

Lily’s breath seized as she saw that Amber had gotten out of hand. She had a determined look on her face, like she was a professional racer, and she didn’t want to lose the race. The speed of the car was insane, and she couldn’t breathe properly anymore. She rested her hand on the seat of the car, taking short, shallow breaths as she clutched her stomach.

"A…A…Amber, please slow down. I-I can’t breathe." She whimpered, but Amber ignored her. She was still driving with gritted teeth, driving past other cars on the road at a great speed. She was following in Mason’s footsteps.

 He looked back, and diverted his car to another lane. He thought he had lost them, but they were still following him. He was certain now that it was Amber chasing him and Lily was with her.

"Ugh! Can’t she give up already." He groaned through clenched teeth. He wasn’t ready to slow down either, and neither did she.

"Please slow down, I am suffocating here." Lily whimpered. Her face was sweaty and her eyes were slightly closed. 

"P... please slow down." She said, and gulped. She was feeling nauseous now and wanted to throw up.

"Hang in there, Lily, I almost got him," Amber said, narrowing her eyes at Mason’s car. She spun her car and double crossed his car, blocking his car in the middle of the highway, and oncoming cars had to drive past them. 

"Shit!" Mason said, hitting his steering wheel in anger. Amber turned off her headlights, and Mason’s headlights were still on. She helped Lily out of the car. Lily rested on the car, trying to catch her breath as Amber walked majestically toward Mason’s car. Mason saw her with his headlight and got out of his car, slamming the door shut with a bang.

"What’s your problem? Shouldn’t you be with your fiancé now? Why are you stalking me?" Mason asked rudely, with his gaze fixed on her. Her face was glowing under the street lights. He almost forgot they were in the middle of the road.

"Why do you have to be so rude? I came here only because your ex-wife asked me to, not because I wanted to come." she replied confidently. His expression changed, like he was disappointed that she didn’t come to look for him on her own free will. His gaze landed on Lily, who was clutching her chest against the side of Amber’s car.

"Why are you here? You should go home to your fiancé," he said.

"Why do you keep saying, my fiancé? Aren’t you happy for the both of us?" Amber asked, maintaining eye contact with him. A shallow smile curved across his face.

"You are right, I am happy, so can you just.." he paused and put his hands together in front of her car.

"Can you just leave me alone and let me leave this city in peace?" he asked.

"Why do you want to go back to your city? Didn’t you tell me you left everything to come here because you wanted to be with me and also open another branch here?" She inquired. He frowned.

"I wanted to be with you, but not anymore because you don’t wanna be with me." He said pointing at her with his index finger and turning around to walk back to his car. She ran over to him and grasped his right arm.

"Mason, please don’t go yet." she said in a soft tone. He pulled his hand away from her with force.

"Don’t touch me. Please go away and leave me in peace. Tell Lily to stop bothering me because she is not going to change my mind." He said and walked back to his car. He opened the door of his car and stole a glance at her, stroking his hair back in a sexy way.

"Please take your car out of the way," he said. 

"No, I won’t. You have to listen to me." She said, and folded her hand across her chest. 

"Good, I will just go the other way then, like the other cars have been doing!!" he yelled and got into his car. Lily removed her hand from the car and ran to his car.

"Mason, please don’t go yet. Let's talk things out. This has nothing to do with her." Lily said, placing her hand on the front of his car. 

He stuck his head out of the car so she could hear what he had to say. "Don’t let me run you over. Go away, okay." He said it through clenched teeth and ignited his engine. She felt the engine moving and the car started becoming hot. She removed her hand from the car, and Amber held her aside.

"Let him leave. You don’t need him. You don’t need a man. You can live on your own and take care of yourself." Amber said to her, but Lily freed herself from Amber’s grip as Mason’s car started moving. Lily ran to the front of his car, spreading her hands in the air. Mason had already stepped on the gas, so the car ran at great speed and ran over Lily.

"Lily no!!!" Mason yelled at the top of his lungs, as he stopped his car at the other side of the road, he saw her life flash before his eyes and he couldn’t do anything about it. She was the one that created the whole mess. 

There were no more cars passing; they were the only ones there. He saw Lily lying on the ground in a pool of her own blood with Amber holding her and trying to wake her up. She was tapping her face continuously with tears streaming down her cheeks. A tear escaped from his eyes as he ran over to them.

"Lily!" he said, trying to touch her. Her face was covered in blood as well as Amber’s body. Amber hit his hand away.

"Don’t touch her, you monster!" She screamed at him.

"I…I am sorry. I didn’t want to hit her. I promise it was an accident." he explained, with tears falling from his face. She looked up at him.

"If you had listened to her and stayed a little longer, all this wouldn’t have happened. What will you say to her parents now? Remember, she is also carrying your child." Amber said, and his eyes lit up. He had lost his senses a moment ago.

"Hurry! Call the ambulance!" she half yelled.

"Ye-ye-yes," he stuttered and touched his pocket, searching for his phone. "I…I lost my phone," he said. 

"My phone is off. Please look in my car. I think her phone is in there." she said he hurried to her car, breathing rapidly. The thought of losing Lily and his child hunted him. Maybe he should have accepted her. He took her phone from the seat of the car with his hand shaking. He called the ambulance with a worried expression. 

A car drove toward them at great speed. Eric and a man got out of the car and they helped Lily and Amber into the car. Before he could react, they were gone. He looked confused for a minute and also ran to his car and started it following them with his car.

Amber didn’t know who was behind the wheel or how the person knew they needed help, but she didn’t bother to ask. She was still worried about Lily.

"Here, Miss," Eric said, and handed her a bottle of water. Amber took it from him and opened it. She sprinkled a little water on Lily’s face. She slowly opened her eyes. Amber held her delicate face which was covered in blood.

"Lily! Thank goodness, you are awake. It’s all going to be fine. I promise we are on our way to the hospital." Amber said in a shaky tone. 

"Please try to keep your eyes open." Eric said, He was staring at them in the back seat of the car.

"Yes, please try to keep your eyes open. You are strong, you can do this." Amber said, trying to encourage her.

"I don’t care if I die, but please promise me that you are going to save my child’s life." Lily pleaded.

"I…I promise, we are going to save your child." Amber assured her with a faint smile, and Lily passed out for the second time.

"Lily! Lily!" she called out to her.

 "Step on the gas." Eric yelled at his driver, who sped up the car.

They arrived at the hospital. They were running in the hallway of the hospital. The doctors were pushing Lily on a wheel bed, and they were running after them. Eric’s eyes were extremely red as he stared at Lily on the bed. They all stopped following the bed as the doctors pushed it into the emergency room. 

Mason sat on the iron bench next to the room, putting his head down with his hand on his head. Amber sat on the edge of the bench. Her body was covered with Lily’s blood. She had lost a lot of blood. Eric gnashed his teeth and walked over to Mason in a rage. He grabbed Mason’s jacket and lifted him from the chair, Mason stood on his feet staring at him his eyes were watery. 

"If anything happens to her, I won’t spare you!" he half yelled, giving him a threatening glare.