

Nick Yu is his name, from childhood he has been alone And in this new place Nick will also be alone, he could endure it No, He will endure it. On an unknown place like this he couldn't depend on someone else He could only depend on himself. He will survive this time, and became the first different from his past. This is his second chance and probably his last chance, he would not waste the chance. If he can do it and think that is needed to do then he will do it Nothing can stand in front of him without bowing to him This is not arrogance but a self confident

AirAqua · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


Walking around the surroundings Nick met with 4 other green skin, he has already beat two of them in one battle and that made Nick's confidence soar to the sky.

The four of the green skin is alone, it makes Nick fight them easily without any sweat at all. He has seen all of the attack patterns of the green skin and it seems that every green skin has the same attack pattern.

Two of these four green skin don't bring swords with them. He kills the two unarmed green skin faster than the other two.

Nick is still wary of the danger in this unknown place, He knows he couldn't underestimate anything unknown to him.

He has this personality after the incident took place. The incident made a hole inside his heart forever and it changes some of his personality.

Nick go advance to other places he didn't go to yet. With his left hand dragging down the sword to make a mark and sometimes on the walls, he uses the sword to create the mark.

When he looked further away, he saw something familiar to him. The person is taller than him with black skin and tough and strong muscles.

No fur on his front body but he could see the furs on his back. With two horns on top of his head, Nick didn't think he has meet a human.

The person in his sight right now is more similar to a bull walking with two legs rather than a human. The black bull is standing tall on the ground with a Battle axe in his right hand.

The Battle axe has a double edge, just like his sword on his possession. He walks silently to try to pass the black bull without the bulls noticing.

The black bull currently munching his food and because of that, he could silently past him. But, that is a different matter after Nick saw what the black bull was eating.

His calm and cool mind become rage faster than a bullet. The black bull was eating a human body. This is the first time Nick hasn't seen any humans in this unknown place but the first he met has already died in front of him.

He grip his sword hard until it vibrated. If the sword could bleed then probably the sword has bled because of his strong grip that is how hard he grips the sword handle.

He raises his hands and swings the sword on the black bull's right hand. He solely focused on the black bull's right hand to cut it off.

After numerous swings of attack the right hand of the black bull is cut off by him, he jumps back because the black bull has noticed him and swings his left hand toward his direction.

Nick uses the two swords for a faster attack and that makes him succeed in cutting the black bull's right hand before the black bull even noticed.

And now because the black bull has noticed, he throws out one of the swords to the ground and focuses on using one sword. He knows it better to use one sword rather than dual-wielding because he couldn't use dual-wielding well.

The black bull lets out a battle cry with his mouth, it is loud and makes him shocked for a moment. But Nick focuses on the black bull in front of him in a second after, the black bull leads forward in his direction.

Nick prepares himself for the attack, he has thought the attack would be like the how the green skin does to him, it is just a forward attack and can easily dodge it.

But, Nick's expectations shatter when he evades to the side and the black bull follows him in the correct direction. If Nick doesn't move again, then the black bull charge attack will hit him.

The distance is too close and it makes Nick too late to evade the attack, but outside the normal expectation, he evades the charge attack with a second dodge.

Nick moves so fast that the black bull is also surprised that the human has dodged his charge attack. He stopped charging and turned around in Nick's direction but Nick has already followed him on his charging attack from behind.

Nick launches an attack to target the black bull eyes, the black bull evades Nick's attack with fast reflexes but the attack still hit the black bull's left eye.

Blood flowing from the black bull's right hand and left eye. Nick still doesn't have any wound on his body. This is only happening because Nick has successfully ambushed the black bull.

If Nick fought the black bull in frontal battle, he would lose because the black bull has more raw power compared to him. Even though currently he is stronger than the green skin in terms of strength.

But he still loses on strength compared to the black bull. He needs more training after killing this black bull. He has decided what to do after killing the black bull even before really killing the black bull.

The black bull move forward to him while raising his battle axe with his left hand, he knows he shouldn't block the attack because he is lost in strength, he needs to dodge and then attack the black bull in this way.

But no, he rejected his idea.

That is because he doesn't want to depend only on his hit and run technique. If in the future he needed to kill a fast enemy then how can he does it. Instead of fighting speed with speed, he prefers to fight the fast enemy with an AoE attack.

And to get an AoE attack it needs strong strength. For that reason, he decides to block the incoming attack from the black bulls.

The battle axe hit his sword, he could feel the impact and difference of his strength with the black bull strength. His foot got deeper on the ground from the impact of the hit.

But the attack isn't as hard as Nick initially thought, He thinks the attack would numb his hands but it only tickled his hands a bit.

After the impact, Nick immediately counter-attacks the black bull. He rapidly swings his sword to the black bull, some of Nick's attacks could be blocked by the black bull but blocking the attack is a mistake the black bull has made.

Because now Nick knows how to kill the black bull after seeing the response and blocking's way from the black bull.

Even though the black bull has a disadvantage on only using his left hand and right eye because Nick has cut off his right hand and left eye, the black bull is fighting Nick equally.

If Nick fight the black bull without ambushing it first then he would probably lose but right now because of the disadvantage even though they are equally strong, that is not anymore.

Nick changes his sword and uses his left hand, He didn't have a good experience in left holding a sword but he needs this to kill the black bull right now.

The black bull goes to defensive mode, his instinct told him to do so he does it. It makes Nick glad because with this all the ingredients he needs has been successfully gathered and he could combine them.

With his left hand, Nick does a barrage attack from the left side by thrusting his sword to the body of the black bull, but all of the barrage attacks have been blocked by the black bull's battle axe.

The black bull put on his strength and bounces the incoming sword attack from Nick's, it succeeds and Nick's sword bounces up. Seeing the opening from Nick's sword bouncing the black bull raises his battle axe to attack Nick.

Nick has predicted the attack and rolled to the right side in advance, the black bull tries to attack Nick again but at this time Nick takes something out from the ground and say to the black bull some words that the black bull didn't understand.

"Got you!"

Nick swings his right hand upward, the black bull has thought he tries to block his attack but with puny, and weak hands it can't be right so the black bull smiles because he thought he has won the fight.

But when the black bull realizes, he couldn't feel his own left hand. He tries to move it but nothing is moved. That is because the black bull's right hand has been cut off by Nick.


The black bull let out a loud cry, his face didn't show a smile anymore but instead was full of terror, and fear. The source of the feeling he has felt is coming from the human he fight right now.

The black bull thinking about how can the human cut off his left hand, his right hand has been cut off because he didn't increase his guard and got ambushed for the first time.

But after that, the black bull awareness is maxed, and the human could still hurt his left eye and made him can only use one eye to fight. He tries to change on how to fight with defensive and counter-attacking.

But without the black bull knowing, his left hand has been cut off by the human. For the Minotaur race, this is humiliating. He has never felt this feeling before.

He is feeling scared but also excited. The feeling comes usually when he fought higher races being. But this is the first time he felt the feeling from fighting lower races.

The black bull thought he needs to fight with all of him to this human in front of him. So he decides to use that magic, the forbidden magic of the minotaur races but this is the good timing to use it.

Once he uses the magic he wouldn't think rationally and will become a beast but that doesn't matter as long as he didn't lose to the human in front of him. The shame from losing against a human is higher than his pride in becoming a beast.

The black bull raised his head, he saw the human walking toward him and he doesn't have any time left. He opens his mouth and let out the magic from his body, the black bull's body shining because of using magic.


After repelling the magic, the black bull has become a hundred percent beast. His power and speed have increased twofold with his hands that have been cut regrow from his body.

The black bull didn't walk with two legs anymore but just like a bull he walk with four legs. The horn on top of his legs has become longer and sharper.

With his four legs, he is ready to fight anything he could see with his new sight, not only the hands has regrown but the cut in his left eye also recover and he could see with both eyes.

It doesn't matter if in front of him is from higher races or lower races. Anything he could see will be attacked and become his food.