
Chapter 147: Two Weeks (6)

Kat PoV

After a extremely heated, quick session in the kitchen, Jahi professed her love for me again before making her way to our room, likely to bathe and change into something more proper for our upcoming visitors.

As for me, I had to continue making our portion of the food, but...

Well, if Jahi usually ate enough for two or three people, the Marquess ate enough for five at the very least, and now that Mother is pregnant, she'll also be eating a little bit more than normal...

Which meant that the amount of things to be made was drastically increased.

I also needed something to dip the pierogis in, be it some kind of heavy yogurt or cottage cheese.

Besides that, I was also going to make a large bowl of salad to even out the meal, and then I had to bake something for dessert...

Sighing, I stared down at the bowl in front of me, the potato and cheese filling finally coming together nicely.