
My Secret Husband From A Parallel Universe Is Actually A Big Shot

Lin Ye is a famous doctor, so famous that she is always the number one search on the internet every day. The people who line up to be treated by her could reach the milky way. Even with the popularity, she still lives a normal life that is until one day a patient is brought in and he gets treated by her. when he wakes up, he refuses to leave saying, "I am your husband, you are my wife, why should I leave?" Lin Ye is shocked and before her heart can settle, a milky bun opens the door and enters then plasters himself on her foot while crying loudly, "Mommy, why did you leave me? why did you abandon Xiao Ye?" Lin Ye gets dizzy...wait.... "when did I get a husband? when did I give birth to a child? aaah! take these people away from me..." The two are not simple, just who are they and what do they want from her? DISCLAIMER! THIS BOOK IS CONSIDERED MEDICAL SO ANY METHOD DESCRIBED IN THE BOOK SHOULD NOT BE USED AT ALL, THEY ARE SIMPLY THOUGHTS OF MINE AND ARE FICTITIOUS. There is an essence of parallel universe, read to find out more "Love is a flame that burns eternal, lighting up the darkest of nights."

BOOKWORM7 · Thành thị
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612 Chs

Your husband is a sensitive man

Chen Xi walked behind Lin Ye slowly. He studied her and as if something possessed him, he pulled her towards him and put his hands on her shoulders just at the place where Han Shuoxi had put his hands earlier.

Lin Ye almost fell down. She wanted to turn around but Chen Xi's grip was too tight, "What do you think you are doing?" She asked angrily.

Chen Xi did not speak for a while. He simply held her in place and sighed, "He touched you earlier."

Lin Ye was dumbfounded for a moment before she caught on. She could not believe Chen Xi's train of thought, he could not be jealous right?

Lin Ye could not turn around so she spoke instead, "I thought I made myself clear last night, what are you still doing here?"

Chen Xi pretended not to hear what she said, Instead he said something completely opposite of the answer Lin Ye wanted, "What you said back then was true. Your husband is a sensitive man so do not let any other man touch you anymore."

Lin Ye blushed profusely, "What are you talking about?"

Chen Xi laughed at her, "You were the one who said so earlier and besides I can even be more charismatic..." He leaned close to her ears, "...do you want me to, wifey."

His tone was seductive but Lin Ye freed herself from his hold and turned around, "Can't you focus on other things!"

She had said so many things earlier but he had only focused on what he wanted to hear, what in the world was wrong with him?

Lin Ye wanted to continue bickering but the hospital speakers blasted with a female voice, "Code blue....PICU....Code blue....PICU..."

Lin Ye broke into a run!

The PICU was the paediatric intensive care unit and code blue meant that a child was in distress!

Currently there was only one child in the PICU and that was Lin Ye's patient who had a hole in her heart. She sped through the corridors careful not to bump into any of the people on the way.

One of her shoes got off her leg but she did not turn around to put it on!

Chen Xi did not know what was happening. When he regained his senses, Lin Ye was already far away. He saw her shoe and went over to pick it up for her.

When he turned around, he realized that someone was behind him, it was Han Shuoxi, his gaze hardened.

Han Shuoxi spoke up first, "Can I have a word with you?"

Chen Xi smiled chillingly, "Sure!"


Lin Ye entered the PICU ward and quickly sanitized her hands. Several intern doctors and nurses were already in there and they were doing their best to care for the little child.

"What is the situation?" She asked as the people gave way to let her inside.

Mo Jili, one of the interns spoke, "Her blood pressure is dropping and there is low concentration of oxygen in her blood from the tests. She seems to be in distress and her heartbeat per minute is lowering by the second."

Lin Ye nodded, "Seems like we cannot wait any longer, we have to perform the surgery today!"

Mo Jili exclaimed, "Doctor, will it be an open heart surgery?"

Lin Ye nodded, "That is the only option we have right now, prepare yourself, call anaesthesia and have them come down..."

She turned to the nurses who were inside, "Call the head nurse, I will need her assistance, ask her to prepare the patient and once you are done, give e a call."

Mo Jili still had some questions, "Doctor, why would the anesthesiologist come here and not to the surgical rooms?"

Lin Ye looked at him, "There are several tubes attached to the patient and besides, she is too small to survive moving around. In this case, the only option is for us to perform the surgery here and not move the patient at all."

Mo Jili widened his eyes but he still nodded his head, "Okay doctor."

To perform the surgery, she still had to explain to the parents what was going on and what was going to happen.

The child's parents were still in the wards. The mother was still recovering from her caesarian section and the father simply stood there speechless. He held his wife's hands and looked at her lovingly.

Lin Ye looked at them and explained everything in detail. Once they heard the details, the mother started crying and the father soothed her lovingly but a tear or two still escaped his eyes.

The surgery was going to be difficult. Lin Ye did not sugarcoat the details. First, the child was too small and second, the hole in her heart was too big. The chances were half/half.

Before she left. The mother held her hands and cried, "Doctor please save my daughter...please save her..."

She repeated the same phrase until Lin Ye left the room. She went back to her office and was surprised to see Chen Xi still there.

"Why are you still here?"

Chen Xi looked up. He did not speak but he stood up and walked over towards her in slow steps.

Lin Ye watched him walk over to her. She felt him wrap his arms around her shoulders and waist and then his low voice spoke by her ears, "Don't worry, everything will be fine."

An anesthesiologist is a doctor who gives a patient medication so they do not feel pain when they are undergoing surgery.

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