

Nick Yu is his name, from childhood he has been alone And in this new place Nick will also be alone, he could endure it No, He will endure it. On an unknown place like this he couldn't depend on someone else He could only depend on himself. He will survive this time, and became the first different from his past. This is his second chance and probably his last chance, he would not waste the chance. If he can do it and think that is needed to do then he will do it Nothing can stand in front of him without bowing to him This is not arrogance but a self confident

AirAqua · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


The incoming attack is right behind him, he can't see the attack came from but as he rolls forward he saw the attack is a swing and he has evaded the swing attack from the green skin person.

The roll makes his body unstable, he tries to balance himself and run in the direction where he came from. He can't look behind or he will be in a panic, so he has his sight set in front of him and focuses on running away.

Because of the speed of his running is faster than the green skin person. He left them far behind and they couldn't catch up to him.

He doesn't stop running until the spring place, his body muscle memories make him move to the spring place faster even though he doesn't know the way very much.

Having muscle memories is good, but to get muscle memories he needs to do the same thing many times all over the time without changing anything at all.

It is a dedication of training, and couldn't be gotten by just doing it a few times. He has arrived at the spring place, only at this time he stops his run and has a short breath.

He changes how he breathes, from the short breath while running into long and deep breath to make him controllable. He drinks some liquid from the spring and rest.

He didn't know if the green skin person will follow him here or not but he needs to be ready for them to come. He needs to arrange a plan in order to beat the green skin person.

Currently, he doesn't have anything in his possession while they have two swords. To make him win while beating them is either make them tired by running nonstop or beat them at face to face battle.

He couldn't possibly defeat them face to face so he use the first method. All of this is self-defense so it is okay to do it. They are the ones that start it first, they are eager to kill him so why must he take it low and just run away?

He doesn't know what other people would do in this situation but for him, he will do like the word an eye is for an eye. They are the ones in the wrong because they attack him, he just retaliates back.

He stands up and walks in the green skin person's direction, He doesn't know if they have already near the spring place or not but he needs to be vigilant of his surrounding area.

What should I do?

He is currently thinking about the plan to defeat and kill the green skin person. There is no way he could defeat both of them in two versus one fight so he needs to get one away from the other and defeat it in good timing.

He needs to make two versus one situation into one versus one situation to increase the chance of him defeating both of the green skin person. The question right now is how can he pull away from one of the green skin person to another place while the other doesn't know.

At this time he realizes something, the mark he made using his feet on the ground has changed. The green skin person has come to this area following him, his only hope is for the green skin person to divide themselves to search for him.

That is the best scenario for me

He increases his awareness to the maximum because he knows the mark he made has changed and makes the green skin person is around this place.

His fast step becomes slower and silenced. He doesn't want the green skin person to hear his footstep and be aware of him.


Not far away from him, he could see one of the green skin person walking around with his sword. The other one couldn't be seen anywhere near there.

His plan right now is to steal the weapon after dodging the green skin person's attack, if it failed he could try to launch a punch to him but he doesn't think it will work.

The green skin person's back is in front of him. now is the chance for him to try and steal the sword away. He runs toward the green skin person with his full power, the green skin person noticed him but it is too late because he has already close to him.

In panic the green skin person swings his sword at him, he evades the attack easily by sliding and get behind him in one go. He launch a punch to the back of the green skin person and left hook.

The attack makes the green skin person weakened, he also doesn't think his attack would damage the enemy this hard because he has never once fought before.

But the green skin person isn't a newbie fighter, he turns around and looks at him face to face. He swings his punch to the green skin person's chin and it hit directly.

The attack make the green skin person fall, the sword on his left hand is left out at this time and he thought this is the chance to steal the sword. He launched toward and try grabbing the sword.

With a roll, he has succeeded to steal the sword but the green skin person also realized this and looked at him with a serious face. Right now in his mind the person standing in front of him is someone he couldn't underestimate, the green skin person thought.

With a sword possessed, he has become more confident. Now he could defeat the green skin person but he still couldn't underestimate him because he only caught him off guard.

This is the real battle

The two-person launch attack on each other, one side takes more damage than the others because the other side dodges every attack the other side launches at.

Eventually, the green skin person is on the losing side, with the sharp sword his skin got cut here and there and he couldn't hit the person in front of him even once. In the end, the green skin person loses his head to the person he fought.

The other green skin person come late, he only came when the fight has already over. He couldn't save his friends but at least he knows that he couldn't underestimate the human in front of him.

He also saw the other green skin person come, he has already tired from the previous fight but he can't just stop and left the battle here.

Wait a minute, I could just leave him and run away

He appears to be wary but inside his head he thought of running away, to fight another green skin person after another is just too hard for him right now.

If he could drink the liquid from the spring right now then he could probably win in this fight, he thinks it is better to run away first.

With that he dash in the direction of the spring in order to drink the liquid, he didn't know what kind of liquid the spring has but it make him more energized and stronger.

The green skin person is following behind him, the distance is far so he will have time to drinks and prepare for combat. The distance between both of them becomes far and far each time but because the distance of the battle takes and the spring isn't that far it is only increased by a few seconds.

Arriving at the spring place he immediately drinks some water by putting his head down on the spring, after drinking a whole bunch of the liquid he feels refreshing and cool.

The energy he has depleted fighting the green skin person has recovered to the fullest. Now he could fight the other green skin person too.

At the same time when he has finished drinking in the spring, the green skin person has come to the area of the spring.

He stands in his stance and prepares himself to fight the green skin person with the sword he has stolen from the previous green skin person on his right hand.

The green skin person opens his mouth and talks to him but he can't understand the word because it is in an unknown language he has never heard before.

Then he shouts his battle cry, the loud sounds make his eardrum hurt but he is still wary of the green skin person waiting for him to make a movement.

After shouting his battle cry, the green skin person starts to move in his direction, his attack pattern is simple because it just moves forward of him with his full power.

The green skin person is charging in his direction, he evades by moving to his sides. Even though it is a simple move but if that attack hit him he doesn't think he could hold the attack with his body.

After seeing the attack of the green skin person he knows his weakness more and will make his weakness disappear by training hard. He wanted to make him be a strong person in all of the aspects he could find without any weakness.

He believes in himself and will try his best to make it the truth for his future self's sake. His future self would only develop lesser than he is right now.