
North Key

Money..dignity..misunderstanding.. imperfection..these factors caused the disintegration of my family so I made a promise to myself to make them "human" and to bring them back together again. This is a fictional, dramatic story...

Nomensa · Fantasy
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16 Chs

The beginning of the disasters 1

One problem after another. How long can I bear all this?

I am tired of all these problems, all I want is to help and protect my family, and now I am one of the owners of the Four Magical Chests.

I really don't know what to do.

I looked out the window and saw my younger brothers playing.

It would have been nice if these beautiful days could last forever and we could live as a family together without problems.But life is not completely white, this may be philosophical, but life is gray, as it combines good and evil, love and hate, life and death.

These little things like the smiles of my brothers and the time I spend with my family, mean a lot to me.

I don't want to lose these memories and these happy moments, so I have to forget all those problems.

At that time, I realized that there are people who trust me, and others that I have to protect them, so there is no time to give up.

A lot of things have changed since I got the North Key, but so have I.

I am no longer that selfish girl who chains her pain inside her broken heart. I have become stronger and have many reliable friends.

If the North Key chose me, then this means that there is a reason for that, and until that secret is discovered, I will continue to try and help others, and when I fall, I'll get up again for the third, fourth, and fifth time...I will always and forever get up and I will never give up.

I know the letter was crystal clear that the existence of the magic chests should be kept a secret, but I want to continue to believe that strength is in cooperation because I can't do anything alone, but I can do it with Osama's help.

It is true that I decided to forget my love for him in order to preserve our friendship, but it is difficult to forget a love that lasted for years , so I am afraid that he will hate me, but I gathered my courage and called him and asked him to come to my house.

When Osama went up to my room, his face was yellow. It seems that my contact with him had made him worried that something bad had happened to me.

I reassured him and after a long struggle between my fear and my duty, I said with tears falling from my eyes:

"Osama, you are my first friend...I learned a lot from you about friendship and life, and I became who I am now thanks to you.I really don't want to lose you or end our friendship.As you know, sometimes we may have to lie to protect our loved ones, but I can no longer bear it... It is very difficult and the pressure is great... I am still too young to bear all this. I no longer know what to do. I'm sorry for lying to you... I swear I had no other choice so please don't hate me."

Osama tried to calm me down, but I kept crying.

Then, I told him all my secrets and apologized deeply for lying to him.

His reaction was shocking, I never thought he would accept it so simply.All he said was it's okay everything will change I promise, then he smiled spontaneously as if what I said was something normal.

I think this is his way of helping his friends, as he always hides his feelings so as not to disturb others.Sometimes I don't know what he's thinking, but thanks to the strength I've gained, which makes me able to see other people's feelings, I was able to know that he was sincere in every word he said But what was that dark aura surrounding his heart?.

How much pain does he have to bear to be this dark?

Osama, I promise that I will protect you as you protected me...

However, the biggest shock was in his hug to me.

Oh my god!...stupid Osama next time tell me when you do something like this...please have mercy on my little heart from such trauma.

You may think that telling the truth is difficult, but it is much easier than lying.

You won't believe how relieved I am that I told him the truth.

Anyway, Osama and I decided to start planning the next step, which was to find Samah, as she is the one who knows the most about magic chests at the present time.

Osama used his own methods to find her current location in record time and refused to tell me about those methods on the pretext that the investigator must maintain complete confidentiality.

He was also able to collect some confidential information about her. Perhaps the most important of them is that Samah is my grandfather's girlfriend, and because of her, my grandmother divorced him.

I do not know how I will meet such a woman, but Osama will be with me, so it is assumed that everything will be fine.

I feel that I can do anything if he is with me.He is indeed a true friend. I hope with all my heart that I will be of great help to him one day and help him get rid of all his pain.This may be absurd, but my dream is to live with everyone I love without fear or anxiety.The moment this nightmare ends, I will start over...a new life with my family and friends.


The heroine was optimistic and she don't know how much suffering she will be exposed, because Because this is not the beginning of hope, but rather a beginning of a thread that would help them uncover secrets ... it was also the beginning of the disaster and the event that would turn their lives upside down.

So what awaits them and what does the future hide from them?

Sorry for not posting a new chapter, I had a lot of exams.

Nomensacreators' thoughts