
On the Difficulties of Escape in Ancient Times

As the daughter of a gangster, Xiao Xiao was originally worried that she would not be able to marry into a good family. Unexpectedly, when the war broke out, she first worried about how she and her family could survive in the troubled times.

Line_Huang · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 27 Shopping

After Xiao Xiu put down her luggage, she looked around and could only comfort herself: "It's still clean at least, and there's no weird smell."

  Then she said like an elder sister: "I'll go to the backyard to fetch water and cut the grass. Wipe the mat, and the second sister will go to the kitchen to help. The third sister, please pack your luggage."

  Xiao Xiao agreed, she is the youngest now and is used to being taken care of.

  Soon, water was brought.

  But it was Wu Dalang who helped carry the water.

  After half a month of dining and drinking dew, the shy young man who was originally fair, lean and handsome no longer had his fair, light wheat-colored skin, and his brows and eyes lost their greenness and became more determined. In Xiao Xiao's opinion, he became more A bit more bearable.

  Xiao Xiu followed in and said with some embarrassment: "Brother Wu, thank you very much."

  He also smiled: "It's just a little effort." He

  looked at her again and said in a gentle tone: "My sister wants to buy some daughter tomorrow. Little girl, do you want to go with her?"

  Xiao Xiu blushed when she heard this and whispered shyly: "I will go find her then."

  Wu Dalang also blushed and whispered: "Life. If you are unfamiliar with the place, I will go with you!"

  Xiao Xiao finally understood why Xiao Lian liked to roll her eyes so much.

  At this moment, being ignored, I wanted to roll my eyes.

  Under his own eyes, the two people didn't know when they had a good impression.

  Hey, young people like them, whose future is unknown and who don't know what tomorrow will bring, can still have such charming thoughts.

  To be honest, she wasn't very optimistic about them.

  Now the Wu family is asking for help from its own family, so Mr. Wu will treat his younger brother as a wiser brother, and be as affectionate as a real brother.

  But even so, Mrs. Wu was a little reserved when talking to her grandmother and mother.

  Even though she is gentle on the surface, who is Xiao Xiao? She is an expert at appreciating lotus.

  Of course, in her opinion, it was definitely not that the gentle and capable eldest sister was not worthy of Wu Dalang.

  But most people would think that if Xiao Xiu could marry Wu Dalang, that would be a high achievement.

  She finally understood why her father seemed to be more friendly towards the Wu family in the past two days. Could it be that it was also to allow the eldest sister to enter the Wu family?

  "Sister, I'm hungry!" Xiao Xiao yawned lazily as if he didn't see anything wrong with them: "Let's go to the kitchen and have a look."

  Wu Dalang excused himself embarrassedly after hearing Xiao Xiao's words.

  Xiao Xiao didn't mention what happened before, but said to her: "We can stay here for three days. If the sun is good tomorrow, why don't we wash all the clothes?"

  Although people nowadays wash clothes in the river. , but she always felt that well water was cleaner.

  Moreover, when the soap locust was used up before, she simply used plant ash to wash clothes. When she didn't have the conditions, she could make do with it. Now that she has the conditions, she wants to be a little more particular.

  Seeing that her sister didn't make fun of him, Xiao Xiu breathed a sigh of relief and responded with a smile: "Okay!"

  After eating and taking a shower, it was almost early in the morning, and everyone was so tired that they fell asleep.

  Xiao Xiao slept until noon the next day. She hadn't slept so soundly for a long time.

  This body is young and has a good foundation. After waking up, the fatigue is gone.

  Liu and Xiao Xiu were drying their clothes on the hemp rope outside.

  "It's already three o'clock in the morning, and you just woke up." Mrs. Liu also rarely teased her little daughter: "You can sleep better than a pig!"

  Xiao Xiao didn't feel ashamed either: "Being able to eat and sleep is a blessing."

  Xiao Xiu was there. The man on the edge said with a smile: "There are steamed buns and sweet potato porridge left for you in the kitchen. You should go and eat them quickly."     "No, no, no," Xiao Xiao quickly refused: "I want to go out for a walk, just eat outside."

  In the past, she had money and no place to buy food, but now she is not far from treating herself badly: "Mom, eldest sister, I Invite you to eat something delicious."

  Mrs. Liu gave her a look: "Money doesn't bite your hand, so you can save some money."

  Xiao Xiu also smiled and refused: "I have already gone out in the morning, and now everyone in the family is here. After we go out, my mother and I have to stay and look after the house." He

  looked at her uneasily and said, "I'm not familiar with the place here. It's not good for you to go out alone. Why don't you let me go with you before you come back?

  Xiao Xiao didn't take it seriously: "It's okay. I won't go to remote places, I won't conflict with people, and I will take care of my own money. Don't worry." Besides

  , she is still wearing Xiao Dalang's old shorts. It's dusty and unremarkable at all.

  After Xiao Xiao finished speaking, he went out happily carrying a diabolo basket.

  When she went out, she realized that this was a residential area with two entrances. She walked along the alley to the end and asked two old people. After walking for half an hour, she finally came to the street.

  The street is wide, with shops on both sides, and some selling pancakes. Small vendors selling fruit carry burdens and push carts to sell along the street.

  There were many people on the street, both men and women, old and young. The sounds of bargaining, soliciting customers, and the crying of children made Xiao Xiao feel like he was in a riverside scene during the Qingming Festival.

  She didn't go to a big restaurant first, but found a small restaurant that was about 80% full. She went in and looked at the price list posted on the wall in red paper.

  A bowl of shredded pork noodles that originally cost ten cents, now costs forty-eight cents.

  Even the sauerkraut vegetarian noodles cost 18 yuan.

  It happened that there was a cleanly dressed middle-aged man in front of her paying, and he joked: "Shopkeeper, your pork noodles have increased from fifteen cents a bowl to forty-eight cents now. On the contrary, it's less than before."

  "It turns out to be shopkeeper Chen. I want to talk to you, but your rice and noodles are rising. If I don't, I'll have to drink from the northwest wind." The shopkeeper took it. After receiving the money, he also expressed his bitterness: "That's it. I don't earn as much as I did in peacetime."

  He asked him in a low voice: "If you have any news over there, don't forget to tell me?"

  Chen The shopkeeper smiled and agreed, and went to sit down next to him. Soon, a waiter brought several plates of side dishes and a bottle of wine and placed them in front of him.

  Xiao Xiao also ordered a bowl of shredded pork noodles.

  I have to say that the noodles are very chewy and the shredded pork is very fragrant. Compared with the big pot of rice at home, this bowl of shredded pork noodles is a rare delicacy.

  Anyway, she was not willing to waste even the last drop of soup.

  After she was full, she walked slowly along the street and saw a store selling braised meat. Although the price was distressingly high, she still bought a braised chicken and more than three kilograms of spiced pork head meat.

  I went to the cloth store and bought some cotton and rag strips, which were used to make menstrual belts.

  She didn't want to use plant ash, so she might as well buy more until Liu and the others got used to using cotton.

  I also bought some cotton cloth to make veils.

  After that, I bought some brown sugar, bath beans, two kilograms of peach cakes and two kilograms of sweet-scented osmanthus cake.

  She was not satisfied with what she bought, but she had already spent more than four taels of silver.

  After looking at the three pieces of silver scattered in her purse, she reluctantly glanced at the restaurant and turned back.

  Hey, she hates that things are too expensive and she also hates that she has too little money. She has to earn more money so that she can buy as much as she wants next time she goes shopping.

  On her way home, a seven or eight-year-old girl bumped into her at the corner.