
On the Difficulties of Escape in Ancient Times

As the daughter of a gangster, Xiao Xiao was originally worried that she would not be able to marry into a good family. Unexpectedly, when the war broke out, she first worried about how she and her family could survive in the troubled times.

Line_Huang · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
30 Chs

Chapter 28: Fire at the city gate

Two words came to Xiao Xiao's mind: touching porcelain.

  So she took a cautious step back.

  The little girl was knocked down by her and sat on the ground, looking up at her.

  Xiao Xiao also found that she was frighteningly thin, and her eyes were particularly big. She smelled of sweat and medicine, which was a bit unpleasant.

  Xiao Xiao couldn't bear it and reached out to help her: "Are you okay?"

  The little girl hugged her calf and started crying: "Sister, please give me some money? My sister is sick and I don't have money to get medicine..."

  Xiao Xiao Xiao didn't expect that he would be so unlucky that he would actually meet someone with a porcelain.

  If not for her young age, she would have wanted to criticize her for being so unprofessional.

  Although she has never been touched by others, she has been touched by others, and they really risked their lives.

  He also blamed himself for being soft-hearted. If he had left at that time, how could he be entangled.

  Xiao Xiao resolutely refused: "No!"

  Along the way, she also saw too many tragedies in the world where there was no money, no food, and no way to survive. Her compassion had been worn away little by little until it was only the size of a sesame seed. .

  The little girl was sobbing and crying, with a voice as low as a cat: "Sister, please!"

  Anyway, he hugged her legs and didn't let go, like a dead pig who is not afraid of being scalded by boiling water.

  Xiao Xiao wanted to kick her away, but seeing how thin she was, she was afraid that someone would die if she kicked her out.

  As soon as she lowered her head, she raised her head, crying silently, looking at herself helplessly, as if she didn't even have the strength to speak.

  Somehow, Xiao Xiao still felt soft, and took out her purse from her arms and handed it to her: "This is all I have left, and I give it to you!" Anyway,

  the purse was very old, and there was only more than three dollars left in it. Silver.

  That was where she originally planned to drink soy milk and buy fried dough sticks and sesame balls tomorrow morning.

  Think about it, a bowl of shredded pork noodles is forty-eight yuan, and the money given out is enough for me to eat seven bowls of shredded pork noodles.

  I can't think about it, the more I think about it, the more distressed I feel.

  She regretted grabbing it back, and she left without looking back.

  The little girl clutched her purse tightly and waited until she was gone before she quickly got up from the ground and ran home.

  When Xiao Xiao returned home, Mrs. Liu was already waiting at the door. He was relieved to see her back: "You're back. Your father and the others went to look for you. Didn't they meet you?"

  "Then I must have missed you." Xiao Xiao Get ready to go to the room.

  Wu came up and sniffed: "Third girl, what good things did you buy? It smells so good? You spent a lot of money to buy so much, right?"

  That look in his eyes really made me wish I could see through it.

  Seeing that she wanted to take advantage of it, Xiao Xiao quickly turned around to face her, and handed her the stewed meat wrapped in dried lotus leaves that he was carrying: "The things in the basket are all cotton and rags. I bought the stewed meat specially." Chicken and braised pork head, let's drink for grandpa. Second aunt, can you help me bring it to grandma?"

  Wu immediately took it with a smile: "Three girls are so filial. No wonder your second uncle hurriedly brought it when he heard that you didn't come back. "Da Lang and the others are looking for you."

  Mrs. Xiao was sitting on a chair mending her pants. When she saw it, she was afraid that her second daughter-in-law might steal it, so she simply stretched out her hand and said, "Bring it to me!"

  She rolled her eyes at Xiao Xiao again: "Damn it. Nizi, you don't know how to live, and you spend money on these braised meats."

  Even though she said that, smelling the smell of meat coming from the lotus leaves, the Five Zang Temple couldn't help but rebel.

  Xiao Xiao successfully put the backpack in the room.

  While no one else was around, he took out the peach cake first and gave it to my mother and sisters: "Let's eat it first, it's delicious and crispy."     Xiao   Lian was the first to take it and took a bite: "It tastes good."

  He raised his orchid finger and nodded her forehead: "You little fool, why did you give all the braised food to the second aunt before? Why don't you keep half of it?"

Xiao finally found an opportunity to roll her eyes: "The stewed meat is very smelly. Even if we don't eat it in front of everyone, we can still smell it."

  Although the Xiao family has been separated, but now everyone When we eat and drink together, we feel embarrassed to eat alone, for fear that Xiao Youfu will be unhappy if he finds out.

  "Three girls did the right thing." Ms. Liu praised her daughter with a smile and urged them to eat quickly.

  The place she entered was not big, and she didn't want to close the door in broad daylight. She was afraid that her younger siblings would break in.

  So she finished eating quickly and put away the brown sugar, peach cakes, and osmanthus cakes that her daughter had bought: "Save these for the road."

  After they had packed up, Xiao Youfu strode in and saw his little daughter coming back. He didn't want to scold him, but said disapprovingly: "Next time you can't go out alone."

  "Oh," Xiao Xiao agreed obediently, and smiled at him again, with a sweet voice: "Dad, I gave it to you specially. I bought braised chicken, so I can have some wine tonight." Xiao   Youfu

  was indeed very happy, and secretly took out two oil paper bags from his sleeves: "I bought some beef jerky, keep it for the toothpastes on the way."

Seeing that he loved his daughters, she felt happy in her heart. She took them and put them away: "I just know how to spend money randomly. Okay, let's go cook dinner first?"

  Tonight is the most sumptuous meal for the Xiao family in the past half month. A meal.

  In the next two days, Xiao Xiao also went out with her father for a walk. The father and daughter also ate dumplings and shredded pork noodles outside. They bought a lot of delicious food and quietly brought them back to Liu and the others.

  On the evening of the second day of July, after everyone had dinner, Mr. Xiao spoke up: "I have inquired, the city gate will open at the beginning of the morning, we will get up at the middle of the day, have breakfast, pack up and leave early.

  " None of the brothers had any objections.

  Mr. Xiao asked the eldest son to go talk to the Wu family again, and he and the second son went to feed the mules.

  Xiao Xiao deliberately took a shower before dinner. Because her hair was too long, she had to wash it early. After wiping it with a handkerchief, the sun and wind would dry her hair.

  Thinking about having to sleep in the carriage again tomorrow night, she went to bed early today, feeling that she could enjoy every day.

  The main thing is that I don't have a mobile phone at the moment, and there is no book to read, unless I am willing to put the soles in my shoes to pass the time.

  She would rather kill her than kill her and go to bed early.

  While sleeping soundly, there was a hurried knock on the door and Xiao Youfu's anxious voice: "Da Ya, wake up quickly, pack your things and let's leave quickly..."

  Xiao Xiao, who was in a daze, thought he was dreaming.

  Mainly because she had a similar dream on the way to escape, and she woke up with a fright.

  Xiao Xiu hurriedly responded, stood up quickly and lit the oil lamp with a fire fold, and dressed quickly: "Hurry up, too."

  Fortunately, the luggage had been packed long ago, and the three sisters quickly put on their clothes and carried their clothes. Go out with your luggage.

  It was as dark as ink outside, and the stars were twinkling faintly, but everything seemed completely silent.

  However, there were already two strange girls standing in the yard, one big and one small.

  Xiao Xiao recognized the younger one, who seemed to be his own little girl.

  She approached Xiao Youfu, who was tying luggage on the top of the mule cart, and asked in a low voice: "Dad, what happened?"

  In fact, Xiao Youfu was also surprised: "It's their fault that something happened at the city gate. Wait a minute. Take us out of the path."