
North Key

Money..dignity..misunderstanding.. imperfection..these factors caused the disintegration of my family so I made a promise to myself to make them "human" and to bring them back together again. This is a fictional, dramatic story...

Nomensa · Kỳ huyễn
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16 Chs

anonymous message

When I was cleaning my grandfather's room, I found an unknown letter, but for some reason, I'm the only one who can read it probably because it was written specifically for the owner of the " North Key" chest and I was sure of that because I wasn't the first to find it. My mom and aunt have been ahead of me in finding her, but fortunately they didn't throw away the paper because they wanted to keep all of my grandfather's clothes, and other silly things, even this letter that they considered a piece of paper they kept...

I understand their regret and longing, but that doesn't mean they continue to live in the past.

Death is a word that describes  a person who has left you without return or meeting, and you are left with nothing but memories of the past.

We can't continue to grieve, but we have to wake up from that nightmare and live our lives without forgetting the dead person.

What I mean is to continue our lives naturally with "carry their memories in our hearts ".

That's why I blamed my family for that...because I'd rather donate his things than keep them until they are old and useless.

But if we look at the matter on the positive side, there was only one benefit, which is that thanks to their keeping of all the purposes, the letter was not disposed of, and thus I was able to read it and discovered many secrets  about the North Key and my grandfather.

However, the information written in it was not enough because there were many suspicious points and many questions on many topics.

Each answer I find about one of the secrets is compensated for by a group of other secrets, and each secret is more complex than the previous one.

When will I know the whole truth?


The contents of the letter were really shocking, but the ink used was very strange.

I literally did not see such a suspicious color.

It was dark and incomprehensible, and the font was sometimes wide and sometimes thin, so I thought that ink was used instead of the pens we used to use.

This is just a hypothesis, but I think that the author of the letter was in a hurry because the letter was stained with stains from the same ink used in writing it.

It was also surrounded by an aura of fear and anxiety.

But the biggest surprise was its shocking content, which was as follows:

The news came to me and was accompanied by shock and trembling on the day they said that your friend had died.

Who would have thought that Makram would die, Hadi (Hadi is my grandfather's name).

Only the three of us are left, but I seem to be on the verge of death.

I will write this letter in my own blood so that only the owner of the North Key can see it.

If I am going to die anyway, I will definitely die after I give the chest to the chosen one , so please live longer than me.

I worry about future fund owners because they are just kids.

I can't believe we would take away their childhood and their freedom by giving them this responsibility.

How will these children live a normal life while they are being hunted ?

Hear me, Hadi, because we may not meet again.

What if the north key was not the weakest of the boxes?

What if there are other hidden forces that you yourself did not realize?

Everything is possible so maybe there is hope because we have never seen a traitor from the owners of the North Key...

One of the chests fell into the wrong hand and he is now looking for the other three chests and you know all that.

Whatever happens, the identity of the new owners must remain secret, especially after the chests showed a strange reaction to them that we had not seen before.

Perhaps the new generation may reveal the secrets of those forgotten centuries... But the consequences will be dire.

The greater the power, the greater the damage.

Especially since Samah's prediction is never wrong...

There will always be a traitor out of the four chest holders in every generation...

This curse must be broken.

The next generation must be saved.

Our dream will come true...even if we fail to achieve it, our will and our strength will be inherited by the future owners after our death.


This was the contents of the message .... I don't know what to say I am still shocked...

Just who was that man stalked?

And what does he mean that there is a traitor from every generation?

Little by little things are getting deeper and the secrets are getting more and more complicated every day.

I'm scared... What if my grandfather was killed?

And what happened to the sender of this message?

I never thought that there were three chests other than the one I have... but it seems that there are other powers of the North Key, even my grandfather could not detect them.

Perhaps reading other people's feelings is only a small part of those powers.

I knew that the color of the ink was strange, but I did not expect that it was written in blood. Perhaps the writer of the letter is one of the owners of the boxes, and perhaps his ability has something to do with blood.

And if he died, does this mean that there is a new owner of his box from our generation?

If that woman "Samah" is one of the owners of the chests in addition to that traitor, then this means that there are two of the old owners and two others from my generation, including me.

In other words, I might be able to find out everything I don't know if I find "Samah"...

For now all I have to do is be patient... I managed to find another end of the thread... I'll decide what to do after I find "Samah" .