
My Life in HP

A Harry Potter fanfic. Disclaimer: Whatever is not mine belongs to someone else. That someone might be J.KRowling.

jdr1696 · Movies
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7 Chs


I have torn many a page to find a perfect starting point for My story.

Ultimately my lovely wife, after enjoying my suffering enough, asked me, "What makes you think anything you write is perfect enough? "

It was true enough, so I asked her, "what should I do then?"

"What do you think was the moment you think started your life and made you what you are today?" , was her reply.

It was that simple really. Why should I care what is perfect when what I found was perfect enough for me?

And I agreed that it was perfect enough to start My story when it really started.

I was four. I realised early on as an orphan that, no one cares what happens to you. Everyone only cares for themselves. If anyone cared for others then they have their own selfish reasons. I also realised that your actions are your own and the consequences of the said actions are also yours and nobody but yourself is to blame for the results and there is no use complaining about it.

I have seen people coming to adopt. Not that I have ever been lucky enough to be adopted. I had hoped for it. But people coming to adopt take kids that are cute or even younger than me.

I silently watched the adopted kids' behaviour hoping to mimic them in hope that I will be adopted. Nothing really worked.

The older you grow, the lesser the chances for it. So I gave up trying but I kept observing silently for I saw those trying to stand out are stamped out either out of jealousy and envy or for them to stand out themselves.

Whatever the case maybe after all my observations, I decided that my survival matters the foremost. To thrive you have to survive. So I decided that I shall survive, whatever it takes.

Be it by stealing food from bullies and making others scapegoat or getting others in trouble for my mistakes.

On a heavily raining day when I was sleeping, I got the feeling that I was somehow suppressed and not in control of my body.

I didn't fight the sensation after I got the feeling that I will be in danger if I do so.

So I waited, just as always, observing. For a week I observed the one that was controlling my body. I noted that I haven't really lost control of my body just my connection with it was suppressed. I concluded that it was because I didn't fight it and that the suppression is slowly reducing.

After a week, I suddenly got the feeling that the protection, whatever it is, is going to be depleted.

I got ready to fight for my body the second the protection is gone. At the moment that the protection is going to be dissipated I tried to see if I can control it. Most of the energy powering it was gone and I figured that it's function was to provide stability for whatever soul that invades my body.

I waited and the moment the energy stopped protecting the soul because of lack of energy, I controlled the layer of protection to wrap around my suppressed soul.

I didn't know if I can fight the soul to take control of my body again.

After that I started to catch the thoughts that are being originated in my brain.

I learned that slowly memories started appearing the brain because of the reminiscings of the invader and these are his memories.

Slowly, I started isolating the less important memories and storing them in the film of protection energy.

I watched the memories to find out more about my invader and quickly came to the conclusion that he is weak from them and his soul size which is less than mine.

So, one day, when he was heavily fatigued and fell asleep, I started attacking him and using the film of protection energy, which i came to know as the void energy as he called it, started surrounding and suppressing his soul.

After I got control of my body, I started to erode him by using the same void energy but isolating his memories.

After his soul was eroded, somehow mine got a little boost. And with his soul gone, the void energy started leaving completely.

From that day onwards, I viewed all the memories that I had isolated in hopes to understand what happened and to find ways to protect against it.

I slowly got to know of his thoughts and conclusions he had during the time he invaded my body.

I got to know of fiction and that I was part of the fiction world that he called Harry Potter World.