

Nick Yu is his name, from childhood he has been alone And in this new place Nick will also be alone, he could endure it No, He will endure it. On an unknown place like this he couldn't depend on someone else He could only depend on himself. He will survive this time, and became the first different from his past. This is his second chance and probably his last chance, he would not waste the chance. If he can do it and think that is needed to do then he will do it Nothing can stand in front of him without bowing to him This is not arrogance but a self confident

AirAqua · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs


Nick knows how to kill the black bull because the black bull always blocks his swing attack from the left side but not the right side. He has thought the black bull is blocking this way because he couldn't use his left eye.

At that time he saw the sword he has thrown on the ground at the start of the battle with the black bull, it is on his front and right side of him. The timing is the only thing he needs with the attack and makes it so he could reach and surprise attack the black bull.

He only needs for the black bull to lower his guard by counter-attacking him and at that moment he could execute the plan

It works perfectly as he has thought, but outside his expectation when he wanted to deal with the last attack, all of the sudden the black bull shout with a language that he doesn't know.

The hands that have been cut are regrowing back, both of the hands and the left eye wound also recover. Not only the left eye but the wound all over the black bull body is recovering.

When Nick heard the black bull words, from the surrounding of the black bull's body he could see something moving. He doesn't know what is that thing because right now he has a harder case than curiosity.

The black bull dropped down and stand on four legs. In Nick's mind, he has thought the black bull is back in his habitat and would attack him just like a bull does.

Just as Nick has thought the black bull attacking him with a charge attack, but this time it is faster and stronger. Even though he has successfully dodged the attack but the wind impact from the attack makes a wound on his body.

If the charge attack hit him even once he would instantly die. He knows that much so he could only solely focus on evading right now.

He evades several charge attacks while thinking of a plan to kill the black bull, he couldn't chop off the legs just like previously he does. An ambush wouldn't work because the black bull has noticed him and currently he is the target.

After thinking about one plan he could use it for immediately he tries to do the plan, he walks toward the wall. The bull charging from behind him, before the black bull hit him, he evades the charge attack.

His body was wounded by the wind of the charge attack, but the black bull horn is stuck on the wall. At this time he launches attacks toward the black bull back.

The body of the black bull quickly become full of cut from his sword attack. The black bull has been unstuck from the wall and Nick jumps back to the other wall and waits for the black bull to charge at him again.

The black bull once again charged at him and his horn got stuck on the wall, he use this moment to attack the black bull from behind. This cycle is repeatedly done by Nick and he's hoping this would work until the black bull eventually dies.

But after 6 times doing it in a row, the black bull stopped and only stand not far away from his distance. Nick saw something around the black bull move again just like it was when he become a real bull.

The black bull let out a spark, sparks from electricity forming on the body and it let out the surrounding area. At first, Nick has thought the black bull body got electrocuted but he is wrong.

The black bull body itself uses his body as a conductor to make a spark and it isn't made his body dangerous from self-attack instead, he could attack the surrounding area by controlling those sparks.

No way this is possible

Nick thought that all of this is a dream, he initially thought he has successfully killed the black bull but now the black bull lets out sparks from his body. Combined with the charge attack then Nick would be in danger.

As Nick thought, the black bull start his charge attack in Nick's direction, Nick evades the charge attack but his body got wound from the wind shock and plus the sparks. Even though the speed of the attack is the same but he got more wound with the new and unknown technique.

The black bull got stuck on the wall again, with intense pain in his hands he swings the swords and attack the back of the black bull. When he backed away from the black bull he saw that the sparks made his skin rot.

This is why I am feeling pain in my hand

He holds the pain and continues evading the incoming charge attack from the black bull, if this continues eventually he will become the one who would lose the battle.

The sparks hit all of his body parts, even though he is attacking the black bull but the latter didn't seem hurt by the attack at all. He still didn't know how to defeat the black bull faster before he couldn't hold the intense pain anymore.

He racks up his brain to search the way, but nothing came up to his mind in this dire situation. The accumulated experience from playing games didn't give him the answer to this question.

Will this battle be an endurance battle, where the one has more tenacity won, Nick thought in his mind.

The thought of fighting until death hasn't appeared inside his mind before this battle, this is the first time he has felt and experienced this experience. The last time he felt like wanted to die is when the first accident happened to him.

Other than at that time he feels he would die he never experienced something like that anymore. But right now having a fight with an unknown thing in front of him the thought of death appears once again.

His blood boiling inside his body, he feels hot and energized even though his body is full of wounds and rot. He never experienced this before but knows the comparison is the same as when people drink alcohol, he hasn't ever drunk alcohol before though.

His body could be moved easier than before, he feels light and could do anything he wanted to. And the thing he wanted to do right now is to kill the black bull in front of him right now.

He left out his defense and focused on the attack with aggression. From the first, he isn't wear anything except for the rug on his lower body but now he has truly left out the defense.

Shouting his battle cry, Nick now is ready to fight the third round with the black bull. The black bull with his sparks charging in Nick's direction, this time Nick didn't evade the attack but instead block it with both of his swords.

Putting the sword on top of each other the impact of the black bull hit and made him thrown back. Luckily behind him isn't near the wall, he could rebalance himself on the air and stand on the ground.

The hit from the black bull isn't as hard as he initially thought, he shouldn't evade the attack from the beginning if that isn't that hard. Even if Nick thinks like this, his body says a different thing. The body shakes because the damage is unbearable.

But with Nick's current willpower, that much damage isn't hard for him to bear it and it made him bear it unconsciously. The sword got cracked, but it is still useable until he succeeded in killing the black bull.

This time, Nick runs forward in the direction of the black bull. With one of the swords he thrust into the black bull, the black bull doesn't stand still like a statue and replied him with a charge attack.

The horn of the black bull and his sword hit each other but neither of them got thrown back. The impact of the hit made the ground under them fell.

The change on the ground is seen by Nick, He got a new plan to fight the black bull after seeing the ground shocked by the impact.

Nick backed away and see his surrounding while keeping an eye on the black bull location. After double-checking it he nods and stands in a stance to fight the black bull.

The black bull charge at him, Nick throws both of the swords at the black bull targetting his eyes. It hit the left eye but missed the right eye and yet the black bull still charges at him.

Nick evades to the left side by rolling and takes the battle axe on the ground, After the black bull became berserk the battle axe has been thrown away because the current black bull is only charging with his horn to him.

While holding the battle axe with both hands he leaps to the black bull and swings the battle axe targetting the black bull tail. He wanted to cut off the black bull tail of his body.
