
My Guilty Pleasure

She worked her whole life to escape from the pain and the scars of the past. She ran away from things and buried herself in work just so she wouldn't go insane. However, madness finds its way, for her, it was when she met Damien. She was crazy for going into that club. She was crazy for letting him talk to her the way he did. She was absolutely bonkers for letting him into her life and eventually her heart. She was never supposed to fall for someone like him. He was the perfect definition of a jerk. He isn't someone you should trust, because he brings nothing but bad news. However, rules are meant to be broken, and along the way, he taught her how to survive, how to become stronger... He was her guilty pleasure and she would always find a way to come back to him.

DaoistzIx5Bg · Urban
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15 Chs

6. This will be one strange night

-You want me. Don't deny it... - I closed my eyes enjoying his touch which was absolutely wrong. I'm not supposed to feel this, not for him. His hand followed the path along my thigh, leaving a tingling sensation in places where he touched me. I bit my lip preventing myself from moaning. It's bad enough I can't move away from him, he doesn't have to know how he makes me feel.

- Yes, you want me... You don't have to hide it, Desiree... Just this once, then I'll leave you alone, I promise. I can't get you out of my mind Desiree... Your lips, your eyes, face, body... At night your face doesn't give me peace... I want you, here, now! - he leaned in slowly, till his lips were inches away. Then he brought his lips to mine in a kiss full of passion and lust. My heart has already crossed the stage of excitement, I think it's about to jump out now. There is this tension in my stomach, the vibrations all over my body from his kiss. His lips are soft, warm... All I want at this point is to make this craving go away. 

I feel like I'm trying to reach the stars, I feel... Happy. I grabbed his thick hair pulling him closer to my body. I want to never let go of him. His lips moved in the rhythm on mine and I would give anything to feel his taste. I ran my tongue over his lower lip, not caring for anything else that's going on. The animal's growl had gotten out of his mouth when we separated for a second. I opened my eyes and met his. His blue eyes just make me hornier, it's like he's looking into my soul. My skin is tingling, my breathing is difficult, deep, and my thoughts... Oh my God.. All I can think about is how good his lips feel. 

Suddenly, his hands firmly caught my thighs and pulled me so that he was right between my legs. I can feel how hard he is and that sends pulsing need between my legs. I shivered from the desire not breaking eye contact with him. He let out a sound of pure want and connected his lips to mine. Now he didn't wait even a second before his tongue slipped into my mouth. With one hand he held my thigh and with the other, he began to pull my dress up. I moved my mouth following him, trying to keep his pace. His tongue crossed over every part of my mouth, and now I feel as if I'm ready for it, ready for him... I broke the kiss and looked him in the eyes. I can feel the sexual tension in the air. I can feel how much I want him... I brought my lips to his ear and barely managed to whisper his name...

- Damien... -


Twelve hours earlier

My day started with one of my nightmares. Or should I say memories? Of course, it doesn't bother me that much. I'm used to it. Now it almost feels weird to just have a regular dream. I forgot how people feel when they are fully rested. But it's my life. This empty shell, free of emotion, that's me now. I took a breath and smiled falsely before I entered Zachary's office. I wanted to talk to him since yesterday but didn't make it. After the incident with Damien, I just locked myself in the office. By the time I was ready to go home, no one was left in the building. Uncomfortable, I stepped into the office, wondering whether Zachary would provide me with some answers.

- Good afternoon, Mr. King. - I said with a slight smile, not wanting to look like an ungrateful brat after all he has done for me. His gaze shifted at me and he smiled sympathetically.

- Come in Desiree. - I walked in and stood in front of his desk. He continued to write something but when he saw that I was still standing he raised his head.

- Sit, you don't have to wait for me to give you an order. What can I do for you? - The last sentence was said with a sarcastic tone and I have the impression that it is some sort of a private joke. Such a strange man.

- I'm sorry to disturb you, Mr King. I wanted to thank you for everything you have done for me these days. Thank you... - I lowered my head, looking at my hands. How will I ever look at him after that video?

- Zachary. - The sound of his voice made me flinch and I took a look at him, wondering what he's on about. What did he say? He noticed the horror on my face and began to laugh out loud.

- You can call me Zachary when we're alone. - I smiled at it and then looked down again.

- Mist... Zachary. Currently, I'm reflecting on things, to be honest. I don't know if I can ask a question and not sound like an ungrateful bitch, or I just need to get over it and accept that someone helped me. – Now this made him furrow his eyebrows and he completely focused on me, his handsome face getting all serious.

- I thought that you don't care about anyone else's opinion Ms. Diamond. I have to admit that your indifference is the most annoying thing about you, but I secretly admire you because of it. You don't seem like a person who's bothered by someone's opinion about her. So Desiree... Are you the person I thought I knew? - I didn't even notice that my lips stretched into a smile, but it is mostly ironic one.

- Yes. I try to be that kind of person. - It's the truth, I've always tried not to pay attention to the opinions and stories about me. If I had paid attention to them... I would have gone insane by now. 

- You can ask me anything you want Desiree.- I still couldn't look at Zachary when I finally asked him what I wanted. 

- Why did you help me? We both know that you lied when you said that that video would destroy us. The video would destroy me, but the company would have survived. You could always find an excuse, and maybe you wouldn't have to. I would definitely go, probably run away from reporters and none of that would have affected you, but you helped me. You prevented the video from going public and saved me from a lot of trouble. And also there is yesterday. Yesterday, with Damien, you seemed angry, you seemed genuinely worried. Why Zachary? Why the hell did you help me? - I asked him honestly, curious about his response. Hardly anyone helps people because of the goodness of the heart. There is even an episode in Friends where they make fun of the good deeds. There is no such thing as a selfless act. Everyone wants something, even if it is just to feel better by doing something good. In life, I have learned that everyone has a hidden agenda. A few minutes have passed and I'm wondering If Zachary would answer at all. 

- Zachary? Will you say something, please? - I heard him sigh and began to speak.

- When you told me about the video. You were right. I watched it for a second and I've made my conclusions. But when you opened my eyes I took a second look. What I realized... It was brutal Desiree... - All of a sudden my breathing became difficult. That's what I wanted right? I wanted Zachary to realize that it was not my fault, I wanted him to watch the video. So why do I want the ground to open and swallow me? The whole room feels tense as I dared to look at Zachary. His eyes are looking at me with sadness. I hate those looks. I hate it when they look at me as if I'm a pathetic, defenseless child. But you are... A voice inside my head commented. I was... Since that incident, I was just trying to be independent. I tried to be strong, fighting to not let myself be helpless again. But in the end, it always seems that all my efforts are useless. I'll always be helpless.

- I'm not helpless Zachary! I would have somehow prevented that video from going public and as for Damien... I would have saved myself from him too! – Yeah right... Ah! Enough with the stupid voice. Since when am I talking to myself that much? Enough of this. I need to focus on Zachary. The truth is that I probably wouldn't be able to handle Damien. But it's not like I'm going to admit that to him.

- Yeah, right! You would keep the video from being published by disappearing. Or paralyzed with fear, like with Damien. Admit it, Desiree, you needed my help and you were helpless. - This is all it takes to turn my feelings from gratitude to anger and annoyance. 

- Mr King! I had enough self-defense classes so that I could beat you up if I wanted! - With clenched fists and heavy breathing, I got up from the chair furiously looking at Zachary. He followed my behavior and also got up from his chair.

- You were right Miss Diamond, you do sound like an ungrateful bitch! – I narrowed my eyes glaring at Zachary. Moron. I pointed a finger at him, wanting to curse the son of a bitch but I refrained from it. Instead, I opted for a sigh and stormed out of there. As soon as I entered the hall I hit a solid body. Two arms wrapped around my waist keeping me from falling. I looked up and frowned even deeper when I noticed who is it. 

- Ow, ow, slow down, sweetie... We do not want you to break that crown of yours. What got your panties in a twist this morning? - Damien smiled with his famous smile and I just wanted to hit him. Well, if I can't hit Zachary. No... It's better to remain calm. I can't hit him. He is a business partner and my boss. So I just roughly removed his hand from me.

- Don't touch me! - I didn't tell him anything more and just went to my office. As soon as I walked in I felt like screaming, hitting anything, just to take out this frustration I feel. Oh, I would give anything right now to be able to throw a punch at Zachary, or better yet at Damien. I imagined punching Damien right on the nose and I giggled. Well... This definitely calmed me. I took a breath sitting in my chair. My phone rang and I answered with a smile. I missed this moron.

- Hello, love. What's up? – I said with a cute voice and Gabriel giggled.

- Nothing love. I'm calling to see what you're doing. You told me that you would talk to Zachary today, what happened? - Again, I frowned.

- Arg... Nothing really. We ended up in an argument again. -

- Why? What happened? - I took a breath and began to speak. Gabriel listened carefully and didn't interrupt me even once.

-... And then I just stormed out of the office. I could no longer listen to him, Gaby. I hate when they look at me with sympathy and remorse. Throughout my life, I always felt helpless, like I depended on other people, and like I needed someone to save me every time. I just want to be independent, to feel like I am able to protect myself, and to make the right decisions. I was so helpless Gaby, and I don't want to feel like that for my whole life.- I could feel my voice shake a bit. All of this reminds me of a different time. A time I was very happy and also very sad. But all of that is over. I've gotten through it so I can also get through anything life throws my way. 

-Desiree, baby... You won't like what I have to say, but I think you are in the wrong here. Zachary can be a bit of a jerk, but he did help you. You need to know how to accept help, there's nothing wrong with that. You are far from helpless, but even helpless people occasionally need help. So for now, you should just be thankful and apologize to Zachary when you have the chance. That's my advice but you'll do what you want to do. - I must say Gabriel's words shook me greatly. Maybe I blew the whole thing out of proportion. I feel bad now. Zachary did help me and didn't ask anything. I snapped at him for no good reason other than my hurt pride. 

-I hate it when you're right. I need to think about it but when the moment is right I'll go and apologize... Thank you, Gaby.-  Just as he was about to throw a tantrum about his nickname I chuckled and hung up. Well, this was bittersweet. Now I feel restless.

For a while, I tried to occupy myself with work until I heard a knock on my door. As soon as the door opened I saw Zachary standing at the door frame. I looked at him with wide-open eyes completely surprised that he's here. He is the last person I expected to see. 

-Zach... Am, Mr King. What are you doing here? - I asked with a normal voice, not wanting him to think that I was still angry at him. Zachary smiled and got in front of my desk.

-I came to apologize. I'm sorry that I made you look like you're unable to defend yourself, but it wasn't my intention. I just wanted to help. I hope you'll accept my apology Miss Diamond, and I want to invite you to a party at my house. - I didn't dare to look at Zachary and I just continued to look at the papers in front of me.

-Yes, Mr. King, I forgive you. I also ask for your forgiveness. I overreacted. My behavior was over the line, and you didn't deserve it. After all, you only tried to help me, it wasn't with bad intentions. I'm sorry. - 

-Well, all is forgiven. Now please call me Zachary when we are alone. It feels way too formal. I want to think that we are friends at some level. I also expect you to come to my party. Also, don't overthink it. A lot of people from work will be there. It's sort of a celebration of the collaboration with the Moore company.- Zachary said it with a gentle voice, and his smile and the look in his eyes softened my approach. He can be really nice when he tries. I smiled back with appreciation for everything that he had done and nodded.

- Of course, sir... Zachary. I'll come to the party. Text me the time and address. -

- Sure, and Desire. I never intended for us to be enemies, sorry If it looked like that. I want us to put all of that behind us. What do you say we start anew? – At this, I couldn't help but smile and nod eagerly.

- I would love that. I'm tired of this thing we have going on, it would be better if we just get along. – Zachary smiled and nodded before he got out of the office. I smiled to myself as I thought about this. I feel relieved that Zach isn't mad at me. He was just there at the wrong time and I got my frustrations out on him. It's not his fault that I needed help. 

These couple of days have been really stressful for me. At least I still have my job. I have to admit that I love what I do. I help with marketing and I always try to make people see why the product we advertise is necessary and good. 

I don't know what I would do if I had to leave all of this behind. I closed my eyes remembering what it was like to be a poor girl living at the mercy of other people. They moved me from one home to another, from rich to poor, from sinners to saints. In the end, they always took me back to the same place, until the Diamond family adopted me. If it wasn't for them I wouldn't be here. I worked hard but the last name Diamond helped a lot. My parents were appreciated in Miami. They had many small businesses.

On the other hand, I'm not sure if I should thank them or despise them. It's not really fair to think like that but I can't help it. They were nice to me, they loved me, they were just never home. They have given their best to give me a good education, to make me behave like a lady, and to be proud of who I am. They created the daughter of Robert and Caroline Diamond. But they never knew Desiree, they only knew this person they wanted me to be.  I was so lost in thoughts that I didn't hear someone enter so when I felt a touch on my shoulder I screamed. I saw it is only Damien so I tried to calm down and the jerk just continued to look at me with an arrogant smile on his lips. I managed to frown and pretend like wasn't scared of him for a moment.

- Why are you sneaking up on people? Also, what are you doing in my office? I think yesterday was enough for both of us to realize what we feel like towards each other.  - Damien smiled and rolled his eyes.

-I wasn't sneaking, pumpkin. I knocked, but you were too preoccupied with your thoughts to hear me. Now about yesterday... We were clear about our feelings and I'm not here to apologize. I'm just here to call you to come with us to lunch. Almost everybody is going and they send me to invite you. Bad idea if you ask me, and you don't have to come. Now as I finished what I came here for I can go. Bye. - As I stood up too fast, I knocked some papers down to the floor and Damien stopped to look at me. As I bent to pick it up he observed me and I could feel his eyes on my body. 

-Well, If you're not going to help, you can go. I don't see why you need to look at me like that. You don't like me, remember? - He swallowed a lump in his throat and with quick steps went to the door. 

-We are going in ten minutes. Meet us in front of the elevator and don't be late. - I looked at him dumbfounded. He's so bipolar. He's calling me by nicknames but he also thinks I'm a slut and he doesn't want anything with me. But he has no shame in checking me out so openly. Jerk... That's so unprofessional. Why is it that men think they have the right to comment and behave how they want but women are so easily characterized as sluts! Oh, if he thinks I won't go because of him he is wrong! I won't stay behind just because he's going. I bet that's what he wanted. For me to back down so that he can seem superior. 

  I walked over to the elevator and saw that quite a few people are already there. I said hi to a few of them and then went to stand against the wall, waiting for us to go. I don't like to be pushy, if someone wants to talk to me they can approach me, and if not... I don't have anything against it either. I felt someone leaning against the wall next to me and I turned to see who it was. I smiled when I saw that it is Zachary. He returned the smile and just turned his head forward. For a while, we both stood there not talking.

- Are you coming tonight? - I started to think about it. I don't feel like going to this party, but why not? I would like it if Gabriel is coming with me or even Aylen, but if they don't want to come it's okay. 

- Yes. Not exactly my plan for the day, but why not? I just hope there will be good music. - I smiled to myself thinking about Zachary's taste in music. He seems stuck up so his taste's probably boring. I shouldn't judge but it's just the impression. Maybe he'll change my mind tonight. 

- Actually, there will be. You'll see. - I just smiled and continued to look at the front. My eyes passed over the people who were in the hall and I gave them a smile. There are Hugo and Catalina, a married couple. They both work on this floor. They are lawyers. When I was younger I wanted to finish law but I changed my mind at the last minute and enrolled at Business. My parents had connections so it was easy to get enrolled. I didn't want to be away from home but it didn't stop me. My parents weren't home often so it wasn't like anybody was waiting for me at home. 

Sometimes we gathered at Helen's place, she is Robet's mother, on Sunday brunch. She didn't love us, neither me nor Alexander but she wanted the whole family to be at her house. She was all about tradition. After Robert's and Caroline's death, Helena never called. I tried to reach her a couple of times but she never answered. I'm sorry we didn't stay in touch but it was her choice. 

Now I scanned the rest of the people in the hallway. Hugo is about forty years old, and Catalina is five years older than him. They have twins, a boy, and a girl, they are ten years old and they are adorable. I love them. I took care of them a couple of times and they are angels. I chuckled at that and continued my observation. Frank and John laughed at some jokes no doubt. We can say that these two are responsible for all the fun in the office. Without them, my days here would be extremely boring. I looked around and noticed that Damien isn't here. He told me not to be late and now he's late?

- I guess you noticed that Mr Moore isn't here. Would you be a doll and go to his office to call him, we have to go. - I looked at Zachary with a raised eyebrow and he just smiled sweetly. I wanted to roll my eyes but refrained. He's still my boss.

- Fine, boss... - I said sarcastically and went to Damien's office. I knocked and entered without waiting for an answer. I almost dropped the bag when I saw the scene in front of me. Damien is leaning on his desk and Naomi's kneeling between his legs. I think it's obvious what is happening here there is no need to explain. I blushed and continued to stand there not knowing what to say. 

- I... I... I'm sorry. We have to leave, they sent me to get you! - I said quickly and went out closing the door loudly. With quick steps, I reached the others and stood beside Zachary.

- What is it, Desiree? You look pale... – He has no idea. I look at him, still embarrassed that I saw Damien in such a compromising position. What is going on here, Is everyone in here unprofessional? 

- Am... I think... I think I just saw Damien... you know. - Zachary began to laugh out loud and I rolled my eyes. He's holding his stomach writhing with laughter. Everyone around us turned and is now looking in our direction. I blushed even more and punched Zachary playfully.

- Stop laughing! Everyone is watching us! - I said so only he could hear me and he had calmed down after that. People were giving us strange looks but quickly turned around and continued with their business. 

- Oh my God... Your expression... It's priceless. Oh, honey, if I didn't know better I would say you are a virgin.- I blushed even deeper. Sex is not a comfortable subject for me. I am shy about it and I never enjoyed it so I can give some comments about it.

- What... But the video...- I could see him connecting the dots and that left me mortified. That's part of my life I'm mostly ashamed of. I try not to let it bother or define me but it has left me with some scars. I don't think anyone would be normal after something like that.

- Shut up, Zachary! - I told him, now at the breaking point. I don't want him to have that image of me in his head. He calmed down and again gave me that look with sympathy in his eyes. 

- I had sex. Well, I tried. As you gathered, it's not something I had much choice of. -I finally told him, realizing that he knows my story now, there's no point in pretending it never happened. 

- I'm sorry I brought it up. We should go... Damien's obviously not coming. - I nodded at that but the whole atmosphere is somehow grim. It's not like I blame him, I wouldn't know what to say to that either. 

We were just prepared to leave but Damien suddenly appeared, his eyes immediately finding mine in the crowd. He's looking at Zachary and me with an unreadable expression. It made me blush and turn my head around.

- Guys, let's just go to lunch... - I interrupted the silence, not wanting things to turn to unpleasant. I mean even more than they are now. I exchanged a look with Zachary and we went into the elevator. Unfortunately, Damien entered the same elevator as me. Immediately he got next to me and approached me to whisper in my ear.

- Did you enjoy the view, sweetie? You know it can be you instead of Naomi, just say the word. - I looked at him with a horrified expression and frowned.

- Keep dreaming Damien. - I said it out loud, and some people turned and looked at me. I just ignored them and waited for the elevator to stop and then got out and walked in front of the building. Across the street from our building is a nice restaurant, and whenever we have a meal together, we go there. I walked to Zachary and together we entered the restaurant. The waiter referred us to a large table and we all sat down. I sat next to Zachary and Catalina. There are twelve of us in total.

- Desiree, just so you know I'm quite mad at you! Samantha and Sandor are really sad, they think their godmother has forgotten them. - Even tho I can see she is joking her comment made me feel bad. I really did forget my part as godmother recently. 

- I'm so sorry Cat. I promise I'll visit soon. - I said with genuine sadness and Catalina touched my arm in compassion. 

- I didn't mean anything bad, but Samantha and Sandor are bugging me with questions about you. You are their favourite adult I must say. -

- I know Cat, I'll babysit them so that you and Hugo can have some time for yourself. It's necessary to keep things going in marriage, or so I've heard. - I said jokingly and she started to laugh and just rolled her eyes.

- You're right, I could use some alone time with Hugo if you know what I mean... - She started to wiggle her eyebrows, and I chuckled at that.

- I know, I know... I'll be happy to look after the children, don't worry. -

- Thank you, D. Now, what's going on between you and the boss? We all thought that you hated each other but now... I have to say, from what I see, he can't keep his eyes away from you, and you look awfully close. What is going on? - She asked with a straight face and pursed my lips. For a second I thought it weird but maybe she just doesn't like relationships at the workplace. Or maybe someone gossiped about us and it wasn't pleasant. 

- There is nothing between us. We just called a truce.-

- Of course, of course... Whatever you say. - I looked at her with raised eyebrows.

- Are you accusing me of something Catalina? -

- Of course not honey. You're such an innocent thing, of course, you wouldn't hide anything from me. – I rolled my eyes and made a face, she's starting to annoy me a bit. I can feel mocking in her voice. 

- Let's forget about this subject. Rumors are usually that, just rumors. Now tell me more about my angles. - Catalina began to laugh.

-Angels right... We are not talking about the same kids then. They are, well, energized, that is a nice way to say that they are annoying little... Okay, I really need some time away from them.- I laughed at that, I love them but I can understand how is it when you are constantly with them. 

After a bit of talking with Catalina, I looked around and noticed that Damien's whispering something in Naomi's ear and she's constantly giggling. It's frustrating. Her laugh is so annoying, I could throw up. But it looks like Damien's enjoying it. Stupid man. 

- Zachary, can I go home earlier? I don't have a lot of work, I finished almost everything. Also, I need some time to get ready for the party. - I asked, trying to look innocent and Zachary smiled.

It didn't take long for him to agree and with a goodbye to everybody I left. 

For the rest of the day, I spent my time alone, reflecting on my mood and I realized that I won't let anyone bring me down. I got so far, so the least I can do is go and have fun. I deserve it. My mood improved drastically but If I knew what awaited me I would have thought twice about going...