
North Key

Money..dignity..misunderstanding.. imperfection..these factors caused the disintegration of my family so I made a promise to myself to make them "human" and to bring them back together again. This is a fictional, dramatic story...

Nomensa · Fantasy
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16 Chs

From honesty to a new life

The Tunisian proverb says:

The companion of the people is her men, when money is absent, he prohibits his actions, and the owner of the daughters of Eve is of little beauty, time turns, and she will redeem you with her blood and money.

Can people change?

Who knows everything in this world is possible.

Sometimes, a person makes stupid decisions that may lead to many problems and may take away his "freedom".

Some ridiculous actions that are due to desires (for example, food), selfish desires (love of money) or even because of a weak character, can lead to prison.

Our neighbor's son, Murad, was a prisoner in the past but has now been released after serving his sentence for theft.

Murad was a sane person, and his father was my grandfather's friend.

I still don't know why this sane intelligent guy, who used to excel in his studies, was imprisoned.


My cousin Salma and I were returning from the shop after we had bought everything we needed to make lunch, when it rained. Fortunately, we had two umbrellas, so we continued our way without fear of getting wet, and suddenly Murad bumped into us. He was wet with a pale face, he might have caught a cold.

Whatever happened to him, this does not give him the right to collide with us and leave without an apology.

I was really angry, but Salma had a different opinion and she took pity on him.

That foolish girl is always so overwhelmed by her feelings that she can no longer use her mind.

Anyway, Salma followed him and gave him her towel and a handkerchief, saying:

"You are Rima's neighbor.. right.. you prefer the shadow and you cannot refuse it because then I will not forgive you for bumping into us."

Then she smiled and left.

That fool.. Why did you give him the umbrella? She's wet now...it's all because of him... Ah, well this is Selma.

She's so kind as to be naive.

In fact, I did not tell my cousin about his past because I hate talking about people in their absence.

I thought it was over on that day, but who thought that their relationship would develop and become in love, and apparently Salma was the first to confess.

I kept watching them from afar and it seems that Murad really loves her to the point that he hid from her his entry to prison and lied to her about this.

Well, I can't be angry with him, because Selma hates criminals very much.

He seems to be afraid that Salma will leave him .

I did not intervene at first, firstly, so as not to be an obstacle in their relationship, and secondly, because there is a lot to learn from each other, and thirdly, because they both lack an important quality, which is "honesty".

Unfortunately, the thread of lying is short, as Murad's lie was revealed, then his biggest fears were realized...

Salma got angry at him and separated from him.

I really can't describe Murad's condition, then we can only say that he seemed empty of life and without feelings, just as he was before he met Salma.

When I looked at Murad and his features I remembered my grandfather, he had "features of remorse because of a lie".

I'm not sure about that yet, but is it possible that my grandfather was lying to us?

but why ?

And most importantly of all this, how did I know the feelings of Murad and my grandfather when they did not say anything?

It's scary if we think about it, I no longer feel that I am "completely" human... I mean I'm human, but with a non-human force it's hard to explain because I myself don't know what's happening to me...

I even knew that Murad would hurt Salma's feelings As if I read their future feelings...

The North Key is still really mysterious.

There is no time for these thoughts. I have to help them, but my plan depends on Murad.

If you are sad about parting, go and fix your mistake.

I hate this situation, but I am always exposed to it.

I remembered Jessica's incident and Osama's words, so I asked him for help without mentioning the details of my plan. Indeed, Osama agreed and he was very happy because I relied on him... I don't know how to convince him, but there were some bruises on Murad's face.

It seems that he received some blows from Osama, well he deserves it... Murad stayed in front of Salma's door for hours until I took pity on him and opened the door.

At that moment, I used my powers, and My truth turned into a creature that looks like a cute bird named "Tayer", and his powers are to force people to tell the truth after hearing his singing.

Thus, Murad admitted that he entered prison for theft in order to collect money for the operation of his ex-girlfriend, but she eventually left him and married another man after his imprisonment.

I also used the power of "Tayer" on Salma, so she admitted that she knew everything from the beginning and that she was waiting for him to tell her the truth, but he didn't, that's why she thought he didn't trust her...

Both of them reconciled and changed a lot.

For example, Murad became more interested in his studies to ensure his future until Salma agreed to marry him.

As for Salma, she did not change much, but at least she found someone who could tolerate her stupidity and not take advantage of her naivety.


I was thinking what if my grandfather had given me the box to teach me a lesson like the one I taught my family If my grandfather was the old owner of the North Key, he might have been able to read my feelings and wanted to teach me to rely on others... It's just a hypothesis but I'll check it out "soon" ...it seems that the whole family has already learned a lesson..Now we have no choice but to wait for what the future holds for us.

Always remember that a lie is a lie, whatever its reasons. It may save you sometimes, but honesty is able to give you the opportunity to live a new life like Murad.

We have finally finished volume 1, as this was the last chapter in it... We will move to the second volume where the course of the story will change completely We will see more shocks and secrets.Follow us to find out about upcoming events.

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