
Multiverse adventure ! (Twilight main world)

This story is a Multiverse Travel story, that will focus mainly on Movies, Books and Tv Series. Worlds 1st : Twilight 2nd: ??? …

Normal_Dude · Movies
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19 Chs

Chapter 2: Hard work pays off

My new name is Arthur Leroy, I was born to a relatively well-off French family living in the suburbs of Paris.

My mother was a model in her younger years while my father is a businessman.

My father is the typical tall blonde with piercing blue eyes and my mother has wavy black hair and pale brown eyes.

I was a mix of both I had my mother's black hair and my father's blue eyes. My face was perfectly symmetrical probably due to my mother's model genes.

Like any new reincarnator I tried practicing my powers as a kid. But to my surprise, I seemed to not have any special abilities.

None of my wishes seemed to have been active, before going into panic I remembered asking the ROB for an origin for my powers. So I calmed down and decided to enjoy my childhood for now and start training once I obtain my special abilities.

It was on my 8th birthday that I finally managed to get a tangible clue on how to get my wishes.

My family and I were enjoying a relaxing afternoon at our local park.

"Arthur, ne t'éloigne pas trop mon amour." My mom said, to my retreating back. (Arthur, don't wander too far my love.)

She was sitting at my dad's side on a picnic blanket while enjoying some homemade iced tea.

While I was currently walking toward the small forest in the park.

"Ne t'inquiète pas maman!" I replied in perfectly fluent french. (Don't worry mom!)

As I was walking deeper and deeper into the forest, I stumbled onto a strange tree.

The tree was as large as a bus and as tall as a building. I didn't understand how I didn't notice it from outside the forest. It looked like some type of legendary tree for those fantasy worlds.

At the top of the tree, I noticed a strange-looking fruit hanging from one of its branches. It was the only fruit on the whole tree.

The strange fruit was shaped like a heart and had swirly patterns all over it. Looking more carefully at the fruit I recognized it as a devil fruit from the One Piece world, more precisely the Ope Ope no mi. The only difference was that the fruit had some type of holy light coming from it making it shine like a lamp.

A/N {The fruit looks like the one on the book cover}

Immediately recognizing it as probably the origin of my future abilities I had asked from the ROB I immediately tried getting it.

I tried climbing the tree but the trunk was simply too large. And with my small 8 years old hands I couldn't muster enough strength to hold on to the trunk.

So I opted for throwing stones, branches and pebbles in the direction of the fruit in hopes of making it fall.

But unfortunately, none of them came even close to reaching the fruit, the tree was simply too tall.

After about 15 minutes of none stop trying I fell exhausted on my back and just kept staring at the fruit.

'How can I get that fruit' I thought tiredly.

"ARTHUR! ARTHUR!" I heard my mother's voice calling for me.

" Oui Maman! J'arrive!" I shouted before standing up and running in direction of the voice. Glancing one last time at the fruit. I'll be back for you. I thought while running towards my mother. (Yes Mom! I'm coming!)

For the past month, I've been pestering my parents to come to the park every day. And I would spend those days trying desperately to get the fruit but to no avail.

I even asked my father for help once, but I simply didn't manage to find the tree on that day. It seemed strange every time I was accompanied by someone the giant tree would simply disappear, and when I went alone the world tree as I have come to call it was back again. As glorious as the first day I had seen it.

So I started training, every single day I would run around the lake in the middle of the park and have my mom time me. It was a 1km run so I had a lot of trouble doing it without stopping especially with an 8-year-old body.

Right after completing my daily run, I would do some push-ups, some sit-ups, pull-ups on the park monkey bars and some squats.

My parents were a little surprised by my sudden interest in working out but weren't against the idea since it was a healthy thing to do.

A year quickly passed, where I kept trying once a week to get the holy fruit as I came to call it. After all, unlike a devil fruit, this one shined as if it came straight for heaven.


I was now 9 years old, and what I had begged my parent for as a gift was a slingshot. My parents were against it at first but after a continuous begging, they finally agreed on the conditions that I used it safely.

With my newly acquired weapon, I quickly ran off to the park's forest and walked through the now overly familiar path leading to the world tree.

On my way there I armed myself with a couple of good-looking rocks that were immediately stored in my jeans pockets.

Once I finally reached the world tree, I aimed at the holy fruit and took the shot. The first rock whistled through the air and missed the fruit by a hair.

The second, was worse, as it completely missed the target. I kept shooting rock after rock but none managed to make the fruit fall. Some managed to hit the fruit, but it simply stayed attached to the tree.

After an hour of constant shooting, I decided to call it a day. I would come back tomorrow and try again.

The next month was spent shooting at the fruit but it never fell. The stem was simply too strong.

So with a dejected sigh, I concluded that the fruit was simply impossible to shoot down. I needed to personally climb the tree and tear it down.


Summer was over, and school started once again. My school life was as boring as it could get, I didn't bother socializing with the other kids as they simply didn't have the same amount of maturity. I would play sport with them, but other than that I would keep the interactions to a minimum.

At the age of 10, what I begged my parents for this time around was a tree climbing gear. Yeah, I knew how weird it must've sounded to them but I simply said that I wanted to look like the guys in the survival shows that we watched on Tv.

And since no trouble had come from my slingshot they once again trusted me and bought me a kid climbing gear.

With the new climbing kit, I started regularly climbing the world tree. Every time I would reach a certain height I would screw a bolt into the tree and attach myself to it. To save my progress.

And once I was too tired to keep going, I would climb down safely and try again the next day.

3 weeks later, I was currently a mere 10 meters away from the holy fruit, my palms were sweaty. And all my muscles trembled from the strain needed to keep myself hanging on the tree.

I wasn't really worried about dying since the safety bolts would prevent me from falling to my death.

Taking a deep breath I lifted my right leg that had the climbing spike for trees attached to it and stuck it a little higher, before doing the same with my left one. Since this tree only had branches at the top, the only way to climb it was by using these spikes.

Taking another deep breath I kept ongoing. Half an hour later I finally managed to reach the holy fruit. Fortunately for me, it wasn't at the extremity of the branch but pretty close to the trunk. Close enough that by simply stretching my arm I was able to take a hold of it.

Gripping the fruit that I had been pursuing for the last 2 years I pulled with all my strength and felt it detach from the stem. Holding said fruit in my left arm a flood of emotion ran through me. Excitement, Joy, Elations there were simply too many to count.

Before I died I was happier than ever when I finally become a doctor and that joy didn't even come close to what I was feeling at the moment.

Storing the fruit in my small backpack I quickly started the slow descent.

An hour later, I finally reached the ground. Quickly taking the fruit out of my backpack I kept looking at it with wonder.

I wondered if it would taste bad or good? Will it grant me all my wishes or simply the Ope Ope no mi part.

Unable to wait any longer I immediately took a bite, followed by another and another and in a matter of seconds, I devoured the whole thing.

The fruit taste was truly god-like, I never knew something could taste this good.

Once there was nothing left of the fruit, I felt a flood of extremely powerful energy course through my body. The energy was so powerful I felt like my body was about to burst.

But thankfully it didn't, I felt like I could lift the world at that moment. And as if it never was there the feeling disappeared leaving in it place a soothing warmth in my heart.

Taking off my climbing gear I quickly walked myself home. The sun was already starting to set and I was sure my parents would be mad at me for being outside all day.


Unbeknownst to Arthur, his body would really have exploded if he hadn't trained enough in the past two years. After all, Deku went through a rigorous bodybuilding program before ingesting One For All.


Author note,

Sup, here is the second chapter. As you can see I modified the 1st chapter a little. So if you want to know what is new read the last part of chapter 1 since those changes are pretty important.

Now for the 2nd wish change from unlimited physical growth to One For All, it's pretty simple if Mc is in a situation where he's physically weaker with One For All he can break an arm or two to survive while the normal physical growth doesn't offer that Ace up his sleeve.