
Chapter 413: Grievances

Jahi PoV

When we returned to Goron in two days time, we were greeted by the cold, yet frightened stares of the conquered people, all of whom were still scarred from the siege just over a week ago.

In that week, changes had been made to the city, the occupational force was only a day or two out, and reconstruction had already begun.

The more damaged parts of the city were being torn down and rebuilt, more complex housing being erected on the land to better fit this population.

Mom led Kolia, Nirinia, and Adelina off towards the palace, where she would get a report formulated for the Empress on everything that had happened so far as well as getting a report about the current state of Goron.

As for Anput, Leone and I, we were going towards the forges to have a break of our own, wanting to unwind and talk over everything that happened personally, to air out what we needed to in private together, so that we could move forwards better.