
Nox City Of Infinite Worlds

NOx city of infinite worlds contains remains of past present and future million of worlds transformed into reality per periods of chaos the fifth period is going with only 20 years left, prophecy known " child of chaos will bring all into internal darkness " city was sealed Adam normal modern man transferred into this world a world with chaos &blood betrayal & allies how to know who in your side don't worry my friend here your ally Xon spirit world build your worlds finish trials and gain powers rule by iron fist kings wars welcome to the city of NOx ! with only your limit is your imagination !

Amr_Sabry · Khoa huyễn
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17 Chs

Friends & Enemies

Then the sound disappeared automatically, and Adam and Ash began to wake up again. They did not yet realize that they had been tried by the consciousness of the ancient emperor.

When they woke up, the strange symbols of the mental runes appeared before Adam's eyes.

"The Eye of Truth is what I failed because of before. I leave it to you. Use it well and remember, My letter to you, the ancient Emperor"

The rune disappeared automatically after it appeared, and Adam began to look in astonishment, as he was not affected by the blood dripping from his nose or the pain in his head. He began to look at the place where the rune was hidden, "What in the name of all that is ugly in this world happened now?"

Ash's metallic voice came out in pain, as if he had been damaged several times.

"Your first trial has been completed, Ah, I think it was mine. Congratulations to you."

Ash murmured. "Why did he go through all this while his innate ability was developing and he did nothing?"

Adam was amazed at what happened, "A trial? But when the trial began, I did not say it was a bad thing since it passed peacefully, but what happened?"

"Look here this is what happened" Ash murmured.

And the atmosphere changed inside the palace.

The images began to change as she began to see everything that happened to Adam inside the trial and the message that the old emperor had left.

He thought, 'The royal families again, What is the limit in ancient times and why 20 years? What will happen when this period ends? All I know is... Something else is coming that is more important and no one tells me about it, What if someone knows about it or else tell me?'

Adam sighed, "So this is what happened, but when the old emperor himself chose me, and what are these strange symbols? Wait, I mean the runes, How do I know what they are and how do I read them without knowing what they are? What happened to me? My head hurts and my body is covered in blood, Has anyone ever tried to kill me?"

Ash sneered sarcastically, "I have never seen someone want to kill himself to this extent, Why did you look at the runes? Your innate ability, If someone looks at the rune without understanding it or the help of the world's consciousness, he will die"

'This idiot did it, and the worst thing is that he succeeded and gained the ability to understand it without the world's consciousness' 

Adam opened his eyes and stared at the palace around him.

He looked at the light of Ash's world and noticed that the size of the light increased slightly, but this did not attract his attention.

What attracted him were the runes that began to appear next to his worlds, the yellow world with black lines, the world of pollen, and the details of the world began pouring into his mind. Adam spoke without paying attention,

<The world of pollen>

<separate living being of the fourth degree capable evolving from monsters eternal darkness>

<A child>

<The conditions of the first trial have not been fulfilled>

Adam was amazed by the details presented before him, like an elaborate video game. He looked at the two remaining lights.

He looked first at the red light overlapping with the black, like a shining jewel with a wonderful appearance.

He saw the rune next to it, like the world of pollen.

Detailed information about the world of the dwarves.

< The World of the Dwarves>

<The Dwarven race specializes in construction and crafting>

<There is nothing that the Dwarves cannot create>

<A race curious about everything new>

<Fourth degree, capable of development>

<The first period of the ages>

<The first trial of the world>

<Conditions have been fulfilled>

He looked at the bright orange world of Kashir, like a ruby shining under the sun's arrays in his previous world made him yearn for his previous world and the rising of the sun, which would remove all the estrangement that was inside him and begin a new day.

He also did not hate everything in this world and every living being living in it, and he spoke to Ash in a calm voice.

"How beautiful the world is from the outside. Would its inhabitants be this beautiful?"

With great concern, he looked at the rune that appeared from the world

<Kashir scholar>

<a Kashir race specializing in mining and refining precious metals>

<A beautiful race that is hunted for the purity of metals in their bodies>

<They do not trust anyone except the same race>

<A fourth-class scientist capable of development>

<Conditions must be met for the first trial to begin>

Adam smiled with a smile when he saw how pure the Kashir race was.

This explanation made him remember how in his previous world he did not trust anyone but himself, and he laughed out loud, "I think I found new friends for you and me."

Ash sighed and spoke sternly, "What will you do now? Will you begin the trial of the Dwarven World as the Old Emperor advised you, or will we wait for the end of the Chaos Cycle?"

  Adam thought for a while, then spoke, "Ash, does time flow outside of the worlds as it does in the city of NOx?"

The metallic voice spoke, not quiet, "Didn't you realize that after the cycle of chaos over the period of the destruction of a fourth-rate world and its entry into eternal darkness, but inside the worlds, time moves at a faster rate than outside, one day outside, a whole year inside the worlds, and do not forget that days, NOx, are known when a heart beat."

The view differ in front of Adams ayes and looked in a bright city shining like a flower in with bright worlds surrounding it shining their own light upon the city

Ash  continued 

  "NOx Twice it is the morning when the wandering worlds of NOx rise up and cover the entire city, and one beat of Knox's heart at night and the wandering worlds descend"

Adam smiled and spoke to his only friend and companion calmly, "So we have time"

Adam's tone changed to seriousness, "Ash, after your innate ability evolved into the Eye of Veritas, I think I remember all the things I've seen in my entire life, If I can enter the trials at any time, tell me about NOx City now and the four ruling families, I remember that you only chose two kings, I think that's my limit For now?"

Ash sighed, "I wanted this to make life easier for you, but I could only choose one king and a little prince, This reminds me, when will you meet them?"

Adam's expression changed and his eyes narrowed, "Can I do this?"

Ash mocked him, "Then why do you think I was so quick to choose you, but you can't leave this place yet and go to the city so that there is someone to protect you there? I can't protect you outside, otherwise the ruling families will discover us."

Adam smiled, "Well done, my friend. I didn't realize that you cared about me to this extent, Tell me first about the four ruling families, I remember that the Emperor only mentioned the Olkas, What are the remaining three and what is the strength of their realms?"

The rune appeared in the palace and began to light up, showing four runes bearing the names of the royal families, the red rune, and a bright bloody red flower that changed the symbol, and strange but beautiful shapes of faces appeared, as if they were drawn with red eyes and no hair on them except the red hair of the head and the small delicate nose.

Their bodies were covered with red clothes look like thorns on flowers, and Ash explained,

"  Sakid, the first royal family specializes in supplying the city with various resources, It is characterized by the bloody flower rune of destruction , It can analyze the mental rune and find its weak points, It controls the supply of pollen within the city, where it is concerned with hunting random worlds within the eternal darkness, And if... You couldn't possess it, you destroy it to produce world pollen, and this is just my conclusion, but I think they are the ones who dragged you here."

Adam smiled sarcastically, "They are the ones  care about for now. If we succeed in reaching the throne, you will be the first royal family in NOx to be changed, What about the rest?"

The rune changed, and the other rune formed a large, bright blue hexagonal gem, and the symbol changed to the shape of a human-like being, but the short ones look like dwarves, with thick, brownish hair, but they are only 150 cm tall, with sharp blue eyes, as if looking at the details of everything in front of them, covered.

Their skin looked like natural brown.

Ash continued to explain, "The Sidkar family, under the rule of King Silva Sidkar, in ancient times was considered the leader in manufacturing and mining, The old emperor called them the descendants of the dwarves, but due to the disappearance of data from ancient times, they are in decline now and can only rely on mining, The prince was chosen."

<Sil Sidkar is one of them, let him be your vassal>

With great interest, Adam asked, "Tell me about him"

A tall figure appeared, unrelated to the Sidkar race due to his height and lack of hair on his face, but he was handsome, his eyes shining with intelligence and the longing for knowledge, just as his eyes were accustomed to looking at the unknown.

"Sil Sidkar. The royal family does not recognize Sidkar, nor does the race recognize him as their prince, to the point that they wanted to banish him from the royal city, They removed him from the family tree, and Prince of Sidkar was appointed to first prince of the family by order of King Silva Sidkar"

Adam smiled and looked into Prince Silk's eyes, "Well done, Ash. I didn't know that you were so good at judging a person's character"

Ash's metallic voice changed as if a machine was insisting "If I can't judge characters, I wouldn't choose this idiot as my master"

Adam laughed hard and looked at Ash's blue light, "Yes, yes, my friend, He learned that you love me too, What about the remaining two families?"

The rune changed in front of Adam to a black rune, which began to change into a bright yellow snake with a black horn and large black wings, and the symbol changed into shapes suspicious of evil, but with supernatural beauty and relatively large ears that looked like a mystic elf in Adam's previous world, but with long black hair so that you would not know.

They are different from males to females due to their beauty and slender fingers that are slightly longer than human fingers.

Their bodies are covered with bright yellow feathers with large, shiny black wings.

This did not attract Adam's attention until he looked into their eyes and spoke to Lash, "Ash, why three eyes?"

Ash explained calmly as the shapes began to change to reveal a member of the royal family looking at a world below.

His three eyes, which were completely  blacked, opened as if looking into a deep abyss, and he began to look at the world below, "The Xander family is ruled by King Zok Xander, As you can see, how beautiful this family is in appearance and But this is not what distinguishes them, What distinguishes them is their third eye, which is considered the closest to the Eye of veritas , the eyes of your truth, but it does not show details like you do, Rather, it shows the darkness in the details of the worlds, meaning it informs you of errors in the world and helps in creating powerful worlds, It is considered one of the strongest ancient royal families because it possessed worlds at first degree is many, but of course this changed after the era of the Old Emperor and the disappearance of their data with it, but she can still see the errors of the worlds, but seeing the errors and knowledge of creating and upgrading the worlds contains a lot of data on how to complete this complex process."

Adam took a deep breath and looked at the beauty before him, "I don't know why the ancient Emperor did this, but in my ancient world there are those who say that knowledge leads to power as well as to destruction. I can know what Emperor Xon was thinking."

Ash did not care about what Adam said, but inside him, he realized that there was a part of the wisdom of the ancient emperor inside this young human, and he began to change the rune, and a white rune appeared, and he turned into a white fox, shaking his tail, and his green eyes shining like two jewels.

The symbol began to change into tall, closer shapes.

The giants are 3 meters tall, powerfully built, with green skin covered with scales like a fish. Their skin is smooth, bald, and they are covered with bright white armor.

Beautiful like ancient bronze statues of ancient warriors, with bright white eyes like the full moon in the black sky.

Finally, the Olkas race is ruled by King Shaak Olka was chosen as your vassal, and he was also a vassal of the ancient emperor.

As the Olka race is responsible for protecting the emperor, they are the shield and sword for them, Their white eyes are characterized by seeing hints of the future that can be used in combat, The old emperor gave them and did not disappear with his departure, This may be a confession from Emperor Xon that the Olka family is the only one that remained subordinate to him until his end, King Shak was close to the old emperor."

Adam sighed, took a deep breath, and thought about everything Ash had said.

Adam did not notice the rune disappearing in front of him inside the palace, and the lights at the top of the palace continued to illuminate it.

It was also Tunisia that surround the palace with silence, and suddenly Adam spoke,

"Ash prepare the first trial for the dwarven world, I will begin it later."

"I have finished calming my mind and securing the information gained from veritas eye, I will calm my mind with Mas-Emporium, and then we will begin, From this moment until the next 20 years, the war will begin for the first time, of my own free will, and I must prepare for it"

Ash's metallic voice answered Adam calmly as if he had been waiting for this moment, "The consciousness of Crown Prince Adam's world Ash is at your command"

Adam smiled broadly and sat on the throne, hugging his knees to his chest and resting his head on his knees. His eyes lit up with a sky blue light with Rune of eye of the truth.

He closed his eyes and did not realize that these moments would be the only peaceful moments he would enjoy.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Sorry but this was the hardest chapter I have till now

So many power shutdown and remaking the chapter from the start 3 times but at the end at least I changed some details that will help upfront

Tell me how you found it

Hope you enjoy your time at least I am ^^

Have a nice beautiful day

P.S : I will add a comment with The runes of the royals


Amr_Sabrycreators' thoughts