
Chapter Fifty-Six

Third Person POV

The judges started analysing the design one after the other,praising the good part and pointing out the flaws of some designs and what mistake they did that could probably disqualify them from the competition. When it reached Melbel company turn,Melvin is already filled with smiles and he looked towards the direction of his wife who was busy blowing kisses to him.

The first judge started talking because there are three judges there and each of them have something to say. Mr Melvin I believe you are the CEO of Melbel company and the original designer of this work the first judge asked. Yes I am Melvin answered proudly.

Do you also go through the guideline we mapped out for this competition and you understand everything you are required to do? The second judge asked. Melvin is now getting worried by the question thrown at him,they are asking him questions as if they suspected something.

Yes I understand everything Melvin answered but this time around with less pride. Am not sure you went through the guideline Mr Melvin because if you do,you will not present to us this extravagant design for this competition the stern looking judge told him while doubt was written all over his face.

Now Melvin is sweating profusely he is confused and angry at the same time because he is sure that he asked Paul to amend everything and the bast**d did nothing and now he is about to be embarrassed in the public.

The first judge started speaking again,look Mr Melvin we are not here to embarrass you or anything because looking at the design you submitted is very obvious that you are talented and am suspecting maybe you made a mistake while submitting your design because it's very clear that this design is not for this competition.

So Mr Melvin if what my colleague here is suspected is true I will suggest you submit  the design that is meant for this competition and because of your talent we are willing to give you a second chance the second judge suggested.

Mr Melvin the design you submitted it's cost exceeded the budget we mapped out for this competition and that is why your design is not meant for this competition and if you don't have any other design I will suggest you withdraw from the competition cause we don't have all day the stern looking judge told him.

Melvin felt like the ground should open and swallow him cause the embarrassment is too much. He know within himself even if the judges gave him one month to provide a suitable design, he will still come up with nothing and he is sure by now George already know that the design been displayed is his design so there is no way he can penetrate him again.

It's official am doomed Melvin mumbled and the worst part of it is that his parents are here to see him been embarrassed in the public. This will kill the little respect they started having for him. He looked at his wife and saw the look of doom in her eyes and also anger or vengeance whichever one it is he don't have the time to dwell on that now,he looked at George the man is calm no trace of emotion on his face and he must give his respect to the guy because if he were to be in his shoes he might done something terrible by now.

Melvin sighed heavily and turned to the judges emmmm I don't have any other design to present he told them because he don't see any other reason to be beating around the bush. Then am sorry to say this you are disqualify from This competition the stern looking judge told him.