
Nox City Of Infinite Worlds

NOx city of infinite worlds contains remains of past present and future million of worlds transformed into reality per periods of chaos the fifth period is going with only 20 years left, prophecy known " child of chaos will bring all into internal darkness " city was sealed Adam normal modern man transferred into this world a world with chaos &blood betrayal & allies how to know who in your side don't worry my friend here your ally Xon spirit world build your worlds finish trials and gain powers rule by iron fist kings wars welcome to the city of NOx ! with only your limit is your imagination !

Amr_Sabry · Sci-fi
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17 Chs

First Trial ?

Adam looked up at palace roof and stared at Ash's heavenly light and the three lights circling around him as if they would never leave this realm forever.

He recognized the blue light as Ash's, and his voice came out gloomy, "I don't know what I see. It's the colors of the worlds, You are the world with the blue light"

Then he looked to others "  but the other lights are orange and this red with black and black with yellow lines looks like the world's pollen I saw just now?"

Adam was astonished at his conclusion and exclaimed in astonishment, "Don't tell me that this is the yellow world with the black lines is.. ?"

Ash interrupted Adam's screams, "Yes, this is the world of yellow with black lines is worlds pollen mine, The purest type of energy that exists can be used for many things, It may seem like a weak world to you now, but imagine that you possess a mine of inexhaustible energy, With every development of this world, the purity of energy increases and expansion of the world's production, those worlds are called the Flower Worlds, and their rarity may be as rare as the Xon Worlds"

Adam was surprised and started looking around as if he was afraid that someone would hear this and thought, ' Xon world  and now the world's pollen? If someone realizes this, I will die before I can call Ash with just two letters, Will my life end before we finish calling him?"

Ash laughed, "I told you, don't worry. I'm the only one who can bring anyone in here, I consider this place a safe zone for you under your complete control, When we are here, you are the undisputed master of this central area"

Adam was reassured by the presence of Ash close to him.

He stopped turning around and continued looking at the two shining lights and asked, "What about the others?"

ash's metallic voice sighed as he explained, "This is what's strange about you. Your other two worlds are even stranger than previous one."

Adam wide eyes  stared at the remaining lights, excited and worried about what Ash might say, and he began to breathe heavily, as if he had been running for days without stopping.

Ash sneered, making the approaching Adam act like a child waiting to open his gift. "Don't act as if every word I say will send you into eternal darkness".

" Don't worry?"

Adam shouted as he sighed heavily in an intermittent voice, "How can I not squeak?"

Ash's metallic voice came soothingly inside Adam's mind, " You don't know what awaits you in this city and you worry about nothing, The red-lighted flags dressed in black indicate the world of the dwarven race, a race that specializes in construction and various engineering, a lost world even in ancient times that has never been undiscovered till  now, Inside eternal darkness, as this race has never existed before, and the light appears as harmful as the sun, it is the world of the Kreacher race, a powerful, ancient race that looks like humans, but is made of red crystal, Their mission is to mine the minerals of the world they exist in, This race does not stop working day or night, They do not feel tired, when they see metals, especially precious ones."

Adam was amazed and stared at the two lights in the sky as if he was looking at nothing but a ghost. "So you mean that there are worlds with different races within them?"

Ash explained calmly, as if he was waiting for this question from him, "You realized that now, Weren't you in a world like theirs  controlled by humans? Why are your worlds different? There may be worlds with creatures living in them, and there may be worlds in which there are things that you cannot imagine, Forget the worlds of the little one you were in , there are millions of worlds like it that are created every day, You do not realize what mental powers are capable of and how much energy it takes to imagine a world and have it actually be created".

Adam's expressions changed, and his eyes began to turn, thinking, and he touched his nose to focus, and change the way he sat on the throne c, as he sat centered, bringing his legs to his chest, placing his head on his knees, and he began to think out loud,

"So you are telling me that the ability of the subconscious is here to create new worlds that will be mind Rune to give me rune powers, It also allows the existence of living beings as a real world, and this depends on the physics of the formed world, that is, if a world is made of mineral and precious materials, the Kreacher race may be formed, and the nature of the formed world also changes according to the details entered at beginning , meaning that if a person imagines dwarves in a correct way, a world of their own is formed, It also contains their sciences and methods crafting,  everything changes according to the first component, but why do I have two worlds and not three worlds in this way? Isn't this because I read a lot in my previous world, that is, the entries that I dreamed about and changed in my subconscious changed the composition of my worlds, which It changed them into this form, complementing each other. Doesn't this mean that some of the laws of my previous world apply here as well?"

Adam paused for a moment, contemplating what he was thinking, then he raised his head up and looked at the four lights, and his facial expressions changed to interest and scrutiny.

He did not notice that the color of his eyes changed the more he thought to sky blue, and a luminous ring appeared in his eyes, and a mental rune formed within it.

And when The episode was completed at the same moment he looked at his illuminated worlds and Ash's metallic voice  announce,

<The Zone Realm's innate ability of photographic memory has been acquired>

Adam was surprised by Ash's announcement and looked at sis body to make sure nothing had changed  "What do you mean by innate ability? I haven't completed any of the trials yet, How can I gain an ability without doing anything, Ash?"

At the sound of the metallic voice, Ash's continued without paying attention to what Adam asked him

<The innate fate of the photographic memory has been successfully acquired>

<The data that the host sees and has been acquired will be automatically stored>

<Please start forming the mental scheme of the Imperium to avoid the resulting pain and not lose the acquired data>

Adam's head seemed to be in pain, as if it was splitting into several sections, and information began pouring in automatically.

Things he had only seen once, everything Adam had seen in his life since his birth until now, began pouring into his mind profusely, and the pain began to increase more and more. 

Adam remembered what Ash had said.

He began to move the parts of his mind according to the plan that Ash had imprinted inside his mind, and the pain eased a little as the information began to register itself automatically according to the mental signals given to it, and a strange rune began to form inside Adam's mind and began to light up in a sky-blue color.

Adam didn't understand what was happening and began to carry out the plan automatically.

As he got used to it in his previous world, he began to become enlightened to this strange symbols, which in his mind consisted of several strange symbols that looked like a drawing, and information began to come from the symbols more and more, and whenever he looked at them, his headache became much more painful, as if his mind was splitting and leaving his body.

Blood began to drip from his nose, but he did not feel all of this until Ash's announcement came,

<The Mind Rune has been acquired. The host's mental state is being destroyed. forced awakening procedure implemented>

Ash's metallic voice was startled,

< The first stage of Xon Realm possession has been passed>

<The first innate ability has been successfully acquired>

<The Emperum chart is developed into Mas-Emperum>

announcement from Ash started pouring in like a torrent without stopping

<The host's mental state is declining>

<Take a mental freeze action>

<Performing a mental freeze>

<The host's mental signals interfere>

<The first trial of the Xon Realm's consciousness began automatically>

<The host is not in a state to stand trial>

<Enjoy the trial of consciousness Xon World>

Ash was astonished by the successive events.

' What is this innate ability that initiates trials on its own?, still, I am the one who has to go through the trial and there is no host but I must test it, It is me and not him who is the consciousness of the world now, Has the innate ability merged with me and is controlling me now? '

Ash's Metallic voice stopped, and the blue light of the Xon World began to shine, and a hoarse voice, as if it were a demon from the apocalypse, appeared inside the palace and echoed within it announcing

<Nox's trial has begun>

<Consciousness's of the Xon World and one within NOx City>

The hoarse voice continued to announce and began to resonate,

<Know yourself, know the world>

Ash's metallic voice appeared as if answering automatically without thinking, "The host called me Ash, I am the consciousness of a broken world that has not provided me with much data."

The hoarse voice asked again as if he was questioning a guilty party in a trial

<Ash World Consciousness, Will you follow this weak human host and help him become the Sole Emperor of Nox>

Ash's metallic voice followed automatically as soon as the harsh voice stopped asking, "This human may be weak, but he has a lot of ancient evidence within him, I recognized him as my master and friend when he named me for the first time. Ash is my name and Emperor Adam is my master."

A hoarse voice rose inside the palace, <I announce here, now, I, the consciousness of NOx, that human  Adam, and his subordinate, spirit world, Ash, as crown prince NOx>

<There 20 are years left until the end of fifth cycle chaos>

The hoarse voice announced before his voice disappeared as if he was not there

<This is the last message of Late emperor>

a deep voice talked "Start your first trial soon, Do not declare yourself now, dont trust royal families except  Olka family  , Start the trial of the Dwarf Realm first, You will find what you want there."

After the message ended, the hoarse voice announced softly

<I will wait for you, You must grow stronger>

Then the voice changed to hoarse, as if they were back on trial again

<The first trial of Xon world Ash's has been completed>

<The innate ability of pictorial memory has been acquired and the Eye Truth, Veritas, developed>

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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