

When the practical lesson finally ended, everyone was starting to realise just how much of a genius Minny really was. Because none of them had even come close to even feeling the aura in their bodies. 

Seeing their parents, and the adult vampires use aura all the time, they were desperate to learn it. 

 When lunch had begun, most of the kids were still trying to practise using aura. All of those in the same grade had the same lesson and some were even asking for advice from the older grades that could already use aura. 

In the playground, the usual three were walking together. 

The others, although amazed by Minny, were also still scared of her. They were too afraid to ask her, but the two closest to her right now had the opportunity to do so. 

"Minny." Abby said. "How did you control your aura so easily? Is there a trick to it?"

"Yeah!" Tobi asked. "There has to be a trick or something right? Can you please teach us?"