
My Hero Academia: Ultimate Evolution

This story is set in Japan, an island that is in the Pacific Ocean, a young boy living in Musutafu, had the ambition of being "The Peak of The Human Species". As he strives towards this goal he shall face challenges from all parts of his life. WIP - Updates are sporadic and the story isn't thought out.

Alcem · Tranh châm biếm
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

With a deep sigh, Doctor Yoshihiro looked over the report of a Tadashi Elementary School student that came in 2 hours ago.

With 9 broken bones, 4 cracked ribs, a concussion, severe internal bleeding, and the heart nearly stopping at multiple points, this was an incident that never happened before at the prestigious school.

Found in the second-grade bathroom along with the bathroom itself in a worse state than the student inside of it.

It took 2 hours of non-stop work to stabilize the student's condition along with multiple healers who are at the point of exhaustion, but overall the student's condition is great, if he woke today then discharge will be possible.

This is the work of professionals who trained and worked for decades in their craft.

"But what could have caused this, it makes no sense for a child to be found in such a state in a bathroom while at school, I'll have to forward this to the police."

Putting the documents into the file holder, Doctor Yoshihiro exited his office to check on his patient.


'Why am I like this, why do they keep coming after me?'

As he looked out the window, Kuroiwa thought to open his circumstances.

'They're rich, wealthy, affluent, so why do they keep coming after me,'

'They have parents, friends, and people to rely on so why do they keep coming after me.'

'Maybe they'll if I just disappear, then they'll never be able to come after me again.'

"If I just-

As he was about to finish his sentence the door opened, revealing 3 people coming inside.

Kuroiwa recognized two of three as one of the best doctors in Musutafu, Doctor Yoshihiro and the other a registered nurse but the third person he didn't recognize.

He looked under 30 years of age, wearing a Shaolin Monk uniform along with pitch-black glasses, shaved head, and his hands looked worn and beaten.

"Kuroiwa-kun how are feeling? my name is Doctor Yoshihiro, I am the doctor in charge of your stay."

"Yes, yes, I feel alright and well, but I do feel a little weird, feeling light would be the word I think."

Although Kuoriwa was a little intimated he answered honestly.

"That would be normal since what you went through was a little extreme, we had the healers on hand work to bring you back to full health, do you know how a healing quirk works?"

As Doctor Yoshihiro spoke, the nurse took the IV drips out of Kuroiwa and bandaged the inject holes.

"I don't know," Kuroiwa answered, a little distracted by the pain.

Hearing the answer Doctor Yoshihiro spoke, "Well direct healing quirks work by using the stamina or energy of the target being healed, while indirect doesn't since they aren't actually healing, it is just a byproduct of what they are doing."

"In this hospital, we mostly have direct healing quirk users, so your stamina and energy have been spent in the progress, to replace that energy spent your body has used the fat you have on you to keep you full of energy, notice that 90% of the fat on your body has been used in this process."

"Taking a 2-year process into less than 2 hours."


Kuroiwa stared bug-eyed at the doctor, his mind sent wandering his consciousness before being brought back to the real world by the sting of the removal of the final IV drip.

"Wait, so your saying that I have no fat left..."

Doctor Yoshihiro turned to Kuroiwa and said one last thing,

"Since you are fully healthy then you will be discharged after a final check-up, in the meantime this Master Piandi of the Shaolin Temple on the outskirts of the city and he would like to speak to you."


The Shaolin Temple located in the Musutafu prefecture of Japan is one of only 3 Shaolin Temples in Japan.

Since the uprising of quirks the lowering popularity of Shaolin kung fu lowered even faster, leaving most of them empty of disciples but as quirks began to spread so did the raise in the number of orphans.

Shaolin Temples were given the authority to adopt any child without parents under the age of 14, this, in turn, gave Shaolin Temples disciples to train and further tradition while keeping the number of homeless children to a minimum.

In Musutafu's Shaolin Temple, the Head Monk is Master Piandi, a 97-year-old man who was born and raised in China Beijing before moving to Japan in his 70s.

And at 97 years old he went to Musutafu Hospital to adopt a young 10-year-old child.

With this information, Kuroiwa walked through the clothing store finding his size and preferred style of clothing.

After trying on several dozen pairs of clothes, he collected a mix of jackets, shorts, pants, sweatpants, loose-fitting shirts, slim-fitted sweatshirts, and under-armor thermal shirts.

When he went to check out his chosen clothes, standing in line he managed to overhear an argument from a few isles down.

The first voice sounded gruff, the image of the person that came to Kuroiwa's mind was of a large burly man, with large muscles and a stoic look on his face.

"You bumped into me causing me to be knocked over and drop the items I was carrying, and your saying I should apologize?"

The second voice, smooth but had a heavy tone to it, the image that came to Kuroiwa's mind was of a wealthy businessman, who wore a white suit along with a stylish haircut.

"Yes, that is exactly what I'm saying, are you daft, you dirtied my 500,000 yen suit, I had personally fitted so there isn't another like this, so an apology would suffice since buying another would be impossible."

As Kuroiwa checked out his items he focused on one sentence of the conversation.

"So I should apologize for something you did, so I should apologize for something that wasn't my fault, why should I sacrifice myself to make myself feel better, better yet, why don't you take a look yourself in the mirror and recognize what a joke you are."

As Kuroiwa focused on this sentence, he had an epiphany, enlightenment, his mind opened to a new world of possibilities, to a new world of hope.

"Why should I sacrifice myself to make them feel better,"

As Kuroiwa left the store he had an expression on his face he had never had on his face for years, one of realization.

'Yeah, why should I sacrifice myself to make them better when I can just sacrifice them to make me feel better.'

"I have it, I have it!"

'I'll do it, I'll end each and every one of them!'