
Episode 24: (Scootaloo Arc) Unexpected Developments

On top of the rooftop of Scootaloo's home where Wendy is staying, Specter is remembering his time with Stardust Memory, Wendy's Mom, Goldie Delicious, himself and Tia (Celestia's Secret Identity Back Then) as they traveled all around the Dark Corners of Equestria in order to save Spitfire (Who Was A Filly Back Then), after being kidnapped by Trotter Poisonia. He remembers all of the Trials and Tribulations Stardust went through with her Clone, Starry Night that makes him chuckle on how unorthodox they were behaving. He then replaces the image of both Stardust and Starry bickering with Platinum Shadow and Wendy which brings a very strange feeling of nostalgia to him that he can't help but to laugh it off as he looks at the moon and stars above.


Scene 24.0: Ponyville, Scootaloo-Lofty-Holiday's Home, 8:33 AM, Day 30 Of 365


In the dining room of the house, Scootaloo, Auntie Lofty, Auntie Holiday and Wendy are eating breakfast with Shadow and it seems that Wendy is starting to open up to her as they talk about Ponyville and from that point ended up talking about Rainbow Dash. Since Scootaloo is sitting next to Shadow, when they start talking about Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo gets a little too excitedly that she accidentally touches that she ends up blushing as her feelings for him are blooming that she hasn't felt like this except when she was dating Spike. Sensing her feelings towards Shadow, Wendy is surprised that Scootaloo feels that way about him that she is now considering opening up to him as she is starting to look at Scootaloo like a big sister in the same light that Scootaloo looks up to Rainbow Dash. As they spend their day together, they come across Regalia Painite and Lucky Star that Wendy hides behind both Shadow and Scootaloo as she tries not to be seen because Regalia freaks her out, but failed as Regalia excitedly hurries to see Wendy.


Regalia Painite:

(Excited, Smiling, Rich Girl Demeanor)

Why hello there, Wendy! Would you care to join my Cute-Ceañera this weekend? I invited the Most Prestigious Creatures in Ponyville…

(Annoyed Mumbling)

…Even My Classmates which includes that Wretched Apple Rose…

(Excited, Smiling, Rich Girl Demeanor, Out Loud)

…but my party will feel empty without someone as perfect as you.







She'll consider it, Regalia. Thank you for the invite.


Regalia Painite:

I hope you do come! Ta-Ta!


Lucky Star:

(Nods Head Slightly)

До свидания.



As they leave, Wendy comes out of hiding as she doesn't like being around Regalia as Rose, Little Cheese and Jersey Mac walks to the three of them.



(Annoyed, Sour Expression)

That girl really ticks me off to no end.


Little Cheese:

She's a really weird girl and I know weird.


Jersey Mac:

I like Lucky Star, but since she's hanging around Regalia, I lost interest.



Regalia is a nice girl. You should all give her a chance.


Rose, Little Cheese, Jersey Mac, Wendy:

(Annoyed Stare At Shadow)







She's really weird! I can't tell how she feels about me and the way her emotions feel is really scary!



I sensed her magical aura. She's…a peculiar one.




I knew it. Wendy can sense emotions. I'll admit it…Regalia is weird since I could see her aura and just now, her aura was twirling like someone with a crush. But…I need Wendy to feel more at ease around these foals and who better than…

(Out Loud)

Anyways…How about you play with Rose and the boys? They might impress you in more ways than you can imagine. Me and Scootaloo will supervise you from here.


Wendy sees Rose, Little Cheese and Jersey Mac with a curious look, but listens to Shadow as soon as she senses that they are happy that want to be her friend, a sensation that is alien to her as she never felt such warmth in her life from others aside from her mother, Scootaloo and now she is feeling said warmth from Shadow; so she goes with the young ponies and start to play with them as Shadow and Scootaloo sit nearby and watches them play.



(Warm Smile)

She seems happier now.



(Serious Expression)

The kids in her life must have been very cruel to her…because of her gift…




Were you…bullied when you were a colt?



I wouldn't say bullied exactly. It's just everyone wanted to be my friend for petty reasons.



Was it because they knew about your ancestry?



You could say that. Wendy must have suffered like I did but on a different way.






I can't put my hoof on it, but…Wendy is No Ordinary Pony. I think that is the reason on why she has been bullied. She's in way like Rose.



She's a Grim Reaper? Or a Homunculus?



No. If she was a Homunculus, she would be an emotional deadpan and not as emotionally rich as she is now. From what my First Teacher told me, Homunculi become emotionally rich when coming into contact with the Element of Life. Not the Bearer like me, but the actual Element Gem and Wendy haven't been near it in all of her life and she hasn't even touched it even when we fought when we first met. So her being this emotional is normal for what she went through.




I think I know what you mean. When I was a young filly…I would have gotten into fights if I hadn't met Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle for not being able to fly like a Normal Pegasus. Maybe…I wouldn't be as fond of Rainbow Dash like I am today. When I look at Wendy…I see myself in her on the way she behaves…although I'm more of a tomboy while Wendy is more girly.







Why are you laughing?




I'm sorry, but Wendy is a Tomboy. She looks just like a proper girl and all, but don't let that fool you, she is very much a Tomboy.



How did you get that conclusion?



When she and me were fighting each other, she really hoofed me one that I thought I was fighting an Earth Pony. A little filly that can hoof that hard is definitely a Tomboy.



On a scale from 1 through 10, how hard can she hit?



Applejack 10.







(Look At Scootaloo)




(Nervous Laughter)

Don't mind me. Shadow just told me something crazy.




Throw me under the bus, why don'cha.



(Smacks Shadow On His Back, Annoyed Smile)

Don't mind us. You 4 keep playing.



(Continue Playing With Each Other, Laughing)




Wendy is really that strong?



Yeah. I can still feel that hoof to my face when she blindsided me in that fight. Man, can she scrap.



I don't want her to fight her way in life like that. I want her to be a better pony than that. I want her to be…not like me…more like…Apple Bloom, maybe or Sweetie Belle…Like a Graceful Southern Belle.




She lacks both the Accent and Grace…And wearing a dress!? If she's a very distant relative of mine, she won't be wanting to wear one.




Shadow. You are a Stallion. Stallions don't wear dresses.



I know. What I mean is that I don't like wearing suits, I like wearing Armor for Everything. Casual, Social, Parties, Events and even as Pajamas.



(Worried, Face-Hoof)

I can't believe I'm going to say this but…as Rarity always say: "You Need To Look Fabulous, Darling! Try Some New Outfits Just For Giggles And See How Things Go!"



I don't want to look fabulous. I want to be Super Sensationally Stylish which I like to call "SSS" Rank!




You sounds as nerdy as Spike…



Sue Me!


Meanwhile after playing up their fill, Rose, Jersey Mac, Little Cheese and Wendy sit around and start talking about their lives with their families. Wendy is in awe when she hears about them, but feels conflicted when they all speaks highly of Shadow and Rose can sense that discomfort coming from Wendy's Magical Flow.




Can…we talk in private, Wendy?







Don't worry. It's just Girl Talk, nothin' weird, bad or anythin'.



(Distrusting, Nervous)




(Points To Bench)

We'll be over there you two.


Jersey Mac, Little Cheese:



Wendy follows Rose nervously as the emotions of the Creatures in Ponyville are weird by being far too chaotic than all she has encountered in all of her short life during her travels around Equestria looking for the Element of Life to help her mother. As soon as Rose knows that they are not going to be heard, she looks Wendy with a sad look in her eyes.



Do you want to know how Shadow became my brother?



You are going to tell me?



So long as you are willing to listen.


Wendy nods to Rose and the former Grim Reaper tells the young filly everything and didn't hold back even in the most goriest of details on the event between Shadow and Trotter, and even went as far as to reveal to her that Shadow is actually an Alicorn. After hearing the whole story, Wendy couldn't believe what she heard as she discreetly looks at Shadow with a sad look in a manner that she accepts defeat and then looks at Rose and senses that her emotions straight and true.




Is That So…? He…did that…for your sake?



(Sad Smile)




And…he's really an Alicorn…?







(Saddened, Thinking)

So she lied to me…Mama was never meant to be the Element of Life. I need to help Mama, but I can't steal the Element if it does belong to him and his mom. Aunt Xuĕ…Why would she do that?



So what will you do now that you know the truth?





With an ashamed look on her face, Wendy walks to Shadow as he gives her a curious look on his face, but they he and Scootaloo are caught off guard and surprised to see Wendy hug him, crying and apologize to him profusely.












I'm sorry…I'm so sorry…I…I didn't…I didn't know…the truth…I'm…



(Hugs Wendy, Sad Yet Serious Expression)

It's alright…It's not your fault. You didn't know and I don't blame you for not knowing the truth and…I know it wasn't your mom who told you the lies about me and my mom. You don't need to tell me who did it yet. I can wait until you are ready to tell me who did it and why. Now…

(Pull Wendy's Head Back Gently, Warm Smile)

…Let's start over…Little Sister…


Wendy starts to sobs loudly and uncontrollably as she senses that Shadow's Emotions are accepting of her now than they first met and that makes her far too emotional on this. Scootaloo becomes emotional too on seeing Wendy finally accepting Shadow as a friend and maybe even more as Specter is looking at this turn of events nearby; but from afar, Xuĕ sees this too and is furious that Wendy now knows the truth about Shadow as she plans on getting the Element herself. For the whole day, Shadow and Wendy spend the day bonding like a big brother and a little sister are supposed to be and Scootaloo have been with them all day as she also took part in it and it felt great that she not only gained a little sister with Wendy, but a little brother with Shadow too.


Scene 24.1: Ponyville, Sweet Apple Acres, 11:47 AM, Day 31 Of 365


Wendy decides to visit Rose on her own to ask her something very important as she stumbles upon Sugar Belle and Jersey Mac doing chores in the kitchen as they are getting ready to prepare lunch for Big Mac and Apple Bloom as Rose is in-charge to deliver it to Apple Bloom.




Hey, Rose! Hi, Jersey Mac! Good Morning, Mrs. Apple!


Sugar Belle:


Good Morning! You must be Wendy I have heard about. Please call me Sugar Belle.



Okay, Sugar Belle. Can I speak to Rose? I need to ask something very important.



I'm about to head out to deliver lunch to Apple Bloom, we can talk on the way.





Sugar Belle puts a bag with Apple Bloom's lunch on Rose's back and both fillies leaves Sweet Apple Acres and head to the CMC Treehouse as Wendy seems like a more calm and happy filly as they talk on all of the things she, Scootaloo and Shadow did the day before and breakfast today.



(Happy Smile)

You are really a different girl from the previous days.



(Joyous Smile)

And it's all thanks to you in setting me straight. I would have never gotten along with Aniki if it wasn't for you.



So…are you going to tell him why you want the Element of Life?



That's why I came to you. For advice on how to do it since you are really close to him, and you and me are the same age so you might know how to tell me on what I should do.



(Nervous Smile, Thinking)

I'm as old as Apple Bloom, but I can't tell her that just yet.

(Out Loud)

Well…how about cleaning his room? You might not know but Aniki can be pretty messy. There was a time when I found a moldy slice of pizza under his bed.



(Disgusted, Shocked, Furious)




(Surprised, Worried, Nervous)

Yeah…that's right…



(Determined Expression)

Then that's what I'll do for him!! I will clean his room if it's the last thing I do!!



If you are going to do that, let me warn you about 1 very important thing: Whatever you do in his room, DO NOT TOUCH The Music Box next to his bed. That is one of his most important treasures. Even though we are siblings, he almost bit my head off for almost getting it damaged.



Did it belonged to his mom?



His Foster Sister made it for him and he hasn't seen her in almost 10 years after they separated. The way he protects that music box makes it look like his sister is in Elysium.



What is her name?



Emerald Flash, but he calls her Emma.



(Shocked, Saddened)

Did you say…Emma?



You know her?



(Excited Smile)


(Hugs Rose)

ThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYou So Much, Rose!!! Laters!!!

(Runs Off)



(Happy Scoff, Smiling)

What a weird girl.


As Wendy rushes to the castle, Xuĕ glares at Wendy with deep contempt for bonding with Shadow instead of stealing the Element of Life for her and the Windigos as she discreetly follows her to the castle. Specter is worried about this, but cannot intervene because he's not strong enough to defeat the Queen of the Windigos on his own.


Scene 24.2: Ponyville, Twilight's Castle, 12:21 PM


Wendy runs to Twilight's Castle and meets Tempest at the castle doors talking to her long time friend, Glitter Drops who is visiting to see her childhood friend and former Arctic Patrol Partner for the Crystal Empire and she recognizes Wendy.


Glitter Drops:


Wendy!? Is that you!?




Glitter Drops!? What are you doing here?



You know each other?


Glitter Drops:

She's a little filly that lives in the caves on the other side of the Crystal Empire located in the middle of nowhere.



In the middle of—No wonder you didn't get along with Shadow. I know what is like living in a location like that. It has the power to twist your heart into going into a very dark place.



(Notices Tempest's Emotions)

The cold can freeze your heart, but if you have those who care for you and you of them, your heart will never freeze. My Mama is what kept my heart from freezing.




To me is this childhood friend of mine.



And Aniki.



(Curious Expression)

What do you mean?



Nothing. It's just…I can tell you and Aniki have the same feelings I have for Mama.



I don't get what you are saying.



Never Mind. Can I go to Aniki's Room so I can clean it? I heard his room is a pigsty.



I shouldn't, but I have heard you and Shadow are getting along and unlike us adults, I can trust a filly like you. Don't make me regret it.



Don't worry, I won't.


As Tempest lets Wendy in along with directions to reach Shadow's Room since the castle is a maze, Xuĕ sneaks her way into through one of the balconies guarded by the Royal Guard, but thanks to her powers as the Queen of the Windigos, she has the ability to turn invisible by using her own pure white coat to reflect light around her similar to a chameleon. As soon as Wendy enters Shadow's Room, she is annoyed to see that Shadow's Room is a mess, but not messy enough for her to call him as disgusting slob. Then she sees his treasure: Emma's Music Box. Out of curiosity, Wendy plays it and a nostalgic tune plays: Aria Di Mezzo Carattere. Upon hearing the tune, Wendy remembers her mom singing it to her as a lullaby before going to sleep which brings tears to her Heterochromia Eyes. Suddenly Wendy notices an ominous wind scares her as she looks behind her and sees Xuĕ with a furious glare in her eyes and a stern look on her face which scares her even more. Before Wendy could say anything, Xuĕ uses her wind powers to destroy Shadow's Room, Wendy knew she would do this so the young filly grabs the music box and kept it safe while Xuĕ is tearing the room apart and once she's done, she forcibly snags the Music Box from the filly and slams it to the ground hard enough to shatters it to pieces which tears Wendy's heart in the same manner as the smashed Music Box.


Sensing the destruction of the Music Box from his workplace at Barnyard Bargains thanks to a spell he placed on it, so Shadow rushes back to the castle at high speeds as Scootaloo is worried on why he left without saying a word, so she followed him and since he's a Pegasus, he's almost as fast as Rainbow Dash that he arrives at the scene, but not before Xuĕ disappears into thin air. Scootaloo tried to keep up with Shadow's Speed but couldn't, so she sees a nearby scooter and rushes to him. Shadow slams the door open and sees a crying Wendy sitting near the shattered Music Box as Scootaloo arrives at that very moment.



(Evil Eyes, Demonic Glare, Evil Dark Aura, Furious, Deep Demonic Voice)




(Crying, Scared)

Wait!!! Aniki!!! Let Me—





Seeing the uncontrollable fury raging within Shadow, Wendy rushes out of the room with deep sorrow. Furious on how Shadow reacted towards Wendy and the Music Box, Scootaloo decides to talk to him after he calms down and goes after Wendy.


Scene 24.3: Ponyville, Scootaloo-Lofty-Holiday's Home, 1:11 PM


Wendy returns to her temporary home as she was greeted by Auntie Lofty and Auntie Holiday, but they started to worry when they saw Wendy not looking at them, running to her room with tears in her eyes. As soon as she got to her room, she went to her bed and started sobbing uncontrollably. Auntie Lofty and Auntie Holiday followed her and tried to talk to Wendy only to be frozen and encased in ice as the entire house is also frozen as well. Wendy feels the coldness around her that she stops crying and looks around in fear as her Golden Eye is glowing brighter than a light bulb. Her terror and sorrow becomes too great when Xuĕ opens the Door and bringing with her the frozen Auntie Lofty and Auntie Holiday using wind magic to move them.




Auntie Lofty!?!?!? Auntie Holiday!?!?!? Aunt Xuĕ!!! Leave them alone!!! Please!!! I Beg Of You!!!



(Glowing Golden Eyes, Evil Glare)

You had one job, my dear niece and what did you do? You abandon it and befriend Platinum Shadow and every Wretch in this filthy town. Xuĕ warned you of the consequences of that, my child. Now these two will pay said consequences for your actions.

(Applying Pressure To Frozen Auntie Lofty & Auntie Holiday, Cracks Forming)







Oh? Is that so? Xuĕ gave you a chance and you failed Xuĕ. What can you offer Xuĕ that Xuĕ can't do on Xuĕ's own? From what Xuĕ could see, you couldn't do the job Xuĕ gave you…a job Xuĕ could have done on Xuĕ's Own.



I…I can…


As Wendy told Xuĕ of her plan, the Windigo Queen smiles in a wicket way as Scootaloo arrives home to her shock and dismay in seeing it turned into a frozen building. She rushes inside as she tries to find her Aunts and Wendy. As soon as she reaches Wendy's room, Scootaloo is in shock on seeing her aunts encased in ice, Wendy standing in front of the window with Xuĕ whom she has never seen before, but feels a large amount of dread coming from her that Scootaloo is paralyzed in fear upon seeing the evil glow on Xuĕ and Wendy's Golden Eyes as they both leave with a gust of wind surrounding them and leaving but not before Wendy mumbling: "I'm Sorry…Aneki…" in a way that she made sure none could hear her, but used her own wind magic to carry her words into Scootaloo's ears. As soon as they disappeared, Auntie Lofty, Auntie Holiday and their home's ice melts leaving both Auntie Lofty and Auntie Holiday unharmed. As Scootaloo rushes to help them, a piece of paper falls near them. Scootaloo picks it up, reads it and it shocks her to the core on what she has read and couldn't believe it that she breaks down in tears. When Auntie Lofty and Auntie Holiday reads the letter, they both are saddened that they also breakdown in tears as well. Furious on what happened between Wendy and Shadow, and in deep sorrow that she quickly returns to the castle as soon as she was sure her aunts are okay after being frozen by Xuĕ.


Scene 24.4: Ponyville, Twilight's Castle, 1:31 PM


Shadow hasn't move from the spot where Emma's Music Box has been shattered as Blaze and the others are waiting outside until he calms down, but Scootaloo shows up, kicks his door open, grabs Shadow by the collar and hoofs him so hard his serious expression doesn't change which scared and worries everyone.



I have been hit by a Minotaur that can turn a Golem into literal dust with one hit. What makes you think that was going to hurt?




How much you hate Wendy?



I don't hate her because…she didn't do this.







The detection spell I cast on my Music Box was meant to alert me on not only who touched it, but who is truly responsible on who did this.



Who did this then?



You won't believe me.



It was a Windigo.











How did you—?


Scootaloo stops Shadow by showing the letter left behind by Wendy. Shadow takes the letter and starts to read it and the more he did, he starts to regret snapping like he did knowing full well that it wasn't her fault, but snap anyways because that was a gift from someone he wronged and regret as well.


[Wendy] (Letter Voice Over):

"Dear Aniki and Aneki…I'm sorry for everything bad that happened when we first met. You both asked me why I did that and who lied to me about me you, Aniki…I'm not a Pure-Blooded Pony…I'm a Half-Breed. My Mother is a Crystal Pegasus Pony and My Father was a Windigo. Their names are Cosmic Legacy and Weiss. I don't know all about my Papa because he passed away before I was born and my Mama fell ill as soon as I was born. My Mama would talk to me about 3 ponies she loved more than anything before I was born: Stardust Memory, Emerald Flash…and you Aniki, Platinum Shadow. You must be asking if that is true then why attack you…that's because my Aunt, Xuĕ who is my Papa's Sister…told me all of these lies about you and she told me that if I brought the Element of Life to Mama, she would be with me forever since she and me can use the Element of Life because of our ancestry. I gave up on it when Rose told me that you are an Alicorn…When she told me that, I knew we can't use it anymore and I gave up on it. I wanted to make you happy enough so I could tell you about what's happening to us so you can help my Mama. I wanted to do that by cleaning your room, but Aunt Xuĕ ruined everything. She told me that since I failed, she was going to shatter Auntie Lofty, Auntie Holiday and everycreature in Ponyville. So I had no choice but to go back home…Back…To Our Birth Home: The Village of Shard. Know that I…I love you both…Big Sister Scootaloo and Big Brother Shadow. I don't want you to forgive me, but to forget me. I will miss you more than you think. Your Little Sister, Wendy. PS: My Real Name…is Stardust Platinum. Goodbye…"



(Puts Letter Down, Shocked)

Stardust…Platinum…? The Village…Of Shard…?



Aniki? What does it say?






(In Hiding, Invisible)

So, you finally figured it out…




Who are you!? Where are you!?



Don't bother. I'm nowhere near you so you won't be able to see me with those eyes of yours and don't bother sensing me. I am everywhere and nowhere at the same time. But if you need to identify me, you can call me…Specter.




SPECTER!? As in The Hero, Specter that helped my Mother defeat Trotter Poisonia 40 Moons Ago!?



Me? A Hero!?


No…I did not join your mother to save the world. I joined her so she could undo my bound to this world so I can move to the afterlife. But she couldn't as I am not a normal ghost. Not even Lord Thanatos can collect me. But I am not here for myself. I am here as Stardust Platinum's Guardian but you know her as Wendy.






Ever since her father was taken from her, I have taken his will to protect her. For years I have taken care of all those who would do her harm as she is a Hybrid created by the love of Former Enemies: A Crystal Pony and A Windigo.







What else can you tell us?



You do not remember who Cosmic Legacy is?



Who is she? I feel like I heard her name before but I can't seem to remember.



She's your Aunt Sparkly.



(Shocked Expression & Demeanor)




I never thought I would see Shadow make that face…

(Smug Smile)

…And it was worth the wait.



(Nods In Agreement, Smug Smile)




This is no time for theatrics. Cosmic's time in this world is running out.




What…? She's…she's dying…?



Yes. In the same manner as your mother, Stardust Memory passed away.






Once you reach the village, I will reveal to you more of what is occurring. Now…you need to hurry and return to where it all began: The Village Of Shard…


Shadow is in shocked on the fact that Wendy's Mother is connected to him in more ways than one and worse, he has to return where everything began for him; he looks at everyone with a serious look on his face which he needs to make a very important decision.



(Annoyed Sigh)

Looks like I have no choice. Since I'm going back to my village, I usually do this on my own…but…since we are going to get Wendy…Scootaloo? You are the only one to come with me to my home village. AND!!! Before any of you try to bite my head off, some of you already know about my truth. So I want this to be as isolated as possible and since Scootaloo is even closer to Wendy than me, I need her for this.


Glitter Drops:

I'm going back to the Crystal Empire tomorrow. I can help you get to my Arctic Patrol Office, you can find the mountain path where Wendy and her mom lives.



No need. I placed some of Q's Feathers in the Crystal Empire. I can easily teleport from here to there instantly. So I ask that Scootaloo packs her best subzero gear in one hour, because I live in the Far North of the Crystal Empire And Ways Apart from Yakyakistan. So I suggest you pack enough to survive and a very thick parka, because the cold is so deadly, you will become a Popsicle in an instant and suffer Frostbite without you noticing. The Hypothermia where I live is extremely common. I'll explain everything about Shard when I come back. Remember! You have one hour, Scoots. Ready or not, we are going to meet my aunt and get to the bottom of all this.



Expect a battle if you will face Xuĕ, Platinum Shadow. The Queen of the Windigos will not be an easy opponent.







I won't drop my guard like I did with Trotter. I will save my aunt and defeat Xuĕ! I vow on my Element of Life, I Will Not Fail!


To Be Continued…

Due To IRL Time Constraints, Releases For Will Be Far In-Between But They Will Released Once It's Completed Since I Write around 5,000 To 6,000 Words Per Entry. Thank You For Your Patience.

Script by: Starscream Σ

Owned By: Hasbro


Due To Not Geting As Much Views And Collections As "Dragon Ball Oneiron" And "My Little Pony Platinum Shadow":

"Ken The Slayer" Is Going Into Hiatus. I will resume "KTS" Either The Mentioned Works Are Completed Or For It Reaching Enough Views & Collections. Thank You For Your Time.

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