
My Little Pony: Platinum Shadow

Platinum Shadow is a MLP Fan Fiction starring OC's as main characters and returning FiM Characters, including Villains like Lord Tirek and Daybreaker. The story takes place years after the end of Season 9. The story follows a young stallion unicorn named Platinum Shadow due to the colors of his dark coat and silver mane that has traveled all over Equestria and beyond in search of his "Deadbeat Father" that abandoned him and his dying crippled mother. Throughout his journeys he's made countless friends From Alphas (Original Characters) to Yaks and known as the "Blank Unicorn" as he does not have a Cutie Mark (Or does he? =.= ). His journey ends in Ponyville that is now known and expanded as the "Home of Friendship", however unknown to him, his journey might be over, but this is where his story truly begins...

StarscreamSigma · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

Episode 26: (Scootaloo Arc) Unexpected Reunion

In her youth, Scootaloo would always cry in her room alone because of many reasons: Her Parents aren't around, She's a Pegasus that can't fly and She's All Alone. A few days later she is invited to attend Diamond Tiara's Cute-Ceañera by Pinkie Pie, but since it's a party for Diamond Tiara, she already decided not go; that is until she met up with Sweetie Belle along the way as she sees Pinkie Pie giving her an invitation too. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle look at each other and annoyingly they decide to go because the party is going to be held at Sugar Cube Corner and they know that is the best place for treats, especially that it's going to be almost free since the only price they have to pay is tolerating Diamond Tiara's Spoiled Attitude for the whole time there. Even though she went there against her wishes, she feels things might not be so bad since Sweetie Belle is a blank flank just like her and on the plus side, she wasn't going to be the only one bullied with Sweetie Belle around; and she already has some counter arguments set up if Diamond Tiara goes on another bully tirade. That day, she befriended Apple Bloom as she defended her along with Sweetie Belle from Diamond Tiara. Since then, Scootaloo's life took a turn for the better and has sworn to herself to help other creatures like her who has been alone most of their lives. Cut to the present and she sees herself in a small little filly from the far north.


Phase 1:

Vs. The Phantom Of Unrest


Scene 26.0: Arctic North, Village of Shard: Frozen Graveyard, 6:00 PM, Day 31 of 365


At the outskirts of the village, Shadow and Specter stare each other down as Shadow is worried about fighting him in the Frozen Graveyard due to how hazardous it is to fight there because of the protections created by his ancestor as he sees that the Graveyard hasn't changed even with the blizzard gone. Shadow looks around as he tries to assess the situation on how to fight Specter, but just then…



If you are wondering about our battlefield, allow me to put your worries to rest. As soon as I severed this crystal which powered the defenses of this village, The Frozen Graveyard has lost its power and now it is naught but normal field of snow. We can battle to our hearts content with no worries in you perishing.



Very well. Everyone! Stay out of this. This is between Me and Specter.







I'll be fine. I know why Specter is doing this and I'm glad he is. If the Windigos are really that dangerous, I need to be ready when I face off against them. This is the only way.



Please be careful, Shadow.


Shadow nods at her with a smile on his face as he confidently walk on the dangerous part of the graveyard and much to everyone's shock even himself, Shadow is unharmed as he walks through the snow as he stands in front of Specter who is towering over the Young Alicorn. Everypony are worried for their Prince, but Scootaloo and her Parents know how strong Shadow truly is that they are the only ones who aren't worried as Shadow readies his Soul Katana to do battle with Specter. Suddenly Shadow feels an unusual cool breeze around him that he jumps away from Specter and as soon as he jumps away, he sees that an icicle is form where he was standing. But Specter was expecting Shadow to jump away from that so he set a number of Ice Traps on the surrounding surfaces and Wind Traps on Key Points in the air making it hard for Shadow to move around and he knows it.



I may not have seen you grow as I have Stardust Platinum, but I am aware of your Mother's Way of Thinking and you are no different from her.



I'll take that as a compliment.


Darn It! Looks like my Mom really was the Sky Commander Type just like what Eden showed me. So I inherited her style of flying? Well…she was my coordinator teaching me how to fly when I was a colt. Even though she couldn't fly anymore and had amnesia, she still had some instinctual experience. It's no surprise I can fly like her, but if Specter knows how my Mom's Flying Style, I might as well use all of my skills in order to outmaneuver him.


Shadow starts to use his Evil Eyes in order to see where the traps are hidden as he resumes his fight with Specter. Every time Shadow gets close to Specter, the Ghost Pony is protected by a power wind barrier making a direct attack impossible. Shadow flies around in order to see an opening, but Specter attacks the Alicorn with Strong Winds and Powerful Ice Attacks to keep Shadow at bay and the attacks become more and more faster and harder to dodge because of all the traps placed all around the area with the ice traps being the most dangerous of them all. Shadow moves carefully, avoiding all of the traps and looking for a way to get to through his defenses; if Specter is being defended like being inside a dome, Shadow recklessly flies as high as possible and drop down like a missile and slams himself through the ground, digging himself down below it using his Soul Katana like a high speed burrower as he drills his way to Specter. Specter anticipated this and created a thick layer of ice below his incorporeal hooves in order to stop Shadow and he made sure to make it stronger than a diamond. However the speed, power and force Shadow puts into his attack is so strong that he manages to destroy Specter's Defenses and forcing him to jump out of the way and fight Shadow face to face.



Impressive. You are far more daring than your mother.



She was a Pegasus, I'm an Alicorn. You should know that the difference in the power of our bodies is astronomical.



Alicorns…It was always your dream to be one of them, Alchemus.



Too bad there is where the difference between him and me ends.



It is as you always told me. Our desires are like a Monkey's Paw: One Moment We Think We Know What We Want, Next Thing You Know, The Outcome Turns Out To Be Completely Different Than We Anticipated It To Be.



And that how we ended up like this.



The reason I wished to be bounded to this world is because I wanted to be immortal, but my immortality did not meet my expectations. As for you…you wished to be an Alicorn because you fell in love with an Alicorn Princess. She tragically fell into darkness and you lost the will to live. Whatever happened when you passed away, only Lord Thanatos knows for sure.



He and Alchemus made a deal like you assumed, but I never asked him the details.



I understand. Sometimes the past should remain buried and only unearth when the Past deems it so.



You are right. It looks like the Sisters of Fate really want me to seek out my Mother's Past by meeting up with Aunt Sparkly. I don't want to know, but if the Gods and their kind wants me to…this is Divine Intervention and I am not allowed to question it.



You have changed, Alchemus. Back in the day you hated BOTH of The Gods and The Ancients. Even though the Ancients are your ancestors, you hated them just as much as you hated the Gods.



(Amused Scoff)

The Beauty of Reincarnation. I know he will want me to remember his story, but I decide when I should hear him out if he comes a calling.



I like the current you more than the old you, Alchemus.



If that's the case, then stop calling me Alchemus.



Very Well…

(Mischievous Smile)

…Son of Stardust Memory.



(Annoyed Laughter)

Close enough.


Shadow and Specter ready themselves for one final battle as everypony are now much more calm seeing that this is no longer a battle to the death but a test to see if Shadow can fight Xuĕ and her Windigos. Shadow is ready to fight seriously and so is Specter as they rush at each other with Shadow wielding his Soul Katana and Specter using his Ice and Wind Magical Attacks. Shadow's Alicorn Form is Completely Balance: Speed, Power, Magic and Defense meanwhile Specter's advantage is his Size, Speed and Power; since he's a Ghost, he cannot be damaged by any normal means, but Shadow's Soul Katana is Linked to his Element of Life that he can do what only White Mages can do: Injure The Undead. Thanks to Shadow's Mastery of his Flying as a Pegasus as well of the boost in power in his Alicorn Form, Shadow is far more faster than Rainbow Dash that Specter can't keep up with him. No matter how much he uses his Wind or Ice attacks, Specter can't hit Shadow. Specter knows he is losing, so he is forced to go all out and uses all of his attacks on Shadow in one desperate assault which also includes his traps; but Shadow manages to evade all of them as Specter's Desperation Assault left countless of openings that Shadow took advantage of that thanks to his Evil-Looking Eyes that let him see all of Specter's Blind Spots for an easy victory. After being defeated by Shadow with his Soul Katana hitting him in multiple areas on his body, if he were alive would have been fatal and life-threatening series of attacks, but since Shadow is the Element of Life like his Mother before him, he wasn't worried as Specter reverts to his original form.



Well done…It seems you are powerful enough to match Xuĕ. But be forewarned, Son of Stardust Memory…unlike myself, Xuĕ has an entire legion of both Pure Windigos and those who have been converted into Windigos. And unlike the Pure Ones, The Converted Ones are far more unhinged and deadlier as they cannot control their new insatiable hunger.



I'll keep that in mind. What will you do now?



My injuries are nothing compared for when I fought your mother long ago. Your attacks are more calculated than hers were, that is why I will meet you when you will do battle with Xuĕ and her Windigos. Now go and meet with Cosmic Legacy. You have much to discuss and not enough time. Farewell.


Specter fades into thin air as Shadow looks at his villagers and they cheer him on for his victory, but Shadow knows this was not a true battle to the death since Specter knew neither were in any danger as Xuĕ is furious that the outcome didn't meet her desired one as she encase one of her Windigos into ice and shatters them leaving nothing behind. Wendy is hiding the fact that she is very happy about this. Sometime later as Shadow and Scootaloo are about to leave to meet with Cosmic Legacy, they are stopped by Scootaloo's Parents and Elder Miro.


Elder Miro:

Are you going to be alright, My Prince?



I'm more worried about the barrier now that Specter destroyed it.


Elder Miro:

That is not a problem. Now that Princess Twilight brought Equestria into a New Golden Age, we have been looking for ways to dismantle the barrier for sometime, but none of our Unicorns were powerful enough to damage either of the pillars or get close enough to them to deal any real damage.



So this is a good thing? Is there no way to restore them if you really need to protect yourselves?


Elder Miro:

Your Ancestor, The Princess was a very talented Alicorn as she created practically everything we have today and we were able to maintain it for 1,000 Moons by following her instructions. But she never left behind anything on how to rebuilt or fix the most advance of her creations like the barrier.



It's for the best I guess.


Snap Shutter:

You don't mind if we go with you?


Mane Allgood:

After seeing that battle and what you keep talking about this little filly and her mother, we would like to meet them.



The more the merrier. Even if I say no to you, you would still come with us.



Mom and Dad are like that.



I know. They are the type to jump into danger Head-On-First. But let me warn you: The Teeth of Amarok is the most dangerous mountain around here. One wrong step and you will be torn apart by the rocks below especially that a good number of the pathways are on the verge of collapse meanwhile some pathways are just too narrow.


Mane Allgood:

Since you and me can fly, we can keep an eye out and if one of them falls down, we can rush in and pull them back up before it's too late.



If that happens, I'll rush for Snap Shutter and you go for Scootaloo.



Sounds like a plan.


Elder Miro:

Take care, all of you. And I hope you succeed in your quest, My Prince.


As Shadow nods to Elder Miro, the 4 Ponies begin their travel to the dangerous mountain path of The Teeth of Amarok said to have claimed the lives of all who ever climbed it's treacherous trails and none has ever returned once they entered it.


Scene 26.1: Arctic North, The Teeth Of Amarok Mountain, Cosmic's Home, 7:38 PM


As they climbed the mountain path, Scootaloo was scared out of her mind as soon as they were high enough she sees how sharp the rocks below looked that resembles a pit covered in a bed of spikes in the shape of crooked teeth like that of a beast. As they planned, if anyone fell, Shadow and Mane Allgood would rescue either Snap Shutter and Scootaloo respectively if they fell. They all made it to a cave near the top of the mountain and they see there's a flickering light coming from inside, so they decide to investigate. Inside the cave, they see a well-built house inside and the details of bring a lot of nostalgia to Shadow as it looks exactly like his home in Shard, but unlike the village, the house in the cave look just exactly like it appeared when he lived there in his youth. Shadow walks carefully towards it and knocks on the door; he hears a familiar voice that brings sadness to his eyes that ask them to come in the house. Shadow opens the door and is in awe upon seeing the house not only resemble his youth from the outside, but the inside is just as nostalgic. As soon as he sees a Female Pegasus that resembles not only Wendy, but his mother as well except her coat, mane and eyes has a sparkly shine to it; Shadow is brought to tears on seeing her look just as hurt and frail-looking like his mother looked like when she was in her deathbed with the exception of the morbid-looking injuries like twitching bloodshot eyes and she still have both of her wings. The mare is happy to see Shadow that she too is brought to tears as they both hug each other. Scootaloo is also brought to tears as she sees them both this emotional which is a very rare sight for her. After they calmed down Shadow sits next to her bed as they are ready to talk.


Cosmic Legacy:

I never thought I'd get to see you again, Shadow.



I thought the same thing, Aunt Sparkly…Or should I call you…Cosmic Legacy?


Cosmic Legacy:

(Sad Smile)

You were always a smart little pony just like your mother. How much do you know?



Not much. I…am trying to avoid as much as I can…but…I know of your situation and…I can't ignore it anymore. I need to know your story so it doesn't get forgotten. I need to know in order to tell it to Wendy when she's old enough to learn of it.


Cosmic Legacy:

I want to say I'm sorry if she gave you any trouble.



She was no trouble at all, Auntie. She was a real sweetheart.


Cosmic Legacy:

(Serious Stare)

You can't fool me, kiddo. Every single time you say that sentence, something actually happened.



(Defeated Sigh)

I can't put it past you. Alright…she was a pain in the flank at first, but in the end we bonded just like Emma and me back in the day.


Cosmic Legacy:

(Proud Smile)

I'm glad that's the case. I need you both to look after each other after I am gone.



Excuse me. But I'm also here for that. My Name is Scootaloo. Wendy and me are really close too, but since Shadow is looking for his dad and is busy with his studies…I'm wondering…if I could adopt her so I can care for her and give her all that she needs to grow up to be a happy pony.



They really are. I'm Wendy's Big Brother, Scoots here is her Big Sister. And before you say anything: NO! I'm already spoken for.


Cosmic Legacy:

And who is she?



Don't worry, Auntie. She's a very busy Mare attending to her duties as she's a Princess.


Cosmic Legacy, Scootaloo:

(Looks At Shadow Doubtfully)




She's a very tall mare around the same height as the Tallest of Princesses, very dark blue coat, glowing blue mane and always wearing red and NO! It's not the Lunatic! I mean Luna. Besides, Luna's Coat is Navy Blue, meanwhile Sis' Coat borders near black and have anyone seen Lunatic…I mean Luna wearing Red?



(Avoiding Eye Contact)




Why are you—?


Cosmic Legacy:

Have you met you Grandmother Stormy Flare or Aunt Spitfire?



Like I said: I didn't want to know until I found my deadbeat dad.


Cosmic Legacy:

Judging by you not knowing, that means you haven't found him yet.



I did actually, but he made a challenge to me. If I were to win his challenge, he and me would finally meet.


Cosmic Legacy:

Who is he?





Cosmic Legacy:

So…what Stardust told me is true.



What do you mean?


Cosmic Legacy:

Her memories were returning…slowly but surely and…on the final days of her life…she remembered everything and wanted to tell you all of it, but then…






Cosmic Legacy:

Shadow? Are you alright, Sweetie?



(Sad Smile)

I'm fine. Please…tell me everything about you, Wendy…Specter and her Father, Weiss.


Cosmic Legacy:

Alright. But Shadow…Are you sure you are ready?


Shadow nods hesitantly as she tells her story to him, Scootaloo, Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood, and what they hear is amazing, shocking, thrilling, immersive, incredible and tragic. But there are 2 things that made Shadow livid: 1 – What Trotter did to Starry Night, the Filly who would have been his older sister if she lived through that ordeal; and 2 – What Xuĕ did to Cosmic Legacy which was the same brutality Sombra did to his own mother. Another detail he didn't want to hear and can't believe is that his mother remembered everything days before passing away, but he didn't want to traumatize her aunt hours before her own time comes to an end.


Scene 26.2: Arctic North, Windigo Fortress, 11:59 PM


After witnessing Shadow's Power, Xuĕ fears that he will be more of a threat to her than his mother and her friends ever were, so she decides to go to him now that it is nightfall when he is exhausted for the day instead of him coming to her when he is at full strength. As soon as she and her Windigos, with Wendy locked in a cage are about to head out and open their castle gates, they see Shadow along with Specter (In His True Form), Scootaloo, Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood much to Xuĕ's Fury and Wendy's Joy. From where she stands, Xuĕ glares at Shadow as her face turns into that of a hideous monster.




You Wretched Child! You Insignificant Pile Of Discarded Flesh!! How Dare You!!!



I DARE BECAUSE I CAN!!! We are here to get Wendy back home and if you try to stop us…we will show you no mercy.



You are nothing but a group of Bags of Meat! You honestly believe you can defeat the Undead!?



You forget, Your Highness…I'm the Element of Life. I can defeat you and thanks to Aunt Sparkly telling me how to use my Element better and more efficiently, so too everyone here.






Didn't you know? If my mother were to die, then Aunt Sparkly would inherited the Element of Life and I can't believe I'm going to say this, but…she can use it better than my mother ever did. And if something were to happen to me, Wendy would inherit my Element.



You mean to tell Xuĕ that your Ancestor took that many precautions!?



Life Is Part Of Nature. To Destroy Life, Is To Destroy Nature.



So Is Death.



I'll admit it, Death is also part of Nature…But forced Death is immoral. Life is suppose to run a Natural Course.



Forced Life is also immoral.



Depending on the definition of what you are insinuating. If it's prolonging the suffering of said life from their terminal illness, then yes it is immoral. But if what you are insinuating about protecting life that can lead a fulfilling one, then you are wrong. Protecting these lives is not wrong and anyone who does the opposite are monsters like you.



Is that so? Yet you ended Trotter with your own hooves.



That was the New Pony of Shadows, Limbo. If it was up to me, she would rotting in a deep and dark hole and made sure she never got out. But since you are an Ancient Evil, I will seal you away in one of the 3 Worlds you belong: The Phantom World, The Demon World or The Underworld.



Xuĕ will end you all for that! Freeze And Shatter Them!


The Windigos go on the assault as Shadow, Scootaloo, Snap Shutter, Mane Allgood and Specter confronts the legion. With the Power of Shadow's Element of Life with the exception of Specter (Due To Him Being A Ghost) within them which gives them power to tangle with the Windigos. However for some reason, Scootaloo is on equal power as Shadow and the reason for that goes back 2 hours ago…




Scene 26.3: Arctic North, The Teeth Of Amarok Mountain, Cosmic's Home, 10:00 PM


Cosmic Legacy just finished teaching Shadow everything she knows on how to use the Element of Life as with it, he manages to extend her life for a little longer and empowers Scootaloo and her parents with the power of the Element, but when he was infusing his power into Scootaloo, Scootaloo suffered a powerful shock that knocked her out. Scootaloo wakes up in the same white endless nothingness as Apple Bloom weeks ago where she meets Shadow's Sister: Starry Night. Scootaloo isn't scared of where she is because Apple Bloom told her and Sweetie Belle about this as she walks around looking for Starry. When Scootaloo isn't looking, Starry appears on Scootaloo's Blind-spot as she tries to scare her, but Scootaloo isn't scared as she has grown out of being scared like that and this annoys Starry.




Aw…You are no fun!



And you are supposed to be 40 Moons Old? That was something a 5 Year Old would pull and besides, I already grew out of being scared like that.



(Evil Smile)

Hoooh?! Is that so?


In order to prank Scootaloo, Starry changes the scenery to resemble The Teeth of Amarok as Scootaloo screams thinking she was going to fall on the sharp rocks below again only to noticed that it is an illusion as Starry is laughing her head off.



(Furious, Blushing)

Why You!!!



(Laughing Uncontrollably & Hysterically)




You are just like your brother! You are a Maverick, Rogue, Loner, Cynic, Smart-Alec, World's Biggest Jerk of an Edge-Lady.



(Smug Smile)

What makes you think Mama wasn't like that?




Wait! WHAT!?



Otōto will find out about that soon enough. I brought you here to give you a boost in power in order for you to save Wendy.



You will.



Yes. Also…I want you to know that the Element of Life has some abilities you wouldn't believe. One of them…your wings might get strong enough for you to be able to fly.






It won't happen overnight, but there's a chance it will and with my help, you might get that dream to come true.



You mean it? You aren't pulling my leg?



No, I'm not. Right now, a fragment of me is inside both Apple Bloom and Rose and you must have noticed a change on Apple Bloom.



Yeah…Apple Bloom seems more calm, levelheaded, mature…and she's quite scary when she get angry now.



The Element of Life can heal anything except for terminal illnesses and terminal injuries. But your situation is not that and not limited to it and since I'm here, the healing process will be shortened.



Did you bring me here just to tell me that?




I want you to look after Otōto for me just like I asked Apple Bloom until I get my new body. If you do this for me…I'll reward you for it.



(Sighs, Smiling)

Sure. I'll admit that he's a Maverick, Rogue, Loner, Cynic, Smart-Alec, World's Biggest Jerk of an Edge-Lord, but he's a good guy. He gets on my nerves, but I'm starting to enjoy his Smart-Alecky attitude. It's like having a little brother and it's kinda fun.



Before you go…days before Mama passed away…she granted Aunt Sparkly a large portion of the Element of Life which contained a Fragment of my Soul. That Fragment was aware of Aunt Sparkly's fate, so it moved into Wendy before she was born.



So Wendy also has a fragment of you within her?



Yes, but Wendy is not me nor my clone. She is her own pony with her own mind, body and soul.



That's good to hear.



If you feel stronger than you used to be, that's normal because I am helping you by giving you my power; and if you are wondering, even if I get a new body, the perks I have given you all will not be remove or disappear.



I promise to look after Shadow for you as he is my little brother now too.



(Smiling, Teary-Eyed)

Thank you…Scootaloo…


Scootaloo wakes up and tells them what happened as Cosmic starts to cry knowing that Stardust managed to save and protect Starry's Soul after she sacrificed her body to save the world.




Phase 2:

Vs. The Queen Of The Windigos (Prelude)


In the present, Shadow and Scootaloo are the two that are defeating the most of the Windigos with everything they have, with them having defeated 429 combined meanwhile Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood have defeated 287 each. As for Specter, he has managed to defeat 366 making the total of 1,082 Windigos Defeated. This infuriates Xuĕ that she jumps in ready to face off against Shadow and his friends.







Allow me to repeat myself because I love saying the quote: I DARE BECAUSE I CAN!!! If you don't want the pain and suffering, then don't start the DAMN WAR!!! If you want to change the world, your methods will create more enemies than allies. But…I feel it is too late for you anyways. You tried to kill Aunt Sparkly while she was pregnant with Wendy…but worst of all…

(Sad Look At Wendy, Thinking)

…I'm Sorry, Wendy…

(Out Loud, Glares At Xuĕ)

…You Murdered You Own Brother Because He Fell In Love With A Crystal Pony!



(Disbelief, Emotionally Shaken)




Forgive me, Stardust Platinum. Platinum Shadow speaks the truth. Xuĕ confronted Cosmic Legacy in order to end her life. Your Father, Weiss and Myself managed to save her, but the damage was already done. Your Mother's Internal Vitals were severely damaged which tragically shortened her lifespan, but just like Stardust Memory, Your Mother managed to survive thanks to the energy of the Element of Life within her given to her by Stardust Memory herself before she passed away. Your Father was livid on what Xuĕ tried to do, so he went to confront her, but not before confiding in me with a barter: To Protect Both You And Your Mother If He Fails To Return. After that day, he just disappeared…Never to be seen again.



Aunt Xuĕ…



(Demonic Aura & Voice, Heinous Laughter)

That traitorous brother of Xuĕ…Mating with a disgusting living creature…and a prospector of the Element of Life…Choosing that Filth over his own Kin…He received the Greatest Honor That Xuĕ could give him: Death By Xuĕ's Iron Hoof. You were never meant to exist, yet you have always been protected by that Abomination of a Specter!

(Undergoing Monstrous Transformation, Deep Demonic Voice)

Know this my Disgusting and WORTHLESS Niece: I REFUSE To Convert anycreature here other than The Element of Life: Platinum Shadow. Once Xuĕ Ends Your Friends…Xuĕ will take you to your Mother, end her in front of your eyes and then I will end all life in Equestria. As for you…you will beg for me to end you as an Act of Mercy as well…But Xuĕ Will Have NONE!!!


Much to everypony's horror except for Shadow and Specter, Xuĕ from a very Regal Looking Pony-Like Windigo, transforms herself into a horrific monstrosity with traits found in other monsters such as the Taraxippus, a Horse-Frightening Daimon which shows under her White Ghost Body, her Skeleton making it very visible; she also resemble the Nuckelavee very closely with her teeth as sharp as a Yeti and her face is just as Demonic. Neither of them expected Xuĕ to transform to look like this, but both Shadow and Specter were expecting it.



Can you see this, Son of Stardust Memory? The True Visage of the Queen of the Windigos.



It suits her Rotten Soul. There's no hope for Reform with an Evil Black Heart like hers.



She is an Undead and Ancient Evil at that. What will you do?


With those words in his mind, Shadow steps forward to do battle against Xuĕ, The Queen of the Windigos as he summons his Soul Katana once again in order to Avenge his Aunt, Weiss and free Wendy from what this evil creature has done to them, but…what will be the outcome of this battle with so much suffering in his heart?


To Be Continued…

Script by: Starscream Σ

Owned By: Hasbro

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