
Multiverse adventure ! (Twilight main world)

This story is a Multiverse Travel story, that will focus mainly on Movies, Books and Tv Series. Worlds 1st : Twilight 2nd: ??? …

Normal_Dude · Phim ảnh
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19 Chs

Chapter 1: Reincarnation

First World: Twilight

Arthur Leroy (Mc)

- Mc look (Tom Welling at 17)

- Height 6'2 (190 cm)

- French

Before you guys dive into this story, I don't want to hear about how the wishes aren't logical or something stupid like that. Wishes are something I handpicked because I liked, I'm not going for the OPest or most useful powers while choosing them.

Simply going with whatever I like and want, so If you could please keep your unnecessary opinions to yourselves.



My name is Arthur Leroy, and I'm what people refer to as a reincarnator.

Like in every cliche it all started with my death. That day I remember being elated, I had finally managed to become a doctor.

After 14 years of hard-work, I had finally done it. I made my parents and family proud and I would finally start to make some money. I was rushing home to tell them the good news, running like a crazy individual through the busy streets.

And that's when it happened, one instance I was running and the next I felt myself being crushed to death.

Like every reincarnator I found myself in a white room, a room so white it made cocaine look grey. A room so white my eyes started hurting from the reflection of its whiteness.

And sitting in the middle of that room was a black man that I immediately recognized, Morgan Freeman.

" Hello young man" Morgan greeted from his seat.

"Hi…" I replied unsurely.

Take a seat he indicated and a chair materialized behind me, and with incredible speed scooped me of my feet and dragged itself in front of him.

" Holy shit!" I exclaimed in panic.

" I've been called quite a lot of different names. But it is the first time someone refers to me as a Holy shit, 'Holy' I can understand but where does the shit come from." Morgan asked with clear amusement in his tone.

" Sorry, didn't mean that." I quickly apologized before this ROB or deity or whatever it was decided to vaporize me.

" I'm what you people would refer to as a Random Omnipotent Being." The ROB answered my unasked question making me understand he could probably… , scratch that, definitely read my mind.

" You're right I can, now let's get down to business. I may not be affected by time but I do get bored pretty easily." The ROB said.

With a simple gesture from him, a white table appeared between us with a video feed replaying my death. I saw how I was crushed by what could only be called a human whale.

" As you can see, the reason of your death was pretty stupid." The ROB said with a small smirk on his face.

" How the fuck does that even happen?" I asked incredulously as the video feed kept replaying on the screen with different angles showing the death scene.

" It's pretty simple really, the heaviest man on earth decided to try parachuting. The parachute wasn't able to hold the load. And the result is pretty obvious." The ROB said with clear amusement at my situation.

The frustration and disappointment I felt at that moment was immeasurable. I mean what were the odds that something like that would happen.

" 1/1'977'324'986" The ROB answered immediately.

" Fucking great! What now?" I asked a little irritated realizing the ROB was clearly mocking me.

" Now I reincarnate you." The ROB simply stated.

" So reincarnation exists?" I confirmed more than asked.

" Yes it does." The ROB replied simply.

" Go on with it, I'd rather forget about this shitty life of mine as soon as possible." I said dejectedly.

" It doesn't work like that, generally people never come to this place. They simply enter the reincarnation cycle on their own and that process immediately wipes their memories and send them off to the next adventure. But you're a special case." The rob said while playing with his facial hair.

" Really special how?" I asked in interest.

" Well you made me laugh, your death is the most entertaining thing I saw in the last million years of my eternal life. So I decided to mangle with your soul a little." The ROB said.

" Really, so you basically brought me here to mock me?" I asked.

" No, no, no nothing of the sort. You seem to misunderstand, I brought you here to reward you." The ROB said.

" What type of reward are we talking about?" I asked with a little trouble in hiding my budding excitement.

" A simple reincarnator package, 3 Wishes and a world spin." He said as a giant wheel appeared out of thin air, followed by arcade music that started playing from it.

I stood there dumbfounded as I kept looking at the giant wheel, on the wheel was a vast assortment of movies, books, Tv series and mangas. The list was so long I was sure I didn't watch nor read more than 1% of the material present.

" As you can see by a simple spin of this wheel I will determine where you will be sent." Seeing as I was awestruck while staring at the giant wheel. The ROB *coughed* to clear his throat. "You may proceed." The ROB said.

I felt my throat grow dry, as I approached the giant wheel, I really hoped that I at least got sent into a world where I knew the plot.

Taking a deep breath, I grabbed the wheel with both hand and swung it as hard as I could.

The wheel barely moved 3 inches and stopped. I just kept staring at the wheel in utter defeat.


" WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS WHEEL MADE OFF!" I exclaimed in utter shock. I had given my 110% percent into that push and that freaking thing barely moved.

" 100% pure gold." The ROB said, while glancing at the the giant wheel that was easily 100 times my weight.

" Well the world has been decided, so what are your wishes?" The ROB asked.

Looking at the world, a sigh of relief immediately left me.


It wasn't an apocalyptic world, nor a world full of war, superheroes and people who could destroy planet by simply sneezing.

It was a relatively simple world, couple of sparkling vampires, some werewolves and shifters here and there. And the general geography was the same as my old one.

"So your wishes young man?" Asked the ROB.

"Can I have a little time to think about it?" I asked.

" Sure I'll put you in an alternate timezone, give me a sign when your ready." The ROB said.

As he immediately disappeared from in front of me and my surrounding turned purple.

I kept thinking about my wishes and what abilities I should ask for. I wanted something strong but not to the point it turned boring. I didn't want to be stuck in a Saitama like dilemma.

After a couple of hours, I had finally made my decision. I would go for slow progress, that way I could enjoy being at the top with the struggles of starting at the bottom. And the moment I did I was immediately transported back in front of the ROB.

He simply looked at me, waiting for me to say my wishes out loud.

" For my first wish, I would like a way to travel the Multiverse. Staying in the same world especially a world like Twilight will get boring at some point." I said.

" Granted." The ROB said as I felt information related to some type of multiverse gate flow into my mind.

" For my second wish I would like to have One For All. That way I could possibly turn into some type of AllMight with enough training and who knows maybe even surpass him. After all One For All is a stockpiling quirk meaning sky is the limit when it comes to its growth."

" Granted." The ROB said.

" As for my last wish, I would like to have the ability of the Ope Ope no mi. Making me a free modification human. Essentially allowing me to play god in a certain restrained space." I said.

"Granted." The Rob said.

" I wish you luck in you adventure." He added.

"WAIT UP! I SHOUTED!" in fear of being sent off without asking for a specific information.

"Why are you shouting? The door is right there you can leave when you're ready I am not some barbaric entity that will simply kick you out." He said calmly.

"Oh sorry about that." I said sheepishly realizing how dumb I might have looked. "I wanted to ask some specific questions about the gifts I was giving?"

"Sure go ahead." He replied.

"First, is there any restriction in using the multiverse gate?" I asked.

"No, you can use it whenever you want there are no restraint on its use. Except one, you can not use it while in combat. Or else you would be sending every enemy attack into another universe and causing unnecessary havoc." He said.

"Understandable," I agreed "For my second question, in the Twilight world there are mind readers and people who can read the entirety of your memories. Will these people be able to know that I'm a reincarnator or will my thoughts be shielded?"

" Your thoughts will not be shielded, but I can make it so anything related to your previous life is unaccessible to them." He said and with a wave of his hand I felt as if some sort of net was created around my mind.

"Thanks, now lastly how can I justify my unusual body and powers to people. Can my powers have some sort of origin like heroes in the movies or will I have to lie about them for the rest of my life?" I asked.

"Mhm, I hadn't thought of that. I'll make something up for you." He said while passing a hand through his goatee.

"Okay then thanks a lot for giving me this opportunity." I genuinely said while bowing my head to him.

"Take care, little one." He said.

I proceeded to walk toward a normal looking door and the moment I opened it I was forcibly sucked inside by what I could only describe as some sort of black hole. I felt myself being squeezed and tossed around in all possible direction. Till everything suddenly came to a stop.

Looking around, I realized I was in the hands of a man with a stethoscope attached to his neck. Quickly understanding my current situation I immediately started shouting to the top of my newly acquired baby lungs.



Author here, simply here to tell you to not expect some type of release schedule I update when I have time. I have school, a job and a social life to maintain. So that means I will only update when I decide to sacrifice some of my 'me time'. That way this will be more like a hobby and not something forced upon me.

I'll try not to drop as I know how frustrating it feels when authors do that.

Hope you enjoyed this first chapter.