.

"She's always been a handful," he said under his breath. "Nothing to it, Elara. I simply wanted her, I saw her pass by me and changed my mind." He lied.

"She's really a beautiful woman, your highness." Lucia commented.

Zaccai turned to him with a look of warning.

"Forgive me sir." Lucia pleaded.

"What did you do back there Hawthorne?" Zaccai was curious.

"I'm sorry for going against your orders sir. I had to stop her one way or the other. I simply put them to sleep." He said simply.

"Cute power," Phina teased.

"I can so easily trap you in your worst nightmare, leading to your demise." Hawthorne said in a tone that carried a hint of warning.

"I like it." Zaccai complemented.

"Thank you, your highness." Hawthorne bowed.

The rest of the trip was traveled in silence until they got to the gates of Tahu at night time.

A troop of soldiers manned the gate waiting on them.

"What is going on here?" One footman asked.

"Move aside." A soldier warned as he went to the carriage and opened the door. "Your highness, the king and queen ask that you be brought back home immediately."


"We do not know sir."

"Follow the carriage. I do not have any business elsewhere anyway. Shut the door." He commanded.

"Yes sir." The soldier closed the door gently as the troop followed them to the Zeror mansion.

Zaccai alighted from the carriage to see his mother's angry face even in the moonlight.

"You went to Ashford without informing us. How could you!" Queen Lieve queried.

"Mother, we are outside." Zaccai replied walking past her up the grand stairs of the entrance to their home.

"I do not care. What if something went wrong?"

"You seem to forget we are the predators, not them. They are powerless among us. Why do you fear them so?" He spoke as he continued to walk.

"I do not fear them, I only care for your safety." She shouted as she walked closely behind her son.

"Safety mother, what will they do? Pull my fangs out or step on my tail?" He said sarcastically as he climbed up the stairs to the first floor.

"Don't you dare—"

"Mother please! Sir Adin knew about my movement and I had four soldiers with me. All was under control. This is my marriage, surely I was going to go to Ashford sooner than later don't you think?"

"Sir Adin is serving his punishment for letting you get into possible danger." She replied.

"He's what!" Zaccai stopped and turned to his mother almost bumping into her.

"You heard me." She replied sternly.

"Where is he?" Zaccai growled.

"Did you just growl at me?" She looked up at her son who stood a feet taller than her.

"Where is he?" He shouted now.

"Don't speak that way to your mother son." Zadok warned as he came out from his study. He was on his way out to a meeting with his court.

"Where is Adin?" He repeated.

"Relax son, it's a mild punishment. He's a werewolf, this is nothing for him."

"You are punishing a man for my actions?" He frowned.

"We were worried about you all day long. You will not blame us for this." Lieve replied.

"Mother, blame me! Punish me!" He said.

"Don't be ridiculous." His father retorted.

"You are—" he stopped as he feared he was now clearly being disrespectful. "Release him father. This makes no sense. I am to pick a wife, and I simply went ahead to do so. How do you fault another person for that?

"We were fine with you sending people over there, quite frankly, that was what we wanted from the start and was pleased that your plan aligned with ours. You had no right to leave Tahu without our knowledge or consent!" Lieve said taking a deep breath.

"Well I am here now, whole and not injured. I have chosen the wife I want. The sky hasn't fallen and the stars still shine. Release Adin now!" Zaccai said slowly.

"Fine, we will... In the morning." Zadok said as he turned to go his way.

"Father! I am not in the best of places right now with this marriage, why add to my burden?"

"That is the best I will do for you. He was meant to be wherever he is for three days. Argue with my decision and I'll make it five."

Zaccai looked from his mother to his father almost in disbelief at the character they showed. Without another word, he turned away from them to go to his room.

"Do you think we are going to be okay, husband?" Lieve asked still facing the stairs Zaccai took to his quarters.

"Oh, yes my Queen." Zadok smiled cheekily at his wife.

"We have to tell him, show him too." She turned to Zadok as she spoke.

"Yes, yes I agree. He has to know and now is the prefect time."

"Thank you." Lieve gave her husband a quick but genlte kiss before leaving his presence.