
My Darkest Days

This is the story of a poor soul whose destiny is far grander than he can comprehend... P.S. I don't own cover photo, if you do and want it taken down write a review or comment on one of my chapters thanks.

Sage_Alyster · Kinh dị ma quái
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2 Chs

The Beginning Of The End

After hearing the announcement in the sky, a dark grin appeared on Dante's face. He just hoped that his "family" gets a nasty surprise soon. Getting up from his gamer chair, Dante went to his closet and grabbed out his shinai bought from abroad and tied it to his belt buckle. Getting changed into an all black outfit with a black trench coat and combat boots, Dante was ready to go out and slaughter some monsters. Be they of the human variety or not.

Sliding on his fingerless black gloves, Dante nodded his head and headed for the door to his apartment. Right as he opened it, he saw one of his neighbors running and screaming as a werewolf barreled after them. Stepping forward and swiftly decapitating the pooch, Dante smoothly shook off the blood from his blade before sheathing it and continuing down the hall to the third floor elevator. Once inside, he hit the ground floor button and in no time arrived.

Stepping out of the elevator Dante found corpses piled up everywhere and a few zombies were feasting by the front entrance. Clicking his tongue, Dante drew his blade again and with a quick dash to the left wall, he ran a long the wall before leaping over the zombies silently and making it out the door. Turning back around to see if they noticed, he shook his head in amazement at their total lack of awareness. He then proceeded swiftly out the door.

A sky of purple, with a blood red moon awaited. Blood fell from the sky as rain, and people ran to and fro in fear as a myriad of monsters ran out of black portals snacking on any unlucky enough to be caught by them, and oh were there many. However, there was still hope in the apocalypse. Many people discovered they had new powers and began to use them to fight off the monsters. Nodding in slight approval, Dante took flight into the air with a set of wings of purest black feathers.

'So the apocalypse is upon us.' Dante thought. 'Is this a blessing for me, or a terrible curse? And yet, I feel liberated..'

- Time Skip -

2 months have gone by since the beginning of the apocalypse. Order has mostly been restored with super powered individuals called The Chosen making a Slayers Guild and partnering with the government to keep the peace. However, not all of the chosen have joined a guild, and off course this includes Dante. Living life on the edge and taking contracts from high paying individuals, this is how he's lived so far. However, today everything changed when a woman approached him suggesting he start his own guild.

"Dante, it's for the best really. Everyone needs someone to watch their back out there. We all know how strong you are, but accidents can happen! I know you don't want to JOIN a guild, that's why I'm suggesting you MAKE your own. Recruit only the people you want and decide the criteria on your own, but please, for my sake as one who considers herself one of your friends, and for yourself, make a home for yourself already!"

These words were spoken to Dante by a very passionate Chinese American woman named Su Xia. He of course called her Suzy to mess with her. She was one of the very few people that he'd gotten close with since the apocalypse started and he decided he'd take her words to heart.

"Very well Suzy, I'll consider doing as you say. Ugh I'm gonna have to come up with a name aren't I?" Puffing her cheeks at being called Suzy for the billionth time, Su Xia nodded her head before storming off. Let out a dry laugh, Dante headed out of the commission center for freelancers and made his way back to his new place in Darkside, a new bar/inn that popped up during the apocalypse. 'Guess I'd better figure out a name huh?'.

Another mini chapter. Sorry guys I'm taking baby steps. I haven't written in ages and am taking this in incrementally. Anyway, ideas on the guilds name? comment below or in the paragraph itself. Thanks fam! Here's to being number one in New novels! Lol I wish.

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