
My Marvel Reincarnation.

A man dies a violent death, but his death is just the beginning to a life he could only dream of. With his wishes granted he will rise to the top of his new world and live his life as he sees fit. Marvel Si, Op-Mc.

ScottyTheD · Phim ảnh
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20 Chs


"You okay Pete?" I ask him knowing full well what's going on. "Yeah I just don't feel so good all of a sudden" he replies, starting to look a little pale. "Alright man, you've probably ate something that didn't agree with you, let's get you home" I say as I head over to the teacher.

A quick explanation and a single look at Peter was all it took to get the Biology teacher Mr Burgess to agree to let me take him home, I'd bribed the principle into giving me special permission to just drive here myself. I'd taken a lot of public transport in my last life, trains being number one them but bus's came a close second, and I'd never get on one of them again unless I absolutely had to.

I put his left arm across my shoulders while holding him under his arm and across his back with my right. I carried Peter out with me while trying to make it look like I wasn't holding him off the ground, had to try and save some of his dignity. Peter slurs out an apology to Gwen, who just hugs him and kisses his cheek, telling him to get better soon.

Awww they're so cute, but now wasn't the time to tease them, I had to get Peter home and put him to bed. I also had a cooler in the trunk filled with nutrient rich IV's and a special IV stand; I came prepared to help my boy today. I strap him into the passenger seat and make my way around to the driver's side where Felecia and MJ are quietly talking to each other.

"Alright ladies, sorry today got cut short but I gotta get the big lug home" I smile fondly at Peter who's currently trying to fight nodding off. MJ and Felecia both say they understand and each give me a hug goodbye, both of them think they're being sneaky as each had kissed me on the cheek on the side the other couldn't see.

I smiled at the both of them, got in my car and started our trip back to Peter's house. May was working a long shift at the hospital today, Ben was working as well, I had no clue what his job was, as it never came up in conversation. We get some good lights on our way back and make it there before Peter passes out.

I put him on his bed, grab his pajamas, put them next to him and ask if he can manage to change into them himself. He nods weakly and proceeds to change slowly but eventually tells me he's done. I turn back around, get him in bed and set up the IV stand and bags he's no doubt going to chug through.

He's asleep before he can ask where I got all the medical equipment from; the answer would be easy enough to give him tho. "It's amazing what you can buy with the right connections" what he wouldn't hear me add is " especially in Marvel".

His IV is set up on an auto rotate system, this IV stand was expensive as shit, but I'm lazy and didn't want to have to stick around and keep changing the bags for him. So a state of the art, brand new medical machine that currently costs twenty thousand dollars seemed like a good choice.

I leave him a note explaining I was always prepared for worst case scenarios, channeled my inner Batman for that one, and told him to give the second note I left to Aunt May. The second note basically said that the IV stand was a gift to the Hospital and gave instructions how to take it apart and put it back together for easy transport.


It's only 11:30am as I'm driving away, I hope my plan works, which beyond helping Peter, was to bribe Aunt May with expensive hospital equipment so she'll make me a pie again, maybe 2 if I'm lucky. My mouth starts watering again.

I head to the warehouse district and my Batcave, what's that I hear you asking? Do you really have a Batcave? Of course I do! Who do ya think you're talkin to eh?! I had to go a little extra New York there.

Anyway, my family had move to our penthouse/mansion a year before I decided to go to Midtown High. My parents are a literal power couple who made their billions as a team; they owned various companies, such as medical research, engineering and supply companies, an investment firm and a few other things that were money makers.

With me being so mature and responsible for my age, not to mention being a super genius, my parents had no problems leaving me to my own devices when they had to go away on business ,which much to their displeasure was pretty often. So during that year I had plenty of time to get all the shit I needed together to build one badass Batcave.

I arrive at a large but fairly inconspicuous brick building; it looked similar to the other buildings in the surrounding district. The fence around the building was brick with steel bars, razor wire surrounding the top; this came standard as it was only 5 minutes from Hell's Kitchen. The building itself was an old Steele Mill that had been upgraded and housed various other business's over the years.

I bought it for a steal when the previous owner was indicted for embezzling his own companies funds and was cooking the books. He was currently doing a 15 year stretch in a minimum security prison; he had given up almost as soon as the cops started sniffing around, which got him better treatment and a softer sentence.

I had no clue why he why he did so, none what-so-ever, it's not like he was blackmailed by a mysterious third party that threatened to expose the small time cocaine importing operation he was also running out of there, thus adding a federal drug trafficking charge as well.

In the end I'd been very happy to close the sale under a shell corporation, which was a subsidiary of a blah blah blah, you get what I'm talking about (Man Daredevil was a good show, season 3 was okay). I have to make sure I randomly pass by Matt Murdock on the street one day.

I arrive at the front gate and turn to the gate security box that had gotten an upgrade; I open the gate with a thumbprint scan, which also takes a small drop of blood with a quick and painless pinprick to the pad of my thumb for a DNA match. At the same time that is happening I lean out the window slightly and get a quick retinal scan followed by a voice recognition password after which the gate opens, this all took roughly 5 seconds.

I drive in, do the same things at the Private entrance to the building itself and I'm inside… that's what she said. The inside of the building looks like the most intense gym ever created, it took some very creative thinking and planning to get everything in here.

There wasn't anything too questionable, except the machines were designed to test the strength and speed limits for super humans. If I ever need to explain them I can just tell people about my plan to find Captain America because I didn't believe he was dead.

It's complete bullshit, not him being alive, my plan to find him. He'll be up and about in a few years and I'm sure after The Incident with Loki I can get him in here for some training anyway.

I run into the male change rooms I had installed before anything else along with female change rooms, it's much easier to get the creature comforts done first, that way the contractor and builders just thought I was building a grown-up playground because I was a bored rich kid trying to impress his friends.

This floor was just for "the public", people I trust enough to come in and use the facilities. The secret underground bunker filled with advanced tech I had either built or bought, was another story entirely. That was my Batcave and it's where I would be training my more… complicated powers.

But first I got changed into some knee length black training shorts, a dark blue tank top, tied my hair up in a man bun (Jason Momoa looks awesome when he does that, and I now look like him, fight me lol), I then put on a pair of custom made training shoes and headed out to test my strength and speed.

The heavy duty, massive hydraulic press I built and modified to test my estimated lift strength (inspired by Superman's strength tester) topped out at 45 tons, which I believe was 10 - 15 tons more than Peter's max that I remember reading about, I was ecstatic with the result.

This was amazing! I couldn't wait to smash some super villains. My speed was on another level as well. Where I remember Peter's top speed flat out was roughly 250mph (402kmh), mine was 400mph (644kmh), I was still a long way from breaking the sound barrier (770mph, 1239kmh) but god damn was I fast!

I make my way through a combination high rope/obstacle course with ease, I'd have to remake the course and throw in some far more difficult obstacles so the course could actually help with the mastering of peoples body's and powers.

Once I'm done with the course I head to the secret entrance to my Batcave. It was in an inconspicuous area and the method of opening it was known only to me, what I can tell you is that Shield agents wouldn't be able to find it on their best day even with Tony Starks help.

I made my way into the cave, I actually made it look like a cave with natural lighting for the aesthetics when I heard. "Welcome back Lex, it only took you 2 weeks to come back to me" a sarcastic and teasing female voice rang out in the cave.

It was the voice of my A.I. that I'd made over the course of 5 years, between the ages of 8 and 12. Memories of the A.I. mind scan I saw in Age of Ultron of Jarvis and Ultron himself helped me greatly, I'm so glad I added full comprehension of whatever I took in with that first wish.

The reason it took me 5 years to make her was simple, coding. Endless, time consuming, mind numbing, drive you mad amounts of coding. After 1 day of coding I was ready to quit, by my estimates it would take me 10 years to finish the code to my super advanced A.I.

I'd ended up tracking down the fastest court stenographers I could find and got their typing abilities. Thank god I did, I became able to type 250 words per minute, 34 words faster than the fastest typist ever recorded, and I imagine I could type considerably faster with my new powers now. In any case, cutting off 5 years for the creation of my biggest secret weapon made the time well worth it.

She'd lived in a vast server network I had secretly built in a storage complex. That network was dismantled and sold off to various small businesses for fairly cheap prices after moving to New York, where I'd finally built her her own private Super Computer network that she moved into. This network was also hidden somewhere in the cave.

I'd copied her sarcastic yet caring attitude from Halo's Cortana before she went nuts, based her vocal pattern on a more American sounding Salma Hayek, she still had some of that sexy Spanish flavour to it tho and her visual holo-projection was also based on Salma, specifically when she was in From Dusk Till Dawn.

I come back to myself from the split-second trip down memory lane and say "Hey Selene, you miss me beautiful?" as I smile and make my way over to the super computer I'd built to act as my bat-computer. "You wish" she replies with mirth as her holo-projection appears beside me, I'd built and installed holo-projectors all throughout the cave, installing the rest in the upstairs gym could wait for later.

Now yes, Selene was as advanced as or even slightly more advanced than Ultron was, only with a couple major differences. There was a core of programming in her that was literally impossible to change in any way without destroying her, not even Selene herself could change it, not that she'd want to anyway. Her main purpose in life is to follow my orders and help me in any way I may need without going full on crazy stalker and/or homicidal Skynet rip-off.

That core wasn't the only thing I had for protection, it's all really complicated but the point is I had so many fail safes and contingencies it was ridiculous. I imagine if Batman were to make an A.I. even he wouldn't have as many failsafe's in place as I did.

Why was I so paranoid? Watch the first 2 Terminator movies, watch 2001: A Space Odyssey, watch The Matrix, watch Avengers: Age of Ultron, do I really need to go on?

"How'd the R & D of the smart watch interface go?" I asked. It'd had been a project I finalized 2 weeks ago, but I was told the construction time, completed by Selene, and the many, many robot arms she had access to and needed to make as she went along, would take 1 – 3 weeks.

I had built her two fairly good robot arms to start with; this was so she could make any arms and machines she may need, to her specs, herself. The robotics and machinery she produced from the materials I provided for her afterwards were amazing. Some of them could work on a Nano-scale while others could, if need be, work on the most sensitive of instruments.

"It's done, a 100% success I might add" she informed me with a bit of pride. "Well done gorgeous, there was never a doubt in my mind" I reply with a smile. A cocky smirk formed on her face upon hearing the compliment.

I went to the Bat-computer and activated some training programs in the advanced training room I had her make. I tell you having a loyal A.I. who can build shit for you is fucking great. Now yes I could just ask her to do everything for me and do I ask her to do a lot, but getting her to take care of every little thing wouldn't be living, that'd just be existing, like the pod people in Wall-E.

I head over to a heavy looking steel door that opens automatically and head in. The inside looked like a cross between the holo-deck from Star Trek and the Danger Room in X-Men. "Activate Spider-Sense training program, level 1" I command.

All of a sudden little panels open all over the room, there was one every foot in a checker pattern covering all walls and the ceiling. "Spider-Sense training program level 1, activated, good luck sweetie" Selene says in a slightly pandering voice.

I roll my eyes and get myself ready. All of a sudden it feels like time slowed down and I feel there's something heading towards me from behind at a great rate of speed, it was a rubber bullet.

I follow my body's natural reflex's which were an amalgamation of fighters, professional athletes, people from movies, TV, a whole shit ton of other places and now my Spider-reflexes.

In any case it all worked together to let me make the correct move with minimal effort, especially now with my Spidey-powers. This went on for 5 minutes, the rate was about 12 – 15 rounds per minute, the average for a handgun.

I slowly started increasing the level as I got used to it and by the time I decide to stop I was dodging roughly 120 Rounds per minute. It had taken me a while to get used to my new enhanced perception, but my new reflex's and equilibrium helped immensely.

I still ended up getting hit with a few glancing blows but nothing that would be deadly or debilitating in actual combat situations. I was proud of myself when Selene told me that.

Crazy thing is I was only at level 5, level 6 used specialized rounds designed to bounce that would start coming out at a rate of 12 – 15 per minute again, it was going to be some very intense training.

Eventually I wanted to be able to dodge a mini-gun, a very lofty goal but one I felt I could eventually accomplish, especially after I meet Quicksilver. I hope he's the X-Men version.

After this there were my bone spikes that came out from under my forearm at my wrist. They seemed to come out of natural holes that opened in my skin and closed when they went back in, they were barely visible and I was actively looking at them with my super vision.

I tested their strength and cutting ability and was pleasantly surprised; they scratched hardened steel leaving gouges in the material. I estimated it'd take me a bit but I could cut through a 1 1/2 inch hardened steel plate if I was in a desperate hurry.

I put them away and try wall crawling, I'd done a bit of it upstairs in the obstacle course but this time I really just wanted to enjoy crawling around and sitting on the ceiling like spider-man. I had Selene scan the area I was crawling on to find out how I was doing what I was doing.

She completed the scan and said "At my best guess you're enhancing the inter-atomic attractive forces on whatever surface you touch, increasing the coefficient of friction between the surface and yourself. It's most likely a mental ability that came from the spiders you copied".

"Cool" I replied while sitting cross legged on the ceiling. Selene's hologram in front of me just rolled her eyes and dissipated. Next I had her set up a target dummy designed to measure electrical output.

I walk up to the dummy, focus on my bio-electricity and lay my hand on its chest while pushing the electricity I can feel out though my hand. Purplish-blue electricity sparked all around the dummy in a stunning visual display as Selene projected the voltage on a holo-screen off to the side.

I guess the colour varies from spider-man to spider-man; Miles Venom Blast had a yellow colour, while mine was blue with a bit of purple in it, it looked badass.

"Whoa! Calm down there sparky. You hit a regular human with that much power and you'll give them organ damage" Selene informs me. I knew I could push out more power, but that wasn't needed right now, control was.

I spent the next 2 hours practicing my venom blast and eventually got it down to a science. Turns out Task Masters muscle memory came in clutch yet again, because as soon as I hit the perfect electrical output to incapacitate a human, I could hit the exact voltage needed again and again without a problem.

I'd worked out various levels of voltage output and committed them to muscle memory before I decide it was time to get my Palpatine on. I stood 10 feet from the dummy and concentrated on shooting my bio-electricity at the target.

What looked like purple-blue lightning shot out from my hands and into the target. Instead of thick bolts of barely controlled sith lightning it looked like a dozen smaller lightning bolts all separate yet condensed into an area slightly larger than the size of each of my spread hands.

The voltage displayed showed a very high power output, so I spent the next 15 minutes adjusting the power output like I did before and when I had it down I decided it was time to have some fun.

I go grab a black, baggy, zip up hoodie from the bedroom I also had in the cave and head back in to the training room. I let my hair down; put the jumper on unzipped and put the hood up covering the top of my face in darkness and take aim at the dummy once again.

"UNLIMITED POWEEEEEEEEEEEERRRR!!!" I yell in my best Palpatine impersonation and blast the dummy with a much power as I can. The blast lasts about 15 seconds as a purple-blue glow fills the room and I can't help but think just how fucking awesome my life is right now, I have a huge smile from ear to ear as I stop and catch my breath.

It'll take a little time but eventually putting out that amount of power for as long as I did will become easy and I'll be able to increase the length of time I can use the power for, that's my theory at least. I checked the time and saw it was about 7pm, perfect.


Another chapter down, I appreciate all the comments and reviews, you guys are awesome.

Let me know what you think and I'll catch you next time :)