

Nick Yu is his name, from childhood he has been alone And in this new place Nick will also be alone, he could endure it No, He will endure it. On an unknown place like this he couldn't depend on someone else He could only depend on himself. He will survive this time, and became the first different from his past. This is his second chance and probably his last chance, he would not waste the chance. If he can do it and think that is needed to do then he will do it Nothing can stand in front of him without bowing to him This is not arrogance but a self confident

AirAqua · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs


Knowing the attack he launched didn't work for him, the green skin person change his attack pattern. Now he is using the sword to slash and thrust at him.

Instead of just randomly swinging his sword, the green skin person hit it with a combo of three slashes or more. When the sword-slashing pattern changed it make him hard to dodge the attack.

Some cuts are been made by the green skin person to his arms and body. He is currently naked and so every attack is dangerous for him. The green skin person also has more raw power compared to him.

He can't block the incoming attack of the green skin person because if he parries the attack will make his hands hurt and tired faster than he dodged the attack.

But dodging the attack is harder to do because of the slashes combo the green skin person launches at him, but even so, he chooses the latter option to dodge the attack.

His defense is zero right now, he couldn't possibly parry the attack of the green skin person it will make he can't hold his sword if the attack hit his hand continuously.

Hard doesn't make it impossible, with time he will be able to dodge the new attack pattern of the green skin person. He needs to adapt to the attack pattern and this is the best way to do it.

He is using the green skin person as a training object. He could fight back because he saw an opening after the three combo slashes but he didn't get it because he wanted to make the green skin person combo attack familiar.

With some slashes launched by the green skin he saw it coming, then he could predict the attack pattern and evade the incoming attack.

Yes, that is correct. He is trying to predict the attack pattern before the green skin launches his attack. This is a high leveled technique that many people wanted to have but if they didn't have any talent for this then it is meaningless.

This technique has many flaws but currently, he wanted to do master this technique properly because he often use this technique in the game he played.

Moving in real life is harder compared to the mobile gaming movement, if he is currently in a game then he could move his character correctly and precisely. He also needs to watch out for his stamina.

It could be said that real life is the hardest difficulty in playing a game. Many aspects need to be looked at because it isn't as simple as playing a game.

Hm? I could just imagine myself moving as my character in-game

Which is the most familiar to me and it will make me easier to predict this green skin attack pattern.

He imagines himself as a game character and currently, he is playing with his smartphone. The green skin coming at him with his fast legs and sword in his hand.

Even though there isn't any health bar but he could see the state of the green skin right now is on tiredness. The body of the green skin he faces right now is untidy with swords cut here and there.

He saw the green skin attack, imagining himself moving the joystick he moves as the joystick's movement.

Here, here, and then there!

The combo attack of the green skin all failed to hit him, the green skin face looked shocked and his movement could be read with his eyes. he tries to attack him again but it is all in vain because he evades all of the attacks once again.

The green skin tries more with other combo attacks and all of it is been evaded by the human in front of him. The human didn't attack him and only dodging but at this moment he felt something from the human.

Fear coming at the green skin, the incapability of hitting the enemy has made him doesn't have self-confidence. He knows it all because he could see it on the green skin's face.

This is the first time he felt fear from fighting lower races than himself. In the past, he has met someone from higher races. As soon as he looked at the eyes of the person from higher eyes fear came at him

The same fear that he is currently felt from this human he currently fights. In his mind, this is impossible to have the same stare as the being in higher races. Does this person is also coming from higher races?

No, That is impossible! The green skin thought

His eyes just deceived him. He tries to close his eyes and open them to make sure of the unnormal phenomenon he got at this moment. But the stare from the human is still there.

With golden eyes staring into his eyes, he felt that the human has already known all of his experience over time and he has been exposed naked. He couldn't see the human body but just only his silhouette.

More fear came at him, his body trembling because of the pressure that came from the golden eyes. The deep stare make him couldn't do anything except only stand with his shaking legs.

The human moves, he raises his sword at him but he couldn't move and can only shiver in fear. The last memory he has is the world is spinning and he could see his own body with his eyes.

The human name is Nick Namayu, He is currently swimming in the spring while drinking some of the liquid inside the spring. He wanted to wash off the blood he got from fighting the two green skin.

The first green skin is naked like him too but the latter wear something like animal leather for his lower body. He takes it and wears it onto his body after finishing his swim.

With this leather now Nick's lower body isn't feeling cold again. When he thinks about the second green skin he got confused by its actions.

When Nick succeeded at reading the pattern of the attack the green skin all of the sudden just stand still like a statue. Nick thinks the green skin has already emptied all of his combo attacks so he is scared of him.

With that, he has an easier harvest than he thought. Right now he has two swords and leather in his possession. He is slowly progressing and someday could leave this place.

At the moment that is Nick's main goal. He didn't know what kind of person is the green skin he has just killed but this feels like playing a game and doesn't seem to be reality.

Nick thinks that this is just a realistic game and someone forces his body to play so he couldn't get out of the game. Now with two swords, he feels like the main protagonist of the movies he once watched.

He raises the two swords and stands in a stance. He randomly swings his swords to the air while shouting some words.

Starburst Stre-

Before he could be finished shouting the skill name he stumbles by the green skin body and fell to the ground with his face first.

Nobody saw his silliness but he is embarrassed by his action. He promises himself he wouldn't do it again in the future.

Using two swords isn't a liking to Nick. So he only uses 1 sword while the other one is used as a spare or making path mark.

The previous mark is already messy because he fought the green skin. He needs to create it once more. Dragging the lifeless body of the green skin to the side of the spring then he continues marking the path with the sword.

Both of the green skin lifeless body has been thrown near the spring, he doesn't think of eating the green skin because they walk with two legs.

It is cannibalism if Nick does eat the green skin, thinking of it makes his stomach sick. That is one of the reasons he doesn't eat the meat of the green skin even though technically he can.

The other reason is after drinking the liquid from the spring, other than he feels energized, his thirst and tiredness are also gone and for some reason, his hunger is also gone.

That's why drinking the liquid from the spring is better than thinking of cannibalism. He doesn't know why his hunger is gone but this is better for him.

Nick doesn't know what kind of liquid is this spring produce but it doesn't matter much because he isn't sick after drinking much of the liquid then he will continue drinking the liquid in the future.

If possible, Nick wanted to make this spring in his hospital room and gift it to his older sister he often missed. The thought of this makes him remember the memories he got from childhood with his older sister.

He wipes his eyes with his arms and walks toward the path he hasn't walked yet to mark all of the surrounding areas.

I hope older sister is fine right now. Nick's thought in his mind