
My Darkest Days

This is the story of a poor soul whose destiny is far grander than he can comprehend... P.S. I don't own cover photo, if you do and want it taken down write a review or comment on one of my chapters thanks.

Sage_Alyster · Horror
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2 Chs

Shining In The Darkest Night, A Most Beautiful Inner Light.

In a small one bedroom apartment in City A of Country U, a broken hearted young man who just turned 21 finally downs shot after shot of vodka while blaring heavy metal in his bedroom. This is Dante an orphan who just met his family for the first time today and was utterly depressed by the outcome. They were filthy rich and clearly looked down on him and the kids saw him as an obstacle to the family fortune.

Therefore, here we find him drowning his sorrows on what should have been a joyous day for the young man. As he finished his 7th shot, IT happened.

Badum. Badum. Badum. Dante heard what sounded like three heart beats before suddenly a pitch black holographic screen with dripping blood red letters appeared before him.

[Welcome child, to your new life. Dante descendent of Nyx!]

Confused and a little doubtful, Dante called out in his mind, 'Who is Nyx and what are you?'. The black holographic display cleared and more words appeared.

[Just a temporary system to awaken your blood O' Dark One. Now, to awaken your godly blood and prepare your world for your ascension.]

Suddenly, Dante felt like all of the blood in his body was evaporated and being rapidly replaced by pitch black blood. Sure enough his skin became whiter than that of a corpse, and yet smoother than highest quality jade. His short brown hair became ink black and grew down to the middle of his back. His height increased to 6 and a half feet tall and his eyes became pitch black with what looked like stars swirling in them. He gained a perfect Greek God body build on top of everything. And at long last his voice which used to sound like a tenor now became deep and majestic like a mighty kings, or in this case a god's.

The transformation now complete, suddenly the ground began to shake and a voice sounded from the heavens declaring, [Let the Apocalypse begin!]

Haven't written in forever. Here's a short little prologue of what's to come. If I'm able to keep writing anyway. Please motivate me to write by commenting reviewing when there's more chapters and however else you wish to support me.

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