
Chapter Fifty-Five

Third Person POV

One hour later the M.C mount the stage and announced that the Judges are ready with their verdict. The M.C required that all the contestants should come up to the stage so long you are sure that you are the one that designed the work you presented because there are questions to answer.

The contestants mounted the stage and await for the judges questions, Melvin was filled with confidence there on the stage because he is sure that he will smash any question thrown at him cause he already read everything that Paul wrote in the manual.Only if he knew that the unexpected is about to happen.

Now we are going to display all your designs on the screen here with the name of your company attached to it and please check if the the design displayed is not yours please let us know the M.C told them.

When the designed were displayed Melvin was shocked to see that the design Vin company presented is entirety different from the design he presented no similarities at all but he quickly calm himself down when he saw that the design he presented is by far the most beautiful and grand design presented and displayed.

Melvin smirked already sure of his victory, Anna who is seated at the front row so that she can see everything clearly was equally surprised and shocked when she saw the design that was displayed but quickly calmed down when she noticed how people were admiring the design her husband presented.

Her face lit up because everybody can see that their design is the most outstanding, she looked at Sarah direction where Sarah is seated when their eyes met she hold her stare for two minutes and gave the smile that indicate "I win,again". 

Sarah on the hand is already panicking when she saw what was displayed, she was mumbling" how could my boss did this,how could he give this evil humans such an amazing design? Did he perhaps made a mistake when he want to give this design to me? Boss what have you done? It's obvious they will win no one can beat that. These are the thoughts going on in her mind when Anna gave her that smile with meaning behind it.

Okay that's it this lady is really trying to get on my nerves and when this competition ends I will beat that smile out of her she mumbled to herself. Oh believe me girlfriend you can't hurt a fly Ella who is seated beside her whispered to Sarah. 

You heard me? Sarah asked her,of course I heard you and don't worry about them winning the competition because I don't think they will win despite how grand their design is. How can you be so sure? Sarah questioned. Look at how calm your boss is after he saw their design and am sure there is a flaw there that is why he is so calm,I think you should excercise some patience.

Just trust in your boss calmness if there is a word like that Ella said while giggling. Thank you so much Ella am glad you are here to support me Sarah told Ella with so much gratitude in her eyes. That's what best friends are for be there for each other Ella assured her.