
My Life in HP

A Harry Potter fanfic. Disclaimer: Whatever is not mine belongs to someone else. That someone might be J.KRowling.

jdr1696 · Phim ảnh
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7 Chs


POV Transmigrator

When I was finally out of the oppressive darkness that I was barely able to bear , the first thing I did was to take deep breath of air and bask in the sunlight.

I could go on and describe the feel of my circumstances since my death, nothing I say can fully make you understand how it felt unless you experience it yourself.

I don't have a head full of memories of the body like in those webnovels I so eagerly read before.

I felt a sense of detachment from the body I am inhibiting now.

I also have no issue pretending to be normal. It seems like the original owner is sort of a recluse and I am grateful for it.

I tried to recall my memories instead and after two days, I slowly came to the conclusion that my memories are slowly fading.

Through my observations, I came to the conclusion that I am in London in 1984 and I am In the body of a four year old.

This may not have been enough for me to confirm that I was in Harry potter universe, but it was enough for me to doubt since I am an avid fan fiction reader of the franchise.

I tried to do something, anything to find and confirm if I have magic.

It was a slow process but, by the fifth day that I have been here, I could, through a moment of frustration, barely able to banish the pillow.

I was over the moon for confirming that I am indeed in the Harry Potter universe.

I tried to find if I have any system or something but to no avail. But I was not overly disappointed. It would be nice to have extra advantage but it was not bad as long as I have magic.

Everyday, I slowly got used to being alone and practicing magic.

It was both physically and mentally draining.

But, on the morning of the eighth day that I have been here, suddenly I was struck with a great sense of oppression and pain.

Next thing I know I watched getting myself injured by the soul that looked like the body I inhabited.

By the time I got myself out if the stupor, I was half faded and before I can fully retaliate I was being completely erored.

The last thought I had was, I should have been more careful and I was dead.