
A popular father

The two girls had agreed to let Tobi hang out with them, and that was pretty much what they were doing out at the moment. Minny was practically ordering him around, asking him to get their food for them at lunch and when they were on the playground, she would ask for him to draw the hopscotch on the ground for them.

Minny did also let Tobi play with them, which he did and found it quite fun due to the rules that Minny had implemented. Regular hopscotch would have been far too easy.

So numbers were called out quite quickly in succession and the vampires had to move quite fast over the numbers. They also played it twice as long, allowing them to go over the numbers at an incredibly fast speed.

While playing Tobi was having more fun then he would have liked to admit, and in some way he felt like it was training his skills as he heard Minny call out numbers.

"1,5,12, 9, 6, 2, Fail!" Minny said, as Tobi's foot had landed in between the two and three.