

Amber stood up from the chair and separated the two of them with her hand. They were both angry, and Mason was still feeling bad for what had happened.

"Stop, this isn't the time to fight; who are you, and how do you know Lily?" Amber inquired, staring at Eric, who turned to look at her. He looked at her from top to bottom.

"I wanted to ask you that. Who are you?" he inquired. Mason swallowed saliva and pulled Amber away from him by the hand.

"He is Lily’s fiancé, the man her parents want her to get married to." Mason introduced.

"Oh," Amber said, narrowing her eyes at him. "But something is not right. How did he know she was in trouble?" she inquired.

Eric scratched the back of his head. "I know because I, uh, sent my bodyguard to follow her around, so I'll always know where she is," he explained.

"Tsk, that means you are a stalker." Amber said, folding her hand.

"I am not a stalker, okay! I was just trying to protect my fiancée. Now, look what happened. This monster here tried to kill her," Eric said, raising his voice. He was giving Mason a death stare. He was ready to kill him. He spat on the floor, "If anything happens to Lily, I won’t spare you. I will make your life miserable, and I will put you behind bars." Eric threatened with a serious face.

"Please try to calm down. It wasn’t his fault that she is lying on her death bed. I am a witness and I know he didn’t hurt her on purpose." Amber said, defending Mason. She knew he would never hurt Lily. If he wanted to get rid of her, he would have done that a long time ago when they were living together. 

Mason smirked as he saw that she was defending him. He couldn’t open his mouth to say anything. He was still shocked by what had happened. He wished he could turn back time and listen to her, but the damage was already done. He sat down on the chair, still traumatized by what had happened.

Eric’s eyes twitched as he stared at Amber, trying to calm himself down. "Who is he to you anyway?" he asked. Amber’s face turned bright red. She stroked a strand of her hair and tucked it behind her ear, then stole a glance at Mason.

"Uhm, he is…" She couldn’t finish her speech. She didn’t know what to say to him. She had no relationship with Mason anymore. She quietly sat down on the chair, looking downwards. She was trying to avoid his question. 

Eric pursed his lips and rested against the wall, looking at the door of the emergency room with doctors and nurses running in and out of the room. His heart was pounding in his ribcage.

"I hope she will be alright." he thought, closing his eyes, praying that she would be fine.

A doctor quickly rushed out of the room and sauntered over to them.

"Who is the lady’s husband?" the doctor asked, staring at them. Mason quickly stood up from his chair.

"Me!" Mason and Eric chorused, the doctor looked at both of them confused. 

"You can tell me anything. I am her real husband, not him." Eric said to the doctor, putting his hand on his chest. The doctor cleared his throat before speaking. He looked tense. 

"That lady in there has lost a lot of blood and she is pregnant. The infant in her stomach is barely three months old. Due to the accident, the infant has been crushed in her system, so we will have to do an operation to get the dead child out." the doctor said. 

Mason stepped back, thunderstruck. He was about to fall when Amber caught him, holding him from behind with her hand wrapped around his waist. The dreams he had with his mother for his unborn child have gone down the drain because of his selfishness.

"So how is Lily? Is she alright?" Eric asked curiously.

"Yes, she is fine. She is being taken care of by the doctors. We also had to give her a lot of blood. The blood will be charged together with the hospital bill." the doctor said.

"That’s not a problem. I will pay all the fees as long as she is fine." Eric assured.

"No, I will pay the fees. I am the one responsible for what happened." Mason said in a weak tone, breathing rapidly as he removed Amber’s hand from his waist. 

"No, I will pay. She doesn’t need your money." Eric argued. 

"Please Eric, let him pay the fees. It’s the least he can do after what has happened, and besides, he lost his child." Amber said. The doctor was even more confused now.

"I will take my leave now," he said. Eric shook him with a tight-lipped smile.

"T-Thank you, doctor," he said. 

"You are welcome," the doctor replied and sauntered away.

"Alright, he can pay the fees, but I am going to pay Lily’s bills for the rest of my life," Eric said.

"You can do whatever you want," Mason replied. "I have hurt her a lot. I don’t think I can face her if she becomes conscious once again. I think I should leave." Mason said, turning to go. 

"Wait, don’t go. You are the one Lily wants to see. You are the reason she got into this mess in the first place. If you leave without seeing her, she will be heartbroken and all her efforts to make you stay will be in vain. Please listen." Amber said, looking at him in the eyes, like she wanted him to accept Lily. He avoided her gaze and took a deep breath.

"I am sorry, Amber I need to go. She doesn’t need me. I have hurt her more than enough now." he said. 

"Don’t go. Remember, this is the reason why Lily is lying on the hospital bed," she said in a soft tone.

"Just let him go, I will take care of Lily, she doesn’t need him, he always thinks he is a God," Eric said lifting his upper lip in disgust.