

Nick Yu is his name, from childhood he has been alone And in this new place Nick will also be alone, he could endure it No, He will endure it. On an unknown place like this he couldn't depend on someone else He could only depend on himself. He will survive this time, and became the first different from his past. This is his second chance and probably his last chance, he would not waste the chance. If he can do it and think that is needed to do then he will do it Nothing can stand in front of him without bowing to him This is not arrogance but a self confident

AirAqua · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


Nick leaps forward to the black bull that currently stuck his horn on the wall, He swings the battle axe to cut off the black bull tail from his body.

He has realized the sparks first coming from the black bull tail, first time when he saw the sparks he was just shocked by the sudden changes so he didn't see it carefully.

Even though he is feeling excited, he didn't become a beast like the black bull and attacks the enemy without any planning beforehand. His thought becomes faster and he is smarter than his average days.

It is like the spirit from becoming the strongest in the game has come to him and changed into the spirit of becoming to defeat the enemy in front of him.

The tail of the black bull has been cut off by Nick, just like what Nick has thought the sparks disappear from the surrounding black bull's body and the black bull let out a mouthful of blood.

Blood flowed from the eye and mouth of the black bull, he turned back after unstuck his horn toward Nick's direction. Nick has prepared for the charging attack while holding the battle axe with both of his hands.

But instead of charging to Nick, the black bull opens his mouth while facing Nick. After seeing the black bull open his mouth, Nick has a bad feeling lingering in his mind.

Before he could do anything, his fast reflexes itself and evades the incoming attack that came from the black bull mouth.


The thing is fast and round and looks like a bullet has been shot out of the black bull's mouth.

Luckily Nick's reflexes move beforehand and succeed in dodging the bullet attack from the black bull. He turned his head and see the impact of the attack by the black bull.

The wall and some of the ceilings above the ground have collapsed, that is how strong the bullet attack did to the wall. Even the sparking charge attack from the black bull didn't make the wall collapse but this new attack did.

If he got hit by the attack he would probably perish from the earth instantly. He should dodge all of these bullet attacks by the black bull.

Carefully he launches forward to attack the black bull with his battle axe, fortunately, the black bull didn't use the bullet attack again at this time and instead charge at his direction.

The black bull horn and the battle axe Nick hold got into contact with each other, Nick's got thrown away by the impact of the contact. He rotates midair and put his legs on the wall as footing and jump to the black bull once again.

Nick got above the black bull, with full power he swings his battle axe and aimed at the neck of the black bull. The black bull couldn't do anything except being cut off by Nick's battle axe.

He has won the battle!

Finally, he has won the fight after times after times the black bull tries to fight him back. He saw the body and the head of the black bull are currently got separated while taking a seat on the ground.

With how strong the skin and body of the black bull he still doesn't believe he could cut off the tail and neck of the black bull. It is either the battle axe must be very sharp or the black bull body is easy to cut.

The latter couldn't possibly is the truth because he knows how heavy and strong the attack from the black bull was because he experienced it and blocked the attack. The black bull has a strong body, and that is a fact.

The first possibility is left if the latter couldn't be the truth. He sees the battle axe lying on his side. The battle axe weight isn't possible to be carried with one hand like how the black bull did.

Currently, he still needs both of his hands to carry the battle axe. With that difference of strength, he has successfully killed the black bull. He is still feeling he is dreaming right now.

This is like a level 1 player has succeeded in killing a level 100 monster. Even if he told the story everywhere on the forum no one would believe his words.

Dragging the battle axe he walks to the black bull corpse for the last time, he wanted to be thankful for the black bull because he got a new experienced in fighting.

There is something lingering around the battle axe, the thing as same as when he saw the black bull regrown his two hands and when the black bull use sparking charge attack.

Nick doesn't know the black bull or neither did he has a close relationship with him but he is grateful. There is no problem giving gratitude toward the enemy. After a battle, an enemy is no more an enemy.

He is curious about the thing around the battle axe, it still needs to be thought of because he doesn't know what is that thing.

Initially, he wanted to bring back the black bull corpse and feast on him. The meat must be taste the same as a cow but he cancels it and decides to not eat it because he remembers the black bull at the first walk with two legs.

It would leave a bad feeling in his heart if he feasted on the body of something that looks like a human. He didn't want to become a beast in this unknown place, he hasn't eaten anything since he came to this place but the liquid from the spring has rid his hunger and thirst.

When he starts walking back to the spring, he didn't know why but he feels something is coming at him. He walks slowly and is wary of something that would come at him but the incoming attack didn't come at him.

But that didn't make his guard off, instead, he becomes as focused as when he fought the black bull. If he underestimate something then that something would hit back at him.

Not far from Nick's distance, a bodyless black bull's head is moving and aiming its mouth in Nick's direction. After some time the mouth is charging its mana to use a magic bullet attack on Nick.

The attack would be the last mana of the black bull could let out. His head has been cut off by the human he fought and that make the forbidden magic he used wears off.

With his last few seconds of consciousness, if the black bull's head could deal damage to the human then fight will be a draw rather than ending with his losses.

The last breath magic bullet attack sets off by the black bull's mouth and after it is launched the black bull's death is confirmed. Nick felt the incoming attack, but could only turn his body and prepared to block the attack.

This decision is a bad decision but he did this because he couldn't know the incoming attack type and predicted a physical attack. From the knee downward got hit by the magic bullet.

The sudden attack made him falls to the ground but he supported his body with both of his hands. He tries to stand up and prepares for the second incoming attack but he couldn't feel his legs from knee downwards.

In his current state, his body has wounds everywhere. And now his legs are wasted by the sudden attack makes him angry. He didn't let his guard off but because he couldn't detect the surprise attack his legs got hit by the enemy attack.

The second attack isn't coming, he sighs and is relieved because if there are a second attack from a new enemy then he would be killed on the spot.

Only after he is relieved of his situation is the pain from losing both of his legs hit him and made him shout.


The pain is hurting him too much and he couldn't hold it, he feels like he is dying because of his wasted legs. His eyes became watery and tears flowed down from both of his eyes.

He could only hold it, he needs to be conscious to save himself from this hell of pain. he lefts out the battle axe and moves his body with his hands toward the spring.

He doesn't know if the spring's liquid could save his wasted legs but he could only try and hope that's the liquid did work. He holds the pain with all of his power, he wanted to get angry at the enemy but he didn't see the enemy anywhere.

He could only be got angry at himself for letting the enemy deal with his legs. With his hands, he drags his body while the body flows blood and tears flowing down from his eyes.

His consciousness got eaten bit by bit because he is moving and that makes him lose many drops of blood, he could only hold it until he arrived at the spring.

Along the way, he reassure himself so that he could arrive at the spring with consciousness if he failed to do this then only death will happen in the end.

"Just a little bit more, just a little bit more"