
Chapter 8: You're not playing on the same board, mother

You see I realized that if I release my potions, only in the U.K, the Ministry and my mother will probably pull some shit to either;

1: Gain my recipes

2: Stop me from being able to sell my potions

3: Use my sister as leverage to pull some shit over me and etc.

I came up with tens of ways the Ministry and my mother do something to try and rope me in forcefully, so I came up with counter measures for most of them, the above mentioned were just the main ones.

To stop number one, if my mother made me do something against my will, like with Veritaserum or with the unforgivable, and replicate my recipes, the moment they sell my potions, Gringots will release all my potion recipes, which I made into a book, into the market, so nobody will have to buy it for ridiculous prices, as rip off versions of the original will be everywhere.

For number 2, just in case they pull some bullshit, last minute wizarding Laws, or try to say I didn't submit my paperwork and research to the Ministry which is compulsory, I will just pull all my shit out of London, and move my business, pretty sure Ministries in the U.S would be happy to have a genius like me in their countries.

My sister thing, is a little more complicated, I know they won't hurt her, but in the of chance they do, the Ministry, Markus family, and whoever do, don't need to exist anymore. The most they can try to do is the magic contract, which I have a way to bypass.

So with my plans set, I returned back home to see my mother seething in rage, my father by her side, showing no emotions, but I could see and feel from his aura that he is proud as heck.

My sister didn't get what was going on, as she saw the newspaper, she was happy that I was being hailed as a genius across the world for doing so well, and causing the Magical world to advance so much in terms of potions.

My mother seeing me walk in, threw the Daily Prophet towards me and said, "What is the meaning of this Shawn? If anything is released it should be through our family, how dare you go behind your parents back, do you have no respect for the house of Markus? I don't even know how the Ministry has approved of something like this, the Minister will be coming here soon, and we will be absorbing all your work into the Markus family, where it should rightfully belong!"

I was giggling inside my mind. How? The ministry is so corrupt that, with a few gallons here and there, they didn't even need to check my paper work properly.

Soon, the Minister of Magic, Fudge, and his loyal barking dog, Umbridge came into the living room.

The Minister was sweating right now, I mean, the potions I released where no joke, body enhancement, increase in vitality, and age reduction. These types of potions were never heard of!

What he didn't know yet was that I had made contracts with over 10 ministries all over the world, via the goblins to sell these potions, so when he finds out that he can't force my hand too much, or London will be one of the only top wizarding countries not to have these potions, he will probably have a heart attack.

As soon as they came in, Umbridge set some documents down, and said in her annoying voice, which would make anyone want to punch the living shit out of her, "Mr. Shawn, about your recent apothecaries, there seems to have been a mistake made, it wasn't in the name of your family, you accidently made it in the name of yourself, and not the Markus family, if you could just sign a few documents, everything will be back to normal."

The minister then continues, "Yes, Shawn, managing these types of places will be very difficult, so it would be better if you just rectify the mistake you made before it gets out of hand, after all, we wouldn't want your apothecaries shutting down for some reason now would we?"

My mother was able to calm down, and the ever so ridiculous smug look returned to her face.

"I don't understand what you mean minister I didn't make any mistakes in the paperwork, just like with all the ministries I have signed up with, we have a contract that permits me to sell potions in my name to the public. I didn't plan on making it in my family name. You also don't have to worry about managing the place, I have great people helping me out." I said, in a innocent tone, but except for the stupid Fudge and my truly spoiled sister, everyone heard the message.

"W...Wait, did you just say other Ministries, what do you mean Shawn?," the minister asked with a trembling voice, not really wanting to know the answer.

"Hmm...? Oh, that, I signed up with 10 other countries as well, so as to maximize the amount of profits I get and to mainly advance magic properly. I have a time limit for all the contracts, and I signed up for 1 years worth of permit with every country, but I recently found out that one specific country only gave me permission for 1 months worth of time, ah yes it was this country itself. May I ask since you are here Minister, why did I not get any approval for a longer time to sell my potions?" And as the minister heard me speak he could feel sweat dripping to his spine.

How will he able to explain to the public why the potions which could revolutionize the community, were only going to stay for a month.

His stupid secretary at the side, seems to have thought of a way to make a ton of money, so she said, "I think it is only right for the ministry to have these recipes. After all, with these recipes, we will be able to help a lot of people."

Ah, Umbitch, you screwed with the wrong person.