
My Little Pony: Platinum Shadow

Platinum Shadow is a MLP Fan Fiction starring OC's as main characters and returning FiM Characters, including Villains like Lord Tirek and Daybreaker. The story takes place years after the end of Season 9. The story follows a young stallion unicorn named Platinum Shadow due to the colors of his dark coat and silver mane that has traveled all over Equestria and beyond in search of his "Deadbeat Father" that abandoned him and his dying crippled mother. Throughout his journeys he's made countless friends From Alphas (Original Characters) to Yaks and known as the "Blank Unicorn" as he does not have a Cutie Mark (Or does he? =.= ). His journey ends in Ponyville that is now known and expanded as the "Home of Friendship", however unknown to him, his journey might be over, but this is where his story truly begins...

StarscreamSigma · Tranh châm biếm
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53 Chs

Episode 25: (Scootaloo Arc) Unexpected Reality

Shadow prepares to meet up with Scootaloo and Glitter Drops to head to the Crystal Empire as soon as possible in order to save Wendy and her Mother. While making his preparations, he stumbles on one of the pieces of the destroyed music box which is a Pegasus Pony that resembles his own mother as he flashes back to a time where he was spending time with his Mother, Stardust, His Foster Sister Emma and his Aunt who he always called her Aunt Sparkly who turns out to be Wendy's Mother, Cosmic Legacy. He remembers that out of everyone in his village, Wendy's Mom was always there for them providing everything, helping out when Shadow's Mom overdid it and helping out when they needed it the most. With this memory vivid in his mind, Shadow is determined to save both Wendy and Her Mother.


Scene 25.0: Ponyville, Main Entrance, 2:50 PM, Day 31 Of 365


After rendezvousing with Scootaloo and Glitter Drops, everyone who wants to see Wendy come back are there including Regalia Painite and Lucky Star as Scootaloo is wearing light which goes against Shadow's Warnings.



I told you to pack heavy. We are going to the most deadliest locations in all of Equestria. Drop your guard, not even Celestia flying you to the very Sun will thaw you out of the block of ice you will be encased in.



I have it all in my bag, but I want to wear it all when we get there. Wearing it now would be too much.



I get it. You don't want to overheat until we get there, right?




Yeah. And what about you!? You are wearing your armor. Will that protect you from the extreme environment?



You do remember that I'm a Chaos Pony? My body is used to Extreme Environments. But enough about this. Everyone! I Promise to come back with Wendy as soon as possible.



Be careful, Aniki!



Good luck, Shadow!


Luster Dawn:

Be safe you two!



Kick some flank for me, Shadow!



May the Ancients and the Gods Bless You On Your Journey, My Friends!



May The Watchful Eye Of Odin Guide You To Victory!



Don't Worry, Be Happy!


Florid Harvest:

Bring back some souvenirs for all of us!



(Face-Hoof, Whispering)

Oi, Vey…Leave it to Florid to ask for something that is too much for my wallet to handle…


As Shadow teleports to the Crystal Empire with both Scootaloo and Glitter Drops, everycreature in Ponyville are worried for their safety and Wendy's as they are all aware their enemy is the Queen of the Windigos, Xuĕ which puts into question on why Shadow only chose to travel with just Scootaloo and not ask anycreature else to join them which worries them to no end.


Scene 25.1: Crystal Empire, Arctic Patrol Office, 3:00 PM


Upon arriving at the Crystal Empire's Main Entrance, Shadow, Scootaloo and Glitter Drops quickly head to the Arctic Patrol Office in order to set a course of action. Once they arrive at the office, they are greeted by Glitter Drops' Critter Friends; after attending to the critters, Glitter Drops gets her map of the area to tell Shadow and Scootaloo where Wendy's home is located. As soon as Shadow see where it is on the map, he is both surprised and not so much as the location is pretty close from what the map calls as the "Frozen Graveyard" which is where his birthplace, The Village of Shard is hidden.



The Frozen Graveyard…She lives near that area…for some reason I was expecting it.



What you can tell me about that place?



The Frozen Graveyard is where my home village is hidden away. It's an area surrounded by a nonstop blizzard by all sides. Back then when Sombra was evil, the villagers of my home escaped the Crystal Empire and hid there. They knew Sombra wouldn't risk pursuing them there and even if he was gutsy enough to go after them, the blizzard would have ended all of the lives of his brainwashed slaves. There would be no way he'd risk it since he was planning in conquering all of Equestria. Sacrificing all of his forces to capture just a few deserters was too counterproductive for his ambitions.



So how are we going to your village?



We need to go through. Luckily there's a pathway to get us to my home village safely within the blizzard.



Can't we use Q's Fast Travel Spots to get there now?



That's the problem. I haven't set a foot there since I left years ago when I started my journey looking for my father.



So we need to hoof it through that storm?



Like I say…I know where the winds are at their weakest. Every Crystal Pegasus is trained to pass through the Blizzard unscathed. Luckily me and Emma were taught to look for the safest path through the blizzard.



Does the Blizzard subside in anyway?



No. The Blizzard is Perpetual meaning that it will never die down. So there's no way around it. Remember to wear your heaviest parka. There is a reason why that area is known as the Frozen Graveyard.


Glitter Drops:

Let me get you something to help you if things gets bad for you.



What is it?


Glitter Drops:

It's Heat Crystal. It's an item created by Jack-Of-All-Trades. It's supposed to help heat your body if it gets too cold to do anything.



(Annoyed, Hiding Annoyance Behind Smile, Takes Crystal Cordially)

Thanks, It will come in handy.


Glitter Drops:

Careful not to break it. The Heat Crystal will blow up if it breaks.



Leave it to my crazy father to invent something so dangerous.


Glitter Drops:





(Annoyed Sigh, Face-Hoof)

Another Coin For The "A New One Finds Out Who My Father Is!" Jar.

(Annoyed But Amused Scoff)

Story of my life…


After finishing their preparations, Glitter Drops and her critters wishes good luck to both Shadow and Scootaloo as they begin their journey to the Village of Shard before heading to Wendy and her Mother's home in the mountains as they are being watched by 2 Parties from different directions: Specter and a Group of Windigos.


Scene 25.2: Arctic North, Frozen Graveyard, 4:24 PM


Upon arriving at the Frozen Graveyard, Scootaloo is both in awe and in terror upon seeing the pure white landscape with is smooth like a flat bed of snow with no lumps anywhere to be seen except for only a few large stalagmites-like Icicles that look like large crystals as it glows in an ominous light from within that is scaring her.



I never thought I'd get back here again…Looks like no one was crazy enough to pass through here.

(Notices Almost Faded Hoof-Prints)

Looks like the expedition crew returned earlier today.



Expedition Crew?



Once every 3 Months, a group of 6 Crystal Ponies are chosen to explore the outside world for 3 months: 2 Unicorns, 2 Earth Ponies and 2 Pegasi. After that, they are to return with what they have learned and if we find something or someone who wants to join us, we let them in. There were times where the inverse happened when the Crystal Ponies want to stay behind rather than return home.



You were part of an Expedition Crew?



No. Me and Emma ran away from this village. I wanted to find my father no matter what, even at the disapproval of the Village Elder.



After seeing this place, I highly doubt anycreature will want to come here.



Yeah. This is a Gigantic Deathtrap. Look.


Shadow tosses a small pebble at the snowfield and before it touches the ground, the pebble freezes and shatters instantly which completely terrifies Scootaloo as the entire field is glittering with ice shards.



The reason we are not seeing the bodies of those who have passed away in this place is because they have been shattered and become ice shards in the graveyard. This is the opposite of a cremation.



(Shocked, Scared)

I really hope you haven't forgotten the pathway.



Stick close to me and I will get you to my village which is hidden at the center of the Frozen Graveyard. Make sure you don't lose sight of me, because the Blizzard will intensify itself the close we reach the village.



Was this Blizzard created by somecreature?



My Ancestor.



Wait, WHAT!?!?!?



I don't know all of the details, but this was done to protect the Crystal Pony Refugees that escaped Sombra's Rule 1,000 Moons Ago when he was evil.



Can't you undo it?



My Ancestor was an Alicorn with years of experience making her Magic superior to mine, so I can't do anything about it.



Too bad…Equestria is more peaceful now thanks to Twilight and the others that we don't need these types of hazardous protections.



(Ties Rope Around Him & Scootaloo)

True, but it will take time for me to undo this. This rope is a little insurance if you lose sight of me in the blizzard once we start moving.



Alright. I'm ready.


Shadow nods at Scootaloo and starts to walk towards the Frozen Graveyard's Ice Field carefully and slowly while trying to avoid the danger zones of the fields and making sure Scootaloo still have eyes on Shadow and not blinded by the intensifying blizzard as they move closer and closer in. As Shadow Predicted, the blizzard intensified itself the more they moved in deeper into the graveyard that she was starting to get scared that they will end up dying before reaching the Village of Shard. It took them almost an hour before the blizzard starts to die down as Scootaloo is in awe as she see a Large And Beautiful Crystal Arch with nothing behind it, just the arch and nothing more as the temperature next to the arch is high enough that Scootaloo can take off all that heavy gear and just wear her simple light parka.



We are here.



Is this arch…a portal?



(Pulls Blue Crystal, Gives Blue Crystal To Scootaloo)

Yeah. Here. You'll need to wear this if you want to enter my village. It's the final fail-safe before entering the Village of Shard.



That's too many fail-safes to protect your village.



The village have been afraid of Sombra and others like him like Chrysalis and Tirek for a very, very long time. Back then…Celestia was just one Alicorn taking on all of the evil of the world after the Pillars Of Old Equestria disappeared into Limbo fighting Stygian when he became the Pony of Shadows. 1 Creature can make a difference, but when even your younger sister turns evil too…how much faith can you still have after knowing that during a time when evil was on the rise? The Villagers of Shard witnessed the fall of Timbucktu and Trot by the Iron Hoof of Chrysalis, Tirek stealing Magic, Luna becoming Nightmare Moon and Sombra taking over the Crystal Empire really traumatized my villagers.



I don't blame them. The world was a different place 1,000 Moons Ago.



Before we go in…Let me warn you to not be surprised by anything in my village. Don't expect us to be primal or anything. Shard is pretty up-to-date. But they tend to have an…Admiration complex when it comes to my family that they practically worships me.



(Doubtful Stare)

You!? A Celebrity!? Shadow…you are an Edge-Lord, Maverick, Rogue, Loner, Cynic, Smart-Aleck and World's Biggest Jerk. The only ones that admires you that badly are Krystal and Rose. After you abandoned them, I highly doubt they will worship you that hard ever again.



I hope you are right, for my sake…


Scene 25.3: Arctic North, Village Of Shard, 5:30 PM


Shadow and Scootaloo enters the village arch and once they reach the other side, they are both greeted by a group of foals that were playing near the arch. They looks at Scootaloo with a curious expression, but as soon as they lay their eyes on Shadow, they are shocked to the point they run away which Scootaloo looks a Shadow with a negative stare. Annoyed by this, Shadow says nothing but points to a line of statues nearby and much to her shock, she sees a statue of Shadow as an Alicorn. Before she could say anything, the foals return with the entire village in tow as they all cheer on the return of their "Prince Platinum Shadow" which he face-hoof in annoyance and shame as Scootaloo can't believe any of this that, just like Luster during her journey to meet Lord Thanatos, she starts to stutter and hyperventilate like crazy. Scootaloo's emotional overload gets worse when her parents Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood, for some reason happens to be there that she fainted from all of that Emotional Damage. Shadow pulls a small bottle of smelling salt and wakes Scootaloo up.



Feeling better, Scoots?




Shadow…Care to explain…




??? (Old Man Voice):

I guess I can tell you everything…



Old Man Miro…


Elder Miro:

(Bows To Shadow)

Welcome back home, Prince Shadow. We all have awaited your return…especially with all of the adventures we have heard of you partaking in.



(Annoyed Sigh)

How much you know?


Elder Miro:

We were about to send the next Expedition Crew with a few Chroniclers to record your Legacy, my Prince. I am amazed that you have encountered Lord Thanatos and returned to the world of the living.



That's how far you know? Then you don't know about Aunt Sparkly?


Elder Miro:

Aunt Sparkly? Forgive me my Prince, but the Expedition Team just returned earlier today, so we know naught of what has happened to you lately as of yet.



That's what I always called her when I was a colt. You all know her better as Cosmic Legacy.



(Look Away From Shadow, Avoiding Eye-Contact)




(Notices Behavior, Annoyed, Transforms Into Alicorn, Royal Voice)



Elder Miro:

(Saddened Sigh)

Very well, My Prince. Let us go home and speak there.


Snap Shutter:

Aye! Let's go with 'em, Scoot!


Mane Allgood:

I can't believe you are here with an Alicorn Prince and it's the Village Prince!




We aren't dating if that's where you are going, Mom.



Yeah…I'm already spoken for.


Mane Allgood:


Oh! And I was already imagining you two as the perfect couple.


Snap Shutter:


After hearing all of the Prince's adventures and seeing you with him, I already saw him as a Son-In-Law.


Scootaloo, Shadow:

(Annoyed Stare)



After arriving at the Elder's Home, Scootaloo is in awe to see everything in the house especially pictures with Shadow, his Mother, Stardust Memory and his Foster Sister, Emma; and in all of these pictures, Shadow is in his Alicorn Form as Scootaloo stares at Shadow for not being honest with her. The Village Elder, Miro is a kind looking, gray old Pegasus Crystal Pony which Scootaloo already has taken a liking to him as she looks at her parents in a curious manner.



Mom? Dad? Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be Shire Lanka?


Mane Allgood:

Well we met this pair of Crystal Ponies from this village after we last visit you. They were looking for some flora for their gardens. We started talking and they told us about this village.


Snap Shutter:

Aye! We wanted to see this place where almost no creature knows about it. Imagine our surprise that this was Shadow's Home Village.







I traveled all over Equestria and Beyond. I met a lot of creatures, so of course I would have met your parents…


Snap Shutter:

Yeah! Shadow fights like a real scrapper, he does! Imagine our surprise when we found out that he's an Alicorn Prince as soon as we got here.



Why keep that a secret?



Like I told Luster and the others: Female Alicorns are the Personification of the Goddess Of Wisdom, Athena while Male Alicorns are the Personification of the God Of War, Ares. Another reason is that I haven't told anyone is that just like my ancestor before me, never wanted to be worshiped as such and the same goes for me. I always hated my Alicorn Form…I only show it off when I am left with no choice. Besides…how can you be so surprised that I am an Alicorn? Wendy wrote it down on her letter.



(Ashamed, Tsundere Demeanor)

I…um…must have skipped over it since I was worried for my aunts getting frozen by a Windigo and Wendy being taken away…And I thought it was a Typo.


Snap Shutter, Mane Allgood:




Snap Shutter:

Oi! Are they alright, Scoot!?



Yeah, they are fine, dad. A little shaken, but they are fine…and the house is all wet after all the ice melted.


Elder Miro:

(Saddened Stare)




Speaking of Wendy…Isn't there something you need to tell us, Old Man? But let me be specific on how far I want you to tell me the whole story.


Elder Miro:

Very Well.



We know that my Ancestor, who founded this village, created a means for us to be up-to-date with the rest of Equestria after we splintered from the Crystal Empire when Sombra took it over. She trained a total of 72 Crystal Ponies to be Scouts, explore Equestria and return with all the information there is for every 3 months. And if one of the Scouts wanted to stay in Equestria, they would leave a message with one of the others. The training consist of teaching the scouts to move through the barrier created by my ancestor on the safe pathway she made, use a special amulet to mask the crystal shine from their bodies and act conspicuously like tourists. Here's my point…Aunt Sparkly was a member of the Expedition Team 40 Moons Ago, during that time she encountered my mother and teamed up to defeat Trotter Poisonia. I want to know the truth behind that.


Elder Miro:

(Sad Sigh)

I knew this day would come. Very well…Did you know we were given a Prophecy from your Ancestor about the return of the Elements? She also left behind an artifact to help us determine precisely when the elements will return to the world. 40 Moons Ago…

(Place Futuristic-Looking Pocket-Watch On Table)

…Your Ancestor's Artifact, The Time Keeper started to Ring on certain times of the year as soon as the beginning of the Moon Year started. As soon as it did…we decided to have your distant relative, Cosmic Legacy to seek out the Element of Life and return it here so we can help her awaken its power.



But Aunt Sparkly wasn't the Element of Life, My Mom was.


Elder Miro:

Your Mother wasn't the Element either, My Prince. You are.





Elder Miro:

The Prophecy is about the War Of The Elements. The Elements will clash with one another in a Civil War that will reshape all of reality and you, My Prince…are at the center of it.



I keep telling everyone: I Do NOT Believe In Doomsday Fairytales, more less when it involves me. So please refrain from talking about me when it comes to this prophecy.


Elder Miro:

I understand. As I stated, Cosmic was supposed to retrieve it and being trained in order to awaken its true power so her offspring becomes highly compatible to it. But as you stated, Trotter Poisonia happened and thanks to her, we learned of your mother who is the namesake of our founder and Princess. Cosmic as you know her as Aunt Sparkly, told us everything about what had happened, but she didn't not come back alone…She returned with a Ghost Pony…and a Windigo.



Specter and Weiss.


Elder Miro:

Yes…If you are wondering why you never met them while you live here was because the villagers were scared of them to the point that they would be attacked too often. They selected to leave on their own and away from the village. Whenever she had the chance, Cosmic would visit them.



Weiss…He used to work under Trotter, but one thing lead to another and…



Wait! Wendy's Dad was working with that monster!?



He was a Windigo, so working with someone as evil and rotten as Trotter is not that surprising.



But if he was the enemy, how did they get together?



I don't know. I only know bits and pieces of what happened back then. If Aunt Sparkly is really dying in the same way as my mom…even if I don't want to hear it…I need her to tell me everything that happened 40 Moons Ago.


Elder Miro:


So…Cosmic is not going to survive long. My failure as the elder of this village is complete…



I need to get to Aunt Sparkly and rescue Wendy as soon as possible before she expires and leaves Wendy all alone.



Not alone, you won't! I need to meet her mom too so I can ask if…I can adopt Wendy if she's not going to be around anymore.



Alright. Old Man? You are wrong. You are not a failure. You did the best you could. You helped raised me when my mom couldn't at times. You…are the Grandfather I never had and I am grateful for everything you did for me.


Elder Miro:

(Sad Smile)

You honor me with your words, My Prince. But after not protecting you and Young Wendy to your current fates…I never reached out whenever you needed my help the most.



I forgive you and…I'm already passed it. Wendy is young…it will take time for her to forgive you like I have.


Elder Miro:

But she's Half Windigo, she will never do as you say.



I'm Half Chaos Pony. If I can forgive you, she will too. By the way…was the reason she was bullied was because she is Half Windigo?


Elder Miro:




This is the reason why I left the Village the first time around. Everyone always wanted to be close to me just to brag they are friends with an Alicorn Prince. Looks like it will stay as the only reason I will not settle down here. Now…can you tell us the safest path to get to the mountain?


??? (Familiar Voice):

Allow me to assist you!


At that moment a large explosion takes place on the village, undoing the Blizzard created by Shadow's Ancestor as the Village is now visible for the entire world to see and the one who destroyed it was none other Specter flying over the terrified villagers up on high. As Shadow, Scootaloo, Her Parents and The Elder see him, they follow Specter to the Village's Main Entrance…


Phase 1:

Vs. The Phantom Of Unrest (Prelude)


Upon arriving at the entrance, Specter is standing on a broke icicle that was glowing at the snowy plains which disabled the eternal blizzard which worries everypony as some of them feel vindicated about distrusting Specter.



You're Specter.



We meet once again for the first time…Alchemus.



(Surprised, Serious Stare)

You knew Alchemus?



Who do you think bounded me to this plain of existence for all of eternity?



I am sorry about that.



Do not be. It was my decision unknowingly of the consequences of said action would bring upon me.



Since I'm the reincarnation of Alchemus, I might—



You are not here for me, Son of Stardust Memory. You are here for Stardust Platinum who you all know as Wendy.



What's your part in all of this?



After we left this village, Cosmic Legacy did visit Weiss in what is now her home from time to time. She would talk to him in adopting you and Emerald Flash after Stardust Memory would pass away. Unfortunately you already left with your sister, so she fell into a deep depression. She lost her Best Friend she loved like a Sister and then she lost you and Emerald Flash. In that sorrow, Weiss, who started to develop feeling for her, comfort her in her time of need. Not soon after they consummated their love and their daughter was born months after. However…Weiss' Sister, The Queen of the Windigos, saw this as a betrayal to their kind and decided to end all 3 of them. Weiss went to confront his sister, but never returned before the foal was born. Before he disappeared, he tasked me to protect both Cosmic Legacy and his unborn daughter, I failed to do so as Xuĕ managed to morbidly injure Cosmic Legacy in the Same Manner as Sombra did to your mother. The only difference between the two of them is that Cosmic Legacy's injuries are internally and not physically visible. Fortunately thanks to Stardust Platinum being a Hybrid, she managed to survive being crushed to death.



So there's nothing I can do…



Remember what I told you earlier today, Alchemus? "Expect a battle if you will face Xuĕ". Unfortunately I firmly believe you are not ready to face Xuĕ and her Windigos. Therefore…I challenge you to see the extent of your power. Do not disappoint me, Alchemus, for Stardust Platinum's Fate Is On The Line.


Shadow knowing there is no way out of the situation, summons his Soul Katana and readies himself to fight Specter who surprisingly undergoes a metamorphosis as he looks like a Pure White Version of Stygian's The Pony of Shadows and unlike the evil and heinous smile Stygian used to do, Specter give off a more serious look on his face, an extreme contrast between Good and Evil. However unknown to all there, they are being watch by the Windigos who are hiding nearby as one of them heads to inform his Queen on the situation.


Scene 25.Final: Arctic North, Windigo Fortress, 6:53 PM


The Windigo flies to a fortress made completely of ice that somewhat resembles the Crystal Palace, but in a more morbid setting as the Windigo travels around it to find the throne room as he passes multiple creatures frozen in ice with a look of despair, pain and suffering on their face, but the most disturbing detail of them all, their irises are nonexistent as their eyes resembles of that of the Undead like Zombies. Upon arriving at the throne room, Wendy is there wearing some weird jewelry around her as she looks very sad about everything as Xuĕ is draining the life of a creature inside an icicle and once she is done, she shatters the icicle and the creature is turned into a Windigo as Xuĕ looks at his scout who has been keeping tabs on the Village of Shard and tells her everything which Wendy hears, which makes her both surprised and saddened even more that she found out her Uncle Specter is fighting her brother, Shadow.



(Evil Smug Smile & Laughter)

You were right, my dear niece. The Fool and that wretch you were attached to did in fact followed you here thanks to that letter you left behind. But Xuĕ wasn't expecting for the Element of Life to fight Specter. This is going better than Xuĕ has hoped. All we need to do is wait and allow them to finish each other off.



But Uncle Specter is a Ghost…how can Aniki—?



Fool! Platinum Shadow is the Element of Life. His Wretched Mother never sent him to the next life because she needed his help to rescue that brat, Spitfire as she lied to him that she could not. The Element of Life can undo all type of curses brought upon the living or the dead like Specter and that Ghost is both Dead and Cursed done by himself. But that does not matter…

(Evil Smile)

…With one of them gone, the other will be easy to destroy. And converting the Element of Life into a Windigo…An Element of Harmony as Xuĕ's Personal Slave…

(Heinous Laughter)

…Xuĕ will love every second of that as Xuĕ will turn this world into a Frozen Paradise.



(Saddened, Thinking)

Uncle…Aniki…Please…Please Don't Die…


With her Golden Eye Glowing Brightly and sad tears running down from her cheeks (An Icy Crystalline Tear From Her Blue Eye And A Bloody Crimson Red Tear From Her Golden Eye) as she hopes deep down nothing goes wrong. Unfortunately, Xuĕ notices this and she sneers at her niece as she forcibly grabs her cheeks like the abuser she is with a heinous smile across her face.



Are you sad, my dear niece? Are you in turmoil because you do not want to see your bonds die out like a shattered dream? You do not wish to see those bonds to become mindless drones? Converting worthless creatures into Xuĕ's legion is naught but a waste of time. Xuĕ converting those disgusting ponies Xuĕ froze earlier today were nothing but a waste of space. When Xuĕ were to shatter them, Xuĕ was planning in turning those wretches into construction material for this palace. Xuĕ only converts those Xuĕ believe can make the Windigos even more powerful. You value their disgusting individuality and independence more than your own…and your mother. I was planning in converting her into one of the Windigos, but she could not because she was carrying you. Xuĕ almost crushed her to death and tragically for you…

(Evil Degenerate & Twisted Smile, Glowing Yellow Eyes)

…Xuĕ has no regrets on what Xuĕ has done to that filth that is your mother. And if you cross the Windigos, you will join her and every other wretch in the afterlife. Never forget that Xuĕ has your life in Xuĕ's Hoof. Xuĕ is the only one that decides whether you live or die. Disgusting Half-Breeds like you need the likes of Xuĕ to keep you safe and so long as you are loyal only to Xuĕ…Xuĕ will make sure you prosper.



(Thinking, Distraught)

It looks like what Krystal-Nee told me is true…Safety Never Equals Happiness…Mama…Uncle Specter…Aneki…Aniki…I'm Scared…Please…Save me…


As Wendy sense nothing but the coldness around her, full of nothing but negative emotions as she starts to reflect the differences between the Windigos and everycreature she has met while looking for the Element of Life. Now she hopes that Shadow and Specter do not end each other and save her from the monster that is her Aunt that she now learned that she had intentions to kill her mother before she was even born. How Powerful Has Shadow Managed To Recover After Acquiring The Diary Crystal From Lord Thanatos And Training Along With Rose For Almost A Month?


To Be Continued…

I Got The Flu Early This Month And It Hit Me So Hard I Thought Truck-Kun Was The One Was Behind My Suffering. Thank For Your Patience.

Script by: Starscream Σ

Owned By: Hasbro

StarscreamSigmacreators' thoughts