


THE_GreatRed · Tranh châm biếm
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5 Chs



Izuku Midoriya had always dreamt of becoming a great hero, and his fate had been sealed when he inherited the legendary quirk known as One For All from Toshinori Yagi, also known as All Might. However, his journey took an unexpected turn when he received this extraordinary power one year earlier than anticipated.

The day it happened, Izuku was visiting his childhood friend and rival, Katsuki Bakugo. They had both been training tirelessly, pushing their limits and striving to be the best. Little did they know that their lives were about to change forever.

As they sparred in a secluded field, Izuku felt an overwhelming surge of energy coursing through his body. He tried to control it, but the power of One For All was too much for him to handle. Explosions of energy erupted from his body, creating shockwaves that rattled the ground. Katsuki was thrown back, barely managing to shield himself from the intense force.

Wide-eyed, Katsuki watched as Izuku struggled to contain this newfound power. "What the hell is going on, Deku?" he shouted.

Izuku gasped for breath, his body trembling with the overwhelming energy. "I don't know, Kacchan," he managed to reply. "Something's happening to me!"

In the distance, All Might sensed the seismic disturbance caused by the early transfer of One For All. He rushed to the scene, his muscular form towering over the two young heroes-in-training. "Young Midoriya, you've received One For All prematurely," he said in his deep, authoritative voice. "You must learn to control it quickly, or it may destroy you."

Izuku nodded, his determination unwavering. With All Might's guidance, he began his arduous journey to harness the immense power within him. He underwent rigorous training to build his body's strength and to master the newfound quirk.

But the early acquisition of One For All brought unique challenges. Izuku's body struggled to adapt to the sheer magnitude of the quirk. His control was limited, and sometimes, his emotions triggered unintentional outbursts of power. All Might, with his immense experience and strength, did his best to guide the young hero.

Months passed, and Izuku made remarkable progress. His control over One For All improved, though it was far from perfect. Yet, his sheer determination and passion made him twice as powerful as All Might in his prime. He had the strength of his predecessors, each of whom had wielded One For All, and their abilities now flowed through him like a river of power.

Amidst his rigorous training, another aspect of Izuku's life was evolving. He had caught the attention of Fuyumi Todoroki, the kind and compassionate older sister of Shoto Todoroki. Fuyumi admired Izuku's perseverance and his unwavering commitment to justice. She found herself drawn to him, and their friendship blossomed into a deep and genuine love.

It was during one of their meetings that Izuku revealed the truth about One For All to Fuyumi. He had kept it a secret from almost everyone, but he felt he could trust her. To his surprise, Fuyumi embraced him, understanding the immense responsibility he carried and the sacrifices he was making to protect the world.

As time passed, Izuku's early possession of One For All became widely known, and he couldn't maintain the cover story of a "late awakening super-quirk" much longer. However, the world accepted this fact, for Izuku's strength was undeniable, and he had already become a symbol of hope and inspiration to many.

Katsuki Bakugo, on the other hand, had been a complex character in this new journey. Learning that Izuku had a quirk and had inherited One For All had ignited a rivalry that was driven by mutual respect and admiration. Katsuki, in his own way, acknowledged Izuku's power and commitment, and the two rivals-turned-friends pushed each other to their limits.

But the world was not without its challenges. Villains, emboldened by the recent turmoil in the hero world, began to unite under the leadership of a new formidable foe. They threatened to bring chaos and destruction on an unprecedented scale.

Izuku, armed with the strength of One For All and the support of his friends, was determined to face this threat head-on. He was ready to protect the world and the people he cared about, but it wouldn't be without sacrifices. Battles were fought, and sacrifices were made, but with every victory, Izuku became more confident in his abilities and more determined to live up to the legacy of One For All.

In the end, it was not just Izuku's power that made him a true hero; it was his unwavering spirit, his love for Fuyumi Todoroki, and his bonds of friendship with Katsuki and others that defined his journey. He was a symbol of hope, a beacon of strength, and a testament to the power of the human spirit.

Izuku Midoriya had become a hero unlike any the world had ever seen, and he was ready to face any challenge that came his way, knowing that he had the love and support of those who believed in him.




Note=guys as i said English is not my language i am using Gramerli software to correct my grammar in my story so you are seeing the novel which was corrected by Ai grammerli Software .Also guys if you want to suggest somethings or any idea so send me on (hellthefire1@gmail.com).and pls explain your ideas in short summary so i can create short What if .Also guys DONT FORGET TO GIVE POWER STONES and guys pls do send you idea because i am also getting short of ideas because previous chapter are my imagination of around 5 months of thinking that dosn't mean that i dont have idea.i do have ideas but not fully completed.and lastly once again pls DONT FORGET "POWER STONES".