
Chapter 435: Morning Spar

With everyone slowly waking up as the light of dawn spilled into the room, I smiled softly as I gently shook them each awake, making sure we were all up and ready to go before the sun left the horizon entirely.

Kat was up in mere moments after I shook her awake, looking around the dim room with caution in her every motion and in her eyes, which made my heart ache some more, though her small wry smile as she shook her head soothed that ache slightly.

Anput stretched out with a large yawn, going from being in a small ball to a long, thin line as she loosened her muscles and cracked her joints, moaning softly as she got everything back to normal.

Leone sat up and yawned cutely, her ash gray hair a mess as she stared blankly at her morning wood, which made me smirk as I watched her glance at Kat.