
My Blind Heart Novels & Books - WebNovel


  • Odyssey of the Blind God

    In a desolate world where humans are on the brink of extinction, conquering countless dungeons, fighting against ferocious beasts, what happens to someone blind and powerless? Nial's glorious fate was taken from him when he was only three, leaving him blind and without a trace of mana. 15 years later he was still enduring the humiliation of a rotten society that favored the mighty. Society nearly took away his innocence and brightness, forcing him to mature, giving him an unbending will. However, everything changed the moment he awoke his Origin. He devoured Ancient Curses and slaughtered Gods and Devils! Angels? He will make them kneel! Devils and the such? All will be in his grasp ** Even though I’m blind, I see more than anyone else! I devour Curses and take control over darkness. Mark my words… [It will be all of you that will have to kneel in front of me!] Just come at me Dragons, Angels, Devils, and Gods…if you dare to! Otherwise, my ascend will be your doom! Follow the odyssey of an ordinary, blind youth towards godhood as his fate that had once been taken from him shall be returned. Witness his pain, and growth to an existence feared even by Ancient Gods and Fiends from primordial times! ** [A/N: The MC's behavior in the early stage of the Novel will be different from what the Synopsis suggests. Please take a note of that while reading :D]

    HideousGrain · Fantasy
  • The Blind Lover

    Qin Yu had lost both her parents when she was young and was all alone. Since then, she lived with her father’s comrade-in-arms. Due to the huge inheritance that her father had left behind, her foster mother had attempted to murder her repeatedly. In order to survive, she could only pretend to be a mentally disabled child. It wasn't easy for her to reach adulthood, yet her foster mom wanted to marry her off to a powerful and influential family. She heard that her fiancé was blind and had a violent personality. However, no matter how ruthless he was, was he as ruthless as her foster mom? In order to escape from this terrifying family, she decisively agreed to marry that person in her sister’s place. Soon, news of a fool marrying a blind man spread like wildfire. Their marriage had become the hottest laughing stock locally. However, after she married him, she realized that everything was not what the rumors said. Her husband was not blind at all, and he was not cruel. He was gentle and refined, and he treated her like a treasure. And she wasn't mentally deranged. She'd only pretended to be a fool to flee from her foster mom’s attempted murders. What surprised her, even more, was that she had known her husband for a long time. A long time ago, they had been best friends online. It was no wonder that her husband was as cold as ice to all women, lying that he was blind and unapproachable. But in front of her, he was as gentle as a lamb and did not hide anything.

    JQK · Urban
  • The Blind Swordsman.

    A tragedy... An abrupt departure... Death... And rebirth. Pain, rage, struggle, and blood honed a sword. A sword sharp enough to sever through reality and reveal what lies beyond. It unveiled something, Or rather, someone, incomprehensible and unprecedented.... A being who seems to weave the threads of fate. Does he truly exist, or is he merely a manifestation of another's will? If he does exist, what purpose does he serve? Is there really a purpose, or is it just another will imposed upon him? If it is another's will, can he defy it? Can he turn his sword against his creator, A being who literally writes his reality? Or will he be consumed by the abyss from which his power flows, Forever lost in the shifting void of his own making?

    _Eshwar_ · Realistic
  • The Alpha Broke my Heart

    Lily is the daughter of a Beta. And her mate? He is the Alphas first born son. When they discover what they are to each other, it's a little too late. Because her beloved mate has come home with his shame in tow. A she wolf he impregnated while training in the north for the summer. He shattered their moon. But the she wolf has a secret. And Lily isn't going to let her get away with stealing what is hers so easily. ** This story is full of twists and turns that will leave you crying, laughing, angry, throwing phones, etc. It is a journey that you would love, unable to let go of Lily, Eve, and Zain. I hope you too will love the story and accept the invitation to embark on a journey that will leave you fulfilled and leaves a smile on your face.

    ayomijanet01 · Fantasy
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  • Blind Spot

    [The 34th Galaxy Award for Best Online Novel] [The No.1 on the Science Fiction Literature IP Adaptation Value Potential List (2023)] [The Best Chinese Science Fiction Online Novel] … Have you heard? When the night is deep and silent, if you open your music player, put on headphones, curl up under the covers, and cover your head, listening to the same song on loop. After the loop has played forty-four times and you fall asleep, if you're unlucky, when you open your eyes again, you will no longer be lying in your own bed, but will have entered a bizarre space completely isolated from reality. That space... on the surface, it appears to be places we commonly see, such as one’s own bedroom, the living room at home, the underground garage, the bathroom, the basketball court, construction sites, etc., but if you observe carefully, you'll realize that everything is different...everything. ==== This is the story of an ordinary person, named Common, who after acquiring supernatural abilities, gradually transforms and grows in an alternate world, ultimately reaching the pinnacle of their experience.

    Get Lost · Sci-fi
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  • My Heart Beats Only For You

    [WARNING! THIS BOOK HAS MATURE CONTENT] Veronica Lopez, a young 26 year old independent girl. She is the heiress of one of the most richest families of Country K and her parents love her a lot.. Though she is the daughter of a famous businessman, she chose another path for her career. She is an employee of a famous Multimedia Company.. But the question is…..Is she really just an employee or something more?? Reuben Smith, a handsome man of 28 years, rules the business world with the tip of his finger and he is the most powerful man of country K. Everyone fear him while every girls dream of becoming his girlfriend but he only bow down to one girl…the love of his life…… On the other hand… Alonzo Brown is a 28 years old CEO of a famous company in City B. Handsome, talented but betrayed by the only person he had ever loved. Now he is in city S for revenge of what happened 5 years back. But will he ever be succeed in it?? How are the lives of this three persons fated? Will they be able to handle the twists and turns that are going to hit on their lives?? ------ “I wanted to hate you after what you had done to me back then and how you broke my heart by leaving me without any word; but still I can’t feel the hatred in my heart for you as my love for you is more powerful than my hate.” He said to himself. Right then, his assistant informed him that the girl he was finding for revenge would also be attending the same party as him. With both hate and love emanating from him, he brushed the girl’s photo for the last time as he dozed off.. ------ “What do you have in your heart for me?” He asked looking into the eyes of Veronica.. Veronica stayed silent for sometime and then she looked at him with pure fondness in her beautiful dark brown eyes, as she voiced out the love she had for him... “My Heart Beats Only For You…” Then the man and woman kissed each other passionately, while the Moon witnessed their love all through out the night..… ------- "This time I'm going to please you and you are going to sit here patiently, allowing me to work on devouring your luscious body. And most importantly... You are not allowed to touch me.." Veronica whispered in his ears, giving him a seductive wink which earned a devilish grin back from him. "I'm eagerly waiting for that babe.." He said as he planted a kiss on her lips. "Nah.. No touching, remember. Today it is all about you and I'll be the only person who will please you. My hands will roam all over your bare flesh and my tongue and lips will cover every nook and corner of your delicious body..." Saying this, Veronica started kissing him from his chiseled face to his well toned chest and then….little down… ---- You can join me and talk to me in my discord server... https://discord.gg/AscctQj

    Sree_ExoL · Urban
  • Touch My Heart, Hubby

    TAMAT vol: 1,2,3 MATURE CONTENT (21+) Menjadi anak tiri dari pria yang suka mabuk-mabukan dan berjudi. Julia, gadis itu harus rela bekerja banting tulang untuk menutupi hutang-hutang ayah tirinya. Ia tidak bisa pergi meninggalkan pria itu karena ibunya yang sakit-sakitan. Suatu ketika, Dodit, ayah tirinya itu berhutang kepada seorang juragan tanah yang dikenal sebagai lintah darat paling kejam di daerahnya. Ia tidak sanggup membayar hutang-hutang itu. Dodit berencana menjual Julia kepada seorang bandar judi untuk mendapatkan uang agar ia bisa membayar hutangnya. Gadis itu dibeli oleh lintah darat yang dihutangi oleh Dodit dan dinikahkan dengan putranya. Bagaimana dengan kehidupan rumah tangga mereka setelah menikah? Simak selengkapnya di sini! vol: 2 Setelah pernah kehilangan bayi di dalam kandungannya, Julia akhirnya kembali hamil. Damian menjaga Julia lebih ketat dari sebelumnya. Mampukah Julia melahirkan penerus keluarga Sanjaya selanjutnya? Vol: 3 Setelah kepergian suaminya, Julia menjalani hidupnya sendiri selama tiga tahun. Namun, sang putra tidak tega melihat ibunya selalu menjadi incaran laki-laki hidung belang. Lalu, Stefan bertemu dengan Demian, laki-laki yang memiliki nama mirip dengan mendiang ayahnya. Karena laki-laki itu sangat baik, Stefan pun memutuskan untuk menjadikan laki-laki itu sebagai pengganti ayahnya yang telah tiada. Julia dan Demian saling jatuh cinta, tapi perjalanan cinta mereka penuh liku. Mampukah mereka menghalau segala rintangan? Dan, bagaimana dengan Alfred, sang sahabat yang telah jatuh cinta pada Julia? Penasaran? Saksikan kelanjutan ceritanya di sini! Kasih dukungan power stone dan lainnya buat mereka ya, Reader. Terima kasih.

    Sekar_Laveina_6611 · Urban
  • Odyssey of the Blind God

    ``` Em um mundo desolado onde os humanos estão à beira da extinção, conquistando incontáveis masmorras, lutando contra feras ferozes, o que acontece com alguém cego e impotente? O glorioso destino de Nial foi tirado dele quando tinha apenas três anos, deixando-o cego e sem um traço de mana. 15 anos depois, ele ainda estava suportando a humilhação de uma sociedade corrompida que favorecia os poderosos. A sociedade quase tirou sua inocência e brilho, forçando-o a amadurecer, dando-lhe uma vontade inquebrantável. Porém, tudo mudou no momento em que despertou sua Origem. Ele devorou Maldições Antigas e massacrou Deuses e Diabos! Anjos? Ele vai fazê-los se ajoelhar! Diabos e afins? Todos estarão em seu poder ** Mesmo cego, eu vejo mais do que qualquer um! Eu devoro Maldições e assumo o controle sobre a escuridão. Marquem minhas palavras… [Serão todos vocês que terão de se ajoelhar diante de mim!] Então venham até mim Dragões, Anjos, Diabos e Deuses... se tiverem coragem! Caso contrário, minha ascensão será a ruína de vocês! Siga a odisséia de um jovem comum e cego rumo à divindade, pois o destino que uma vez lhe foi tirado lhe será devolvido. Testemunhe sua dor e crescimento para uma existência temida até mesmo pelos Deuses Antigos e Demônios dos tempos primordiais! ** [N/A: O comportamento do personagem principal nos estágios iniciais do Romance será diferente do que a Sinopse sugere. Por favor, tenha isso em mente ao ler :D] ```

    HideousGrain · Fantasy
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  • The Blind Side

    Being mistreated by her entire family, Rosa always wondered why they hated her so much. But one day when she discovers the truth, she decides to run away from her so-called parents and family to lead a peaceful life, away from all the mess she grew up with but little did she know that this was just the beginning of all the difficulties and troubles she had to face. On the very day of her elopement, Rosa ends up meeting a powerful and handsome young man who will change her fate and life forever. She eventually falls in love with him but later finds out that he is forbidden fruit and she shouldn’t be around him. What do you think will Rosa do when she finds out that she shouldn’t be loving him or be with him? Join Rosa in the journey of dealing with all the problems and challenges that come in her way and how she also tries to find happiness and love from her messy life. The cover is not mine. SUPPORT THE AUTHOR BY VOTING AND WRITING A REVIEW. Joined Discord channel https://discord.gg/hSzneEe

    Cornflower · Urban
  • On The Day Of My 100th Blind Date, I Arrested My Date

    # rapiddevelopment Chen Yan’s 100th blind date went a little off tangent. He arrested his blind date. … His blind date said, “Since we are on a blind date, let us be frank with each other.” She continued, “Your salary is too low and your house is small. To be honest, if it wasn't for your good looks, our date would probably have ended here.” Clearly, she was not very satisfied with Chen Yan’s condition. She suggested, “Let’s do this. You put your house under my name and ask your family to get me another car worth half a million. Then, we can consider working this relationship out.” Chen Yan was a little hesitant and shocked. This girl was even more direct and materialistic than he had imagined. She said, “You don’t have to spend a cent to put your house under my name. As for the car…to be honest, that amount is only worth a month of my salary.” She chided, “You are hesitant even when asked to do such simple things. You are such a miser.” She concluded, “Humph. I have no other business with you. I shall take my leave now.” Chen Yan’s blind date put on an arrogant expression. She had announced the final outcome of this blind date. However, Chen Yan felt that it might be a little too rushed to end his 100th blind date just like that. He said, “Missy, it is debatable whether I am a miser. However, you can’t leave now even if you want to.” She retorted, “Why? As a police officer, do you plan on hounding me? Or do you want me to settle the bill? Ha! Waiter, bring me the bill!” Chen Yan could spot the contempt from his date’s arrogant gaze. Hounding her? Getting her to settle the bill? “You don’t have to settle the bill,” said Chen Yan expressionlessly as he took out a pair of silver handcuffs. He continued, “Please stand up and put your arms around your head. You are under arrest.” … [Ding! Congratulations on completing your 100th blind date. The Strongest Police System has been activated.] [Ding! Congratulations on arresting one of the principal offenders of a cybercriminal group. As a reward, the gene lock on your olfactory receptor has been unlocked.]

    Braking In Time · Urban
  • My CEO's Heart

    "Kamu tidak pernah tahu apa yang dia pikir!" CEO-ku tidak sama dengan CEO kalian. Bibirnya tersenyum, tapi tidak dengan hatinya. Bagaimana perasaanmu apabila kau yang selalu berusaha bekerja secara jujur dan professional namun orang terdekatmu, yaitu ayahmu sendiri malah melakukan pekerjaan yang kotor dan tak terpuji? Iya, hal tersebutlah yang sedang dialami Charice, seorang reporter berdarah muda yang selalu bekerja dengan jujur dan mencari kenbenaran suatu desas-desus berita harus dihadapkan pada kenyataan jika Ayahnya adalah tersangka kasus korupsi yang akhirnya bebas dengan cara yang licik. Takdir membawanya pada masalah ketika dia bertemu seorang CEO muda, David Park, seseorang yang 'membantu' ayahnya lolos! Anehnya, sang CEO tampan, Kaya, dan popular ini mendekati dirinya meski dia masih mencintai mantan kekasihnya, Jessica. Ada udang di balik batu namun Charice memutuskan untuk 'bermain' dalam sandiwara cinta yang berbahaya ini demi menguak kebenaran. Dapatkah dia mencapai tujuannya atau justru terjatuh dalam jurang cinta tak terduga? Mungkinkah keduanya bersatu ditengah drama dan kepentingan masing"? Hai para pembaca dari novel Hyeona... kalian bisa follow ig Hyeona di @hyeona.theauthor untuk bantu mendukung semua karya-karya dari Hyeona. Terima kasih atas dukungan kalian...

    HYEONA · General
  • CEO of my Heart

    Facing a marriage deadline, CEO Henry Wong impulsively weds Ellie Chen, a broke former professional race car driver dying of a wreak she had on the track. In return, her younger brother will receive a generous scholarship -- and Henry will have the enchanting Ellie as a wife, if only for a time. Then fate takes a hand, and Henry suddenly finds herself with a healthy, vibrant wife -- a siren he finds it hard to keep his eyes off of. Henry turned to the other woman who was standing in the room as he clutched Ellie close to his chest. "You have seen it yourself now Aunt Dorota, she is such an elegant lady, with a humble character, and her kind nature is something I will never find again. And you know, she has the strength to match my mother -- she used to be a well-known race car driver you know."  The hug around Ellie started to grow uncomfortable as she squirmed a little. She wanted to move away, but knew that would detract from all the work that had been put in upto this moment so she swiveled her head. Like a butterfly landing she put her head on his shoulder and looked at Dorota. "I'm so lucky to have you, my love."

    lilseasalt · Urban
  • Antagonist of My Heart

    Standing under the big chandelier, both of them stared at each other. The calmness of the church couldn’t conceal the cold atmosphere. The priests’ words ringed in her ears. She batted her eyelids of boredom as a small sigh escaped her lips. ‘For all the efforts I made to have you in my life, you called me a Villainess. But you never realized, all I ever wanted was a happy ending for you. I gave up. When I look back, I realized I never fought for you, and I never tried to be the happy ending for you. Now that I know, I will have you no matter what it takes.’ She thought to herself as she stared at his dark orbs. Her heart tingled with mixed feelings. She raised herself and pressed a kiss against his lips. His usually stoic expression was rather a sad one. His dimmed eyes fluttered with weird emotion. *** She was serious when she kissed the man she loved goodbye and that marked the start of a new journey for her. She was sure that this time, It was all going to end on a happy note for her. No drama, no hate. It was meant to be simple and sweet romance but expectations could only disappoint her. Instead of a new sweet romance she was brought back to the square one with her first love. Was she sure she had moved on? YES. *** Sang Qian sighed. “Ugh!” She let out an annoyed grunt. Before he could step away. She held the collar of his shirt and pulled his torso closer. Wang Zhao was careful of her moves. Her eyes had a cold glint in them. She leaned in, her acting bossy was something that made his heart skip a beat. She was so close to him that he was ready to kiss her. She brushed her lips against his. Their lips touched. He leaned forward to press them together but she leaned backwards. He paused and looked up. He saw her smirk. “You’re not the only one who can play with me..” she sighed. Wang Zhao held a sudden urge to take her down. He gulped the lump in his throat. [NO CLICHES & NO LONG BORING CHAPTERS GUARANTEED] Add it to your library!! Read my other book - Totally opposites? (Volume 1- free, with 134 chapters) completed.

    theunknownsoul · Urban
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  • Emergency Marriage 2 : On My Heart

    MATURE 18+ (Bijaklah dalam memilih bacaan) Akankah cinta pasangan Satria-Rea yang penuh lika-liku abadi? Rea selalu suka cara lelaki itu memuja tubuhnya. Memabukan. Dari dulu, selama enam belas tahun pernikahan, Satria tidak pernah membuatnya merasa kecewa dalam urusan ranjang. Performa dan primanya selalu membuatnya kewalahan. Seperti saat ini, dia seolah diajaknya terbang tinggi melintasi awan. Satria itu the real hot daddy now. Tubuh kekar lelaki itu merebah di sisi Rea, dengan napas yang memburu. Setelah berhasil menetralisir napasnya, tangannya terulur merapikan rambut Rea yang berantakan, dan beberapa kali mengecupnya sayang. "Kamu tetap saja hebat," bisiknya. Mata Rea yang terpejam sontak terbuka, tangannya menarik ujung selimut, menutup tubuhnya yang masih polos. Jujur, seharian ini dia sangat lelah. Rasa kantuknya saat ini sudah tidak tertahankan lagi. Rea menyurukan kepalanya ke dalam pelukan Satria, lantas matanya memejam kembali. ______________ Halo Gaes, ini akun baruku ya. Dan aku memutuskan memindahkan Emergency Marriage vol 2 di akun baru ini. Sebenarnya di EM 1 vol dua udah up beberapa bab. Namun, akan aku Repost bertahap di sini sebelum lanjut. Jadi, jangan heran ya kalau aku ulang di sini dari bab awal vol 2. Akun Ice Coffe dan Yuli F Riyadi anggap aja sama. Oke, udah dulu ya gaes. Happy reading! Emergency Marriage 1 ada di akun webnovel Yuli_F_Riyadi

    Ice_Coffe · Urban
  • Transmigrated as the Blind Empress

    Hu Sungho, the man who possessed the body of a woman, Du Hyeon Ju. She was no ordinary; she was the king's third wife. Foremost, Hu Sungho learned that she was legally blind. This might be the reason why the people in the palace neglected her, treated her as if she was just some hostage from the rival country. Days came by and Sungho accidentally listened about an upcoming war between the land he was in and the land from the south. How will Hu Sungho deal with the mistreatment? Will he be able to secure his chastity against the king before the threat to conquer the land come into being? ... This novel is inspired by 'The Ugly Empress' by Yun Guo Shi Fei, but more different. The picture on the cover is not mine. Contact me for a request to take it down. Instagram: @gmy.wn Discord: gmy#8109

    gmy · LGBT+

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