
On the Difficulties of Escape in Ancient Times

As the daughter of a gangster, Xiao Xiao was originally worried that she would not be able to marry into a good family. Unexpectedly, when the war broke out, she first worried about how she and her family could survive in the troubled times.

Line_Huang · Fantasy
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30 Chs

  Chapter 29 Disaster to Chiyu

Back to half an hour ago, in the middle of the night, Xiao Youfu was sleeping soundly with Mrs. Liu in his arms, when he was suddenly awakened by a knock on the door.

  He cautiously looked out from the crack in the door and saw two thin girls, so he dared to open the door cautiously, with an upright look on his face: "You are knocking on the wrong door in the middle of the night. You must have found the wrong one. Leave quickly!"

  This was because Liu Shi also got up. Are you standing next to him now?

  Otherwise, he would definitely have to scold him and get out of here.

  The older girl, who was carrying a small package and looked about seventeen or eighteen, pretended to be calm: "Your girl helped us a few days ago, so we came to tell you that there are troops attacking the city outside. It's not safe here. If you are willing to take our sisters with you, I can take you out of the city."

  Xiao Youfu didn't think that she would come to joke with him in the middle of the night, so he simply called Xiao Zhengyuan who came out after hearing the noise: "Dalang, you. Run to the city gate and take a look."

  Xiao Dalang responded and ran away.

  Mr. Xiao also came out. After repeated inquiries, he felt that it was better to be cautious.

  He simply ordered his sons to start feeding the mules, packing their luggage, calling the children to get up, and delivering messages to the Wu family in the backyard.

  About half an hour later, Xiao Dalang ran back with sweat all over his body and a mess all over his body. He couldn't hide his panic and gasped: "Quick, hurry up, the city gate has been lost, and many people have died."

  When he thought of the hundreds of people, There were thousands of soldiers, chopping people as hard as chopping bamboo, and there were scenes of stumps flying around, blood spurting out, and wailing and crying. I couldn't help but turn pale and start retching.

  This was the first time he faced such killings. Previously, he held his breath and ran back to report the news because he was afraid of delaying his family affairs. He couldn't see because it was dark and he fell down many times.

  Now that he came back to his senses, his whole body was completely weak, and he sat limply on the threshold unable to get up.

  When Xiao Youfu saw his eldest nephew's cowardice, he knew that the matter was serious, and immediately said: "Get in the car quickly, let's leave now."

  After saying that, he helped Xiao Dalang to their mule cart, then hurried to the kitchen, pulled Mrs. Xiao came out and pushed her into the car, and said sternly: "Don't worry about the rest, leave now, I won't wait for you."

  He vaguely heard some movement, and was glad that the place where he stayed was far away from the city gate. , it is not a main street, nor is it a residential area for wealthy businessmen.

  Mrs. Xiao, who was originally worried about the bottles and cans in the kitchen that she hadn't brought into the car, immediately sat down after hearing what the boss said and stopped making a fuss about going down to get things.

  Xiao Youfu's mule cart headed out, and he led the mule and walked quickly.

  Xiao Xiao sat on the shaft of the car with the girl named Lin Xuan so that she could show the way.

  Xiao Yougui followed closely behind, fearing that one mistake would prevent him from seeing the mule cart in front of him, and he was also afraid that ferocious soldiers would rush over to kill him.

  Behind them are the Wu family's carriage and mule carriage.

  There were also vigilant people who noticed something was wrong, packed some luggage in a panic, and followed them.

  Lin Xuan was obviously very familiar with this place and kept pointing the direction.

  After about a cup of tea, Lin Xuan sat on the side of the car and squinted her eyes and looked forward: "Turn right at the intersection ahead and you will see the side door."

  "It will take a day or two of walking on the mountain road to get out."

  That's true . Because it is so biased, many people have gradually forgotten that there is such a biased door.

  But when the city was built, a Feng Shui master was specially invited to see it and said that a living door should be left here.

  To this day, this side door has indeed become their door of escape.

  It's a pity that Lin Xuan is not the only one here, there are more than a hundred people fighting at the side door.

  At this moment, there were also flames blazing into the sky near the side door, and shouts of killing were everywhere, waking up everyone nearby.

  Lin Xuan didn't expect trouble here, and took a breath: "The fire at the city gate has affected Chiyu. Now our soldiers are at a disadvantage. We're afraid we won't be able to escape from here."     "But it's even more impossible to escape from the city gate." After Xiao Xiao quickly looked around, he whispered to his father: "There are also a lot of people gathered here. Dad, we can only fight!"

  After that, She walked into the carriage, took a long bow, and tied a quiver around her waist.

  Although Xiao Xiu and Xiao Lian were in the carriage, they kept paying attention to their conversation. After seeing their sister's dress, they silently picked up their bows and arrows.

  Xiao Youfu also discussed with his own father, Mr. Wu and his younger brother for a while, then came back and pulled out the knife from under the car's shaft. He said with a rare serious look on his face: "Your uncle and I will take Ah Quan and the others to help later. Your grandfather Take care   of your second uncle's mule cart. Let's ask Da Lang to drive the cart. You all should be careful and protect your mother. "

  Don't worry about me later, rush out as soon as the door opens."

When he said this, as if he was giving his last words, he felt uneasy and retreated: "How about we retreat first? Even if the rebels come in, they will not embarrass us ordinary people for no reason. Huh? "

  Life was peaceful in the past, and she felt quite comfortable without a man at home.

  But in these troubled times, it's really thanks to him standing in front of me along the way.

  Xiao Youfu comforted her: "Don't be afraid. Mr. Wu has already gone to contact people. I will take the lead and rush out, and there will be people behind me to help."

  Xiao Xiao said quickly: "Dad, we will also cover you."

  Since getting bows and arrows, the three Xiao sisters have taken time to practice archery every day, and Xiao Xiao has been able to hunt rabbits.

  To her surprise, Xiao Xiu's archery skills were also very good.

  Although Xiao Lian is the last among the sisters, it cannot be said that she has no talent. She is much better than Xiao Dalang and the others.

  "Okay!" Xiao Youfu patted his daughters' shoulders in turn, glanced at Mrs. Liu with nostalgia, and strode forward with a knife in hand.

  Xiao Yougui also pushed away Wu with red eyes, who was holding on to him, and followed quickly with a knife.

  Seeing the gatekeepers over there being forced back step by step, Xiao Youfu raised his knife and shouted: "Brothers, there are only a few dozen rebels. Let's kill them and we can run out!"

  "If we wait for the rebels to kill the gatekeepers, The soldiers will definitely not let us go!"

  "If you are a man, fight with them..."

  He shouted loudly and rushed towards the rebels to chop them down.

  Xiao Yougui also followed him closely, and the two brothers dealt with the rebels together.

  If they were to fight alone, Xiao Youfu and the others would definitely not be a match for the regular army, but now that they were two against one, their brothers were both strong and armed with knives, so they could still resist for a while.

  At this time, Achang and Aquan were also carrying knives and rushed out as if inspired by them: "Come on, let's fight them!"

  Now there were four against one, but it was the traitor opposite. The army was at a disadvantage.

  In addition, the people who were watching the excitement in the dark saw that the rebels were not very skilled in martial arts, so they rushed out one after another with thirty or forty men holding sticks.

  After they rushed over, Xiao Youfu reminded them to pick up the swords on the ground or snatch the opponent's weapons.

  Xiao Xiao kept staring straight ahead. Seeing a rebel trying to attack her father, she gritted her teeth, aimed at the opponent's head, and shot an arrow.

  The arrow hit the back of the opponent's head, and the opponent let out a shrill wail, then fell on his back.